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Community for : 2.6 years

If you like to lift weights, for whatever reason, this is the place to post your ideas, give advice, ask questions or post your latest lifts.

Posts and questions about supplements and supplementation are welcome here also.

Owner: Centaurus


Happy Easter!     (
submitted by carnold03 to Bodybuilding 2 months ago (+22/-4)
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He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay.

- Matthew 28:6, The Holy Bible, NIV
How Your Bones Change With Exercise: anatomy video with implications for weight training     (
submitted by happytoes to Bodybuilding 1.3 years ago (+6/-0)
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I'm lifting weights because I'm over sixty, in poor health, and trying to avoid becoming frail. I've got a little routine with dumbbells, nine different exercises, mostly trying to cover all the complicated muscles and tendons that hold the shoulder joint together.

I've been picking a weight light enough that I can manage 7 repetitions. Work my way up to 12. Then go back to 7 but with a slightly heavier weight. I've made a little progress. With several of my exercises I can manage 12 repetitions quite comfortably.

Should I (1)go for more repetitions (for stamina) or (2)down to 7 but heavier, (for strength) or (3)save my energy for gardening/life/whatever?

This video provides an answer: the range, seven to twelve repetitions, is heavy enough to set the osteoblasts to work and maintain bone density. If you can manage more than twelve repetitions, your weight is a little light for promoting bone density.

That gives me my answer. I'm trying to set the osteoblasts to work, so it is option 2 - a little heavier.

Gore tag because of the anatomical specimens. No blood, broken bones, or fatalities, so not gore if you can overlook the flayed corpses.
Doing a full body workout in 1/2 hour, or as soon as my pre-workout starts kicking in     (Bodybuilding)
submitted by Centaurus to Bodybuilding 2.6 years ago (+6/-3)
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Monday: 12 exercises at 8-10 reps x 3 sets

Wednesday: 12 exercises at 12-15 reps x 3 sets

Friday: 12 exercises at 17-20 reps x 3 sets