2006,threw my flip phone in the swamp, after push to talk nextel went away.never had an iphoner,android etc in my pocket or up to my head. havent been inside of a bank for over ten hears,have loads of powertools yet default to hand tools when ever i can,a ludite i am and will stay.i hold no debt. and thank you goats for opening my eyes to the menace that haunts us all ,.
i havent seen a huge diversity of avian life in over a year, no robins jays starlings or finches,shit id take some fake ones over the lack of real ones,its fubar
watched a vid over at bitcute by channel nightbreed, all about reptiods and such, some reptoids consider humans cattle,ive heard that phrase from some tribe too,something smells there.
when will the medical murderers be brought to justice?not just them, but all media who lied along with the traitors of humanity im overtired of waiting,ya, im a naive boomer,that watched too many gunsmoke episodes. Hail victory