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Member for: 2.8 years

scp: 71023 (+90602/-19579)
ccp: -1884 (+4331/-6215)
votes given: 498 (+431/-67)
score: 69139


Owner of:
Universal, Nationalism, Series, Streaming, MeanwhileOnTwitter, MeanwhileOnScored, Screenshot, Pedogate,
Mod of:
Submission statistics

This user has mostly submitted to the following subverses (showing top 5):

1587 submissions to Screenshot
1417 submissions to Universal
618 submissions to MeanwhileOnTwitter
463 submissions to Health
325 submissions to WTF
Voting habits

Submissions: This user has upvoted 320 and downvoted 43 submissions
Comments: This user has upvoted 111 and downvoted 24 comments