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Member for: 3.8 years

scp: 90 (+93/-3)
ccp: 3332 (+3510/-178)
votes given: 867 (+815/-52)
score: 3422


Too bad their quality went to shit after Renault bought them. To help boost sales, after the market realized that the reputation for quality was a thing of the past, Nissan made it very easy to purchase some models. I forget the details now but basically if you had a pulse you could qualify for financing. This meant that niggers with a lousy credit rating could get one. Which is why every time you saw a new Nissan there was a nigger behind the wheel.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=675bb9d421751

In other news water is wet and fags love cock.

But seriously that's both pretty amazing and a searing condemnation of what the modern nigger's diet is. Just think of how much fast food chicken the test subject must have eaten in his relatively short life to become such a connoisseur.

Mind you by the time I was 12 I probably could have passed a similar test using popular hot dog brands. But at least they were all part of a home cook meal.

/v/videos viewpost?postid=6758dc49db591

Hold on. Isn't this how Mormonism got started?

/v/History viewpost?postid=6759787cd080e

No. That's not what I said. Listen to my words.

I said that **I** pick your gender. And you go along with it. Or else mommy won't love you any more.

Do you get it now? Christ you can be a real dumbass sometimes.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=67584b6ab35e1

Actually that's my point. Accusing white people of hate is misguided to the point of being moronic.

It is a very effective technique for manipulation though. "So, when did you stop beating you wife?"

/v/TellUpgoat viewpost?postid=6758002c807ae

Just think how crisis-free our lives would be if there were fewer 'experts'.

Here's a crazy question that I'll just throw out there: Are the words "expert" and "communist" interchangeable?

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=675860d3052a7

Laws that protect white people from hate is like laws that protect niggers from watermelon.

/v/TellUpgoat viewpost?postid=6758002c807ae

Sadly the mother forcing her delusional virtue signalling upon a child does exist.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6756e8bbd0086

"Three generations?" *looks around* "Yup, checks out."

/v/FeminismIsCancer viewpost?postid=675544a197cae

This time, however, King Arthur is a nigger, according to Netflix.

/v/UnitedKingdom viewpost?postid=67556016f1cdb

AI has finally nailed pussy. About fucking time.

/v/AI_art viewpost?postid=67547175138aa

What got me sober was the realization that there is not a single good thing to be gotten from drinking. But there is a shit ton of bad.

Anybody who makes an argument in support of his, or her, drinking is doing nothing more than rationalizing their irresponsible, destructive behavior. Full stop.

It also helps to remember what an asshole I am when I drink. I don't miss that fucker at all.

/v/QuitDrinking viewpost?postid=67531391ab774

Monster drinks and diet soda are literally poison. It makes sense to stop drinking poison. Whereas coffee is a perfectly fine beverage and there's not a thing wrong with consuming it. Why would you want to stop?

If you're concerned -- you're not but I'm making a point here -- about the caffeine then drink decaf. The decaffeination process -- there are several actually -- have been perfected for years and great tasting decaf is readily available.

I argue that coffee is better for you than tea which is high in oxalates, but most people are not bothered by them so it's a hard argument to make stick. But there's also Yerba Mate and a zillion other herbal beverages that you could partake in. Anything as long as it's not fucking soda or energy drink or etc etc.

/v/AskUpgoat viewpost?postid=67533ba722e86

It's the Naked Twister finals. We're just waiting for the all-male judges to return from their bunks.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6752fc75c13e0

Why are niggers worthless in life but priceless in death?

I mean sure, a dead nigger is better than a live one but $310M seems a tad steep.

/v/DumpsterFireAmerica viewpost?postid=675288c8b9ca0

Sure, grandpa. Whatever you say.

Oh I kid. There's not a thing you said that I disagree with. Patient Number 9 came out in '22 though.

/v/funny viewpost?postid=6751731908227

You try to tell modern 'kids' about what it was like for your grandparents but they refuse to believe it.

/v/funny viewpost?postid=6751731908227

It's msn.com AKA clickbait BS. I'm not going to bother to open it.

/v/technology viewpost?postid=675175d72b52f

You think you're a pretty funny white boy, don't you? Well I'll be the one laughing when the righteous army of Allah rolls right over your forward positions and enslaves all those you hold dear.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=67508854dd49a

It's harder for niggers to hide when it's snowing.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=674fab67d3cb8

Fair enough. And the reason why I hate buying clothing/footwear on-line from anyone but Amazon. Even if the error was on their end you more often than not get stuck with the cost of returning the item. And then, depending on cut and other factors, the replacement item may not fit either. Anyhow I assume that for whatever reason returning it is not an option for you, hence this post.

The good news is that if you have access to a sewing machine then coveralls are relatively easy to modify to fit better, as long as you're not trying to make a fashion statement lol.

/v/TraditionalWives viewpost?postid=674e70a05754c

Child abuse is how homosexuals reproduce.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=674ea4d1e2b7d