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Member for: 3.6 years
1025 (+1041/-16)
1041 (+1133/-92)
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137 (+91/-46)
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Gen Xyz Goat
Submission statistics
This user has mostly submitted to the following subverses (showing top 5):
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Voting habits
This user has upvoted 38 and downvoted 5 submissions
This user has upvoted 53 and downvoted 41 comments
Submission ratings
5 highest rated submissions
If you know someone who died in a hospital for "covid", please read this.
86 points
Just got out of a PTO meeting. Shocked to learn not a single parent, or even the principal believes
65 points
Ted Nugent speaks directly to the soul of those who got the Covid Shot (by definition not a vaccine)
56 points
Compilation of modern media sponsored by Pfizer
55 points
Went out recently with a few other dads to hang out, really surprised how cucked people are.
52 points
5 lowest rated submissions
Stop using catbox. They don't allow Tor connections to view their content.
0 points
someone link the photo of the virus passing through multiple layers of masks
1 points
what is the origin of the video with the ugly curly hair looking guy saying "que?"
1 points
You aren't anti-vax for not participating in an experiment. There's no title for a non-participator
2 points
"Grabbler" football - "and everyones dead"
2 points
Comment ratings
5 highest rated comments
Yes, this will take me half an hour to edit in the receipts. I will put them on this reply shortly.
27 points
Father says "the world would be a better place if everyone was as color blind as she was"
24 points
It's real fucking simple. Jews run the music industry. They cancel white
20 points
And Alec Baldwin was on the Epstein flight logs. No, I'm not making this up.
17 points
There's no point in wasting tax dollars for garbage like this. Why burn $35-60 grand a year keeping
16 points
5 lowest rated comments
"A year ago today" posts material from Dec 25th. You fucking idiot.
-8 points
Take your black pill of nihilism and loser attitude and sulk in a corner somewhere, start exercising
-2 points
If he was in on the Cabal, the cabal news wouldn't have called him a white supremacist / racist 400
-2 points
How do you think Trump defeated globalist Hillary in 2016? Because people didn't sit on their ass t
-2 points
Only faggots and FBI get together while wearing matching outfits. This glows like fuck. These feds
-2 points