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A Response to Aza Raskin & Tristan Harris (and/or your handlers, I guess):     (whatever)

submitted by rage to whatever 5 months ago


(Have some thick skin and don't be a nigger faggot)

Ya'll edujmacated motherfuckers took a long time to explain and come to the following conclusions:

1) The technology companies (henceforth: "technomonopolies") capture specialize in monetizing attention.

2) Technnomonopolies are all in an all-out intellectual property war for dominating attention. This is at minimum their most important priority.

3) "AI" is a fancy term for "contextual machine learning", or machine learning specialized in being trained on context and optimize ("show me the incentive, and I'll show you the outcome")

4) Dumb humans still need to lie, cheat, and steal - in no small part because this ensures control of the majority by the few. ("The incentive")

5) Bro, "building since 2017" is adorable. Machine learning was around in the ARPANET & "The Mesh" AKA Meshworks. Fuckin' SETI did this shit ago with FOH. Hint: Software Stratum History

6) Ya'll high mighterfuckers must need funding, because I notice you never explained how AI was contextually observing the Dophins & Whales. Intellectual property, baby! Cha-ching!

7) "Narrow optimization at the expense of the whole" is the fuckin' "Outcome" when the Technomonopolies harness this technology in an arms-race. Simple aggregates.

8) It's nothing new, "Government" has been ruling us by aggregate for as long as we have been able to record history.

9) Whoever wins this particular Manhattan project, is going to be unquestionably powerful.

10) Yal'll motherfuckers came to the right road, but then went offroad before you reached the goal - let the MACHINE optimize the gaps.

11) You goons want to control the ML for the same fuckin' purposes as the technomonopolies, and then change the outcome - letting the machine focus on the incentive. I get it.

12) Social Media is the worst dataset possible for your concept of "AI" you smooth brains. Ya'll just wanna control the message.

13) Ya'll are making a giant star table with decentralized horsepower. Super.

I see so many better outcomes than everything you've presented. I've got your entire governance schema outlined. You're too focused on what the technomonopolies are trying to wield to win this stage of evolution, and and appear to be oblivious to the inevitability of these things being co-opted (hi CIA, Mossad, China, etc) and wielded as weapons against humanity.

Simple solution: There is no perfect outcome, because human nature is chaotic. Use a machine to interface with the machine, and you solve for the things that society is missing.

I've already built the playbook. It'll reach a hell of a lot more than 100 million in 2 months. Add some zeores and make it days. PM me.

P.S. I even have a ML archtype that DDOSes the others with logic bombs (you're gonna love it).

This has been Rage,
"God Fuckin' Speed"
(Totally stolen, not my quote, you know who you are)
@System you've lost my support. This will be my last post.     (whatever)

submitted by rage to whatever 1.4 years ago


Blah blah yes I know most of you will virtue signal you don't care.

How many bots do we have? Does ProudAmerican ever engage in dialogue, or is he just another scummy x-poster like Conspirologist?     (AskUpgoat)

submitted by rage to AskUpgoat 1.4 years ago


Users like Conspirologist just cherry-pick content from places like GLP and then spam crosspost it to Consume, Poal, Voat - etc. Data mining bullshit. Funniest shit ever is that whenever the person at the helm of the Conspirologist bot actually engages, they do so like a 14 year old autistic sperg and just regurgitate echo-chamber-ish talking points "LOL U KIKE FAGGTOT LOL" etc.

I've been trying to engage ProudAmerican and he just doesn't even bother to reply.

How many users are using this template?
Every day, the US MIL TENA project's Conspirologist bot gets better at feeding Voat content the users expect to see     (whatever)

submitted by rage to whatever 1.4 years ago


And, every day, you fucking morons keep feeding it more data to accurately do so.

Good work, plebs.

Someone should FOIA to get more detail on these types of mic feeds in congress (oops, hot mic in the House)     (twitter.com)

submitted by rage to whatever 1.4 years ago


I'm sure this diversity hire nigger is just there as a virtue signal, but I genuinely wonder just how much of government is run this way
Every time you think "only an idiot would believe this"     (whatever)

submitted by rage to whatever 1.4 years ago


You need to remember that more than half the planet is ~90 IQ or lower and functionally fucking retarded.

At 80 IQ you lack the ability to comprehend the past, or future - you can only live in and react to the immediate present.
Is it true that Timothy McVeigh had a copy of the United States Constitution entered into evidence against him as terrorist material?     (AskUpgoat)

submitted by rage to AskUpgoat 1.4 years ago


Or was it a copy of the Constitution? I'm digging through this but cannot find records of the evidence entered into record anywhere.
Now he's gonna pout, and wait a few days for it all to blow over     (whatever)

submitted by rage to whatever 1.4 years ago


Psych. Now the real fun begins. Guess which of his alts just picked up activity after the call-out thread made that account go into hiding?

I bet I could make a machine learning algo that could identify this behavior. Isn't that what whats-his-face did on OG Voat when C, Kev, and the rest of the OG crew would analyze posting habits and times of post? Too bad they didn't aim that autism for a better use towards the infiltration, and instead acted like a bunch of goddamn teenagers.

Shit.. I got distracted, didn't I? Old age.

Who wins the prize for identify the one (two? three? Just like the center of the tootsie pop, the world may never know) that are carrying the torch?

