the bantu negroes in africa exist on stolen land nigga
(Black_History_Month) the Bantu expansion, Bantu-speaking peoples extirpated and displaced many earlier inhabitants, with only a few modern peoples such as Pygmy groups in Central Africa, the Hadza people in northern Tanzania, and various Khoisan populations across southern Africa remaining in existence into the era of European contact.[13] Archeological evidence attests to their presence in areas subsequently occupied by Bantu speakers. Researchers have demonstrated that the Khoisan of the Kalahari are remnants of a huge ancestral population that may have been the most populous group on the planet prior to the Bantu expansion. [14] Biochemist Stephan Schuster of Nanyang Technological University in Singapore and colleagues found that the Khoisan population began a drastic decline when the Bantu farmers spread through Africa 4,000 years ago.[15] Bantu violence and racism toward Pygmy and Khoisan indigenous populations is still a frequent occurrence in modern times, according to UN reports. [16] [17][18][19][20][21][22]
Interesting info about african DNA:
Genetic studies have evidenced that multiple West African populations, including Bantu populations, inherited genes from an archaic human ancestor population that diverged before modern humans and Neanderthals split. Researchers found that a lineage splitting 624,000 years ago and introgressing into the African population 50,000 years ago is able to explain 2% to 19% of the genes present in modern West-African populations. [6]