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Member for: 3.6 years

scp: 11300 (+13528/-2228)
ccp: 5289 (+8215/-2926)
votes given: 6261 (+4282/-1979)
score: 16589


Owner of:
MeanwhileOnPoal, Covidicences, ayylmao, Russia, bogpill, Ukraine, BabylonWasp, shitpost, ReportDialGay, HealthAdvice,
Mod of:
Submission statistics

This user has mostly submitted to the following subverses (showing top 5):

318 submissions to whatever
148 submissions to videos
89 submissions to ShitpostLitterBox
74 submissions to CombatFootage
49 submissions to Russia
Voting habits

Submissions: This user has upvoted 1559 and downvoted 1066 submissions
Comments: This user has upvoted 2723 and downvoted 913 comments