Edit: fixed a word

Edut #2: Shit. Just thanos'd this bitch and the content is already 10x better without that fucker spamming. Whouldathought.
Can you fucking faggots stop feeding Jason Lucas, the US MIL / NSA's TENA project, and a bunch of Zionists your data? EVERY SINGLE POST BY CONSPIROLOGIST IS TAVISTOCK A-B TESTING YOU FUCKING MORONS     (www.youtube.com)

submitted by rage to whatever 1.4 years ago


This is why he just constantly x-posts GLP content on Poal, Voat, Consume, etc.

Constant A-B testing and profiling. Constant data mining. Constant real-time analysis for US MIL.

And you fucking luddite faggots just keep feeding him every single day when you upvote his garbage content in his garbage subs that he censors anyone who points this out by banning.

Bunch of idiots. All of you.
The food supply is next - animal OTC antibiotics going RX only (and the "vaccines" will be transitioned to mRNA..)     (www.pbsanimalhealth.com)

submitted by rage to whatever 1.4 years ago


Enjoy the decline.
The US now acts like the old USSR, and Russia now acts like the old US.     (whatever)

submitted by rage to whatever 1.4 years ago


USSA is pretty accurate. We've got gestapo, secret police, complete surveillance of the sheep.

Oh and the entire Country is controlled by dual-citizen jews, managed by Mossad-run CIA.

Can't name a single dual-citizen in Congress that is US-China, US-Russia, US-Iran, etc.. but the majority of the fuckers are all from the 2% of the US that are dual-citizen US-Israel.

Stick a fork in this shit, the USSA is done and the fucking sheep let it happen.
Can't sleep - someone redpill me on The Atlantic Council     (AskUpgoat)

submitted by rage to AskUpgoat 1.4 years ago


Curiosity killed the cat
If Elon is the next Hitler, we're all fucked     (whatever)

submitted by rage to whatever 1.4 years ago


Good work, Mossad-CIA.
It's a tough time to be a Conspiracy Theorist     (whatever)

submitted by rage to whatever 1.4 years ago


Everything keeps being proven true, I'm running out of material.
Nobody gives a shit about the Twitter files, because everyone that mattered already knew all of the information being revealed     (whatever)

submitted by rage to whatever 1.4 years ago


The Demsheviks know their room temp IQ NPC supporters will vote blue no matter what, so they can continue the march towards tyranny.

The opposition ideologies, specifically Ancaps, Civnats, and the ever-laughable jew-worshipping Christ cucks (yes, I know, 90% of you idiots so you'll downvote this and I don't care) already knew all of this and simply won't do anything about it.

It changes nothing, and if anything, further ingrains this into modern society.

Elon is just another CIA/Mossad DARPA control shill and all you faggots lap it up and march to your inevitable gulag.

Good luck. We're already in Hell.
If you have Serpent-AES star tables, please PM me     (MagnifyingGlass)

submitted by rage to MagnifyingGlass 1.5 years ago


I found the deadmans switch of an OG voater and need to brute force.

PM me if you can backup/seed.
Any of you fags actually worth a shit?     (whatever)

submitted by rage to whatever 1.5 years ago


If so, prove it.

You'll be rewarded. If you can hack it.
Gotta admit, this one is pretty brilliant     (twitter.com)

submitted by rage to whatever 1.5 years ago


What's the endgame here?
Ex Facto     (MagnifyingGlass)

submitted by rage to MagnifyingGlass 1.8 years ago


There is a formula worth quantifying.

Increasingly sophisticated engagements & arrangements.

Increasingly invasive influence & oversight.
diggernicks is Gad Saad     (whatever)

submitted by rage to whatever 2 years ago


Gotcha bitch.
If he USSA can move past the Coronahoax, they can definitely move past needing the TSA     (whatever)

submitted by rage to whatever 2 years ago


Those of you complaining about "degeneracy" in American society really need to wake the fuck up     (whatever)

submitted by rage to whatever 2.1 years ago


Society follows the demands of the majority. As a simple example, Instagram execs talked about how they didn't add the 2% filter to all images because they wanted to, but because their customers demanded it - and if they didn't do it, their competition would.

Stop living in your own echo chamber bubbles. Recognize that whatever your opinions of American society are, regardless of your own local *chasm reinforcing it, the outcome of all of the "degeneracy" you decry is a direct result of the fact that the majority of American's are sub 80 IQ retard sheep.

You may be slightly more intelligent than the average retard, but you are surrounded & outnumbered, and the most likely scenario is that you are surrounded and outnumbered because you did not act.

This is not a black pill post. Just recognition that you have two choices - act, or complain - complaining solves the outcome for no one. Acting does.

If you have failed to act, you deserve the outcome of your decisions and are not special - no matter what part of the US you live in.

Unpopular post done, commence your downvoting of ideas that don't make you faggots feel good.
I'm convinced this is a simulation, because I keep cheating and getting away with it     (whatever)

submitted by rage to whatever 2.1 years ago


So many bizarre problems in life that always work themselves out because everything seems to have a baked in loophole - winning the game is just a matter of ignoring the rules and focusing most of your energy on the loopholes.
Give me a problem     (whatever)

submitted by rage to whatever 2.2 years ago


And I'll solve it.
Can someone on the inside explain why there are only 1-2 movies that play at any Cinema in the US after Jan 6th, 2022?     (whatever)

submitted by rage to whatever 2.4 years ago


I've seen this online today a lot.