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Owner: MrGoat


Reminder: 29 Year Old Justin Trudeau Was Fired From His Teaching Job For Having Sex With A 17 Year Old     (
submitted by VitaminSieg to Canada 2.3 years ago (+82/-0)
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She was later paid $2million to sign a non-disclosure agreement.
Trudeau’s Prohibition on Protests Exempts Refugees, Immigrants and Ethnic Minorities     (
submitted by dulcima to Canada 2.3 years ago (+73/-0)
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Canadian Healthcare      (
submitted by Wolfspider to Canada 1.8 years ago (+63/-0)
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Canada's Conservative Party is no longer on our side. They're demanding truckers to end the protest because "It's the right thing to do".      (
submitted by Not_C to Canada 2.3 years ago (+62/-0)
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If you're in Southern Ontario or Southern Quebec, take time off work. Go down to the protest. Even if it's just for a few hours.

Canada Moves to Make Asset Freezing Under Emergencies Act Permanent     (
submitted by FalseRealityCheck to Canada 2.3 years ago (+59/-0)
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Canada has moved to make the asset freezing part of its Emergencies Act, which was used to target supporters of the Freedom Convoy protests, a permanent fixture.
We Need Doughnuts!: Ottawa Police Threaten To Break Into Restaurant     (
submitted by FalseRealityCheck to Canada 2.3 years ago (+55/-0)
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Comments have been open on all mainstream news YouTube videos for weeks now! 95% of likes and comments are against the vax and know this is a deadly scam!     (Canada)
submitted by GeneralDisarray to Canada 2.6 years ago (+51/-2)
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The comments have been off for all news media stories for years in Canada.

They didn't want to hear criticism and didn't want any alternative to the narrative they where creating. And YouTube played right along with their gaslighting.

But now it's been open again for weeks.

The comments are openly calling out the plandemic, death jab, NWO takeover and the great reset for what it is. Almost all the comments are like this with some comments getting more likes than the story that just got ratio'd into oblivion.

They are calling for arrests and trials.

More than a few have commented how the replies had restored their faith in humanity.

And the whole evil apparatus is seeing this too!!

So why have they allowed this. Has the damm broke in Canada?

Allowing comments open will just redpill the remaining sheeple.
A new poll in Canada shows 44% believe big events like wars, recessions and elections are orchestrated by shadowy power groups!     (
submitted by GeneralDisarray to Canada 2.0 years ago (+48/-0)
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The normies have woken up in Canada.

This number will be over 60% in weeks!!!

And at that point either the Canadian military starts making arrests of the traitors or they can prepare to fight their own people in a civil war.

The Canadian military doesn't seem to be very deeply infiltrated. I write this because a top ranker general was just captured in Ukraine by the Russians at the Mariupol biolab. A dangerous job that would have been handed off to a lower rank if they had someone they could trust.

So that leads me to believe it's the top ranks that are compromised and holding the rest inline for now. But that won't last long if the majority of the forces want to arrest the traitors and are orders to fight their own civilians.

Even the most corrupt generals would rather submit to the troops or resign and let justice be done.

This all to a backdrop of Trudeau's political power collapsing.

The Canucks are awake now. And that means we will see the traitors pay the ultimate price.
Their grip tightens. - Life sentences for speech. Pre-crime detention. Ex post facto law. Anonymous accusers. It's all in Justin Trudeau's "Online Harms Bill," a true "threat to democracy"     (
submitted by Sector2 to Canada 2 weeks ago (+47/-0)
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Bank Run? Canada's Top Banks Mysteriously Go Offline      (
submitted by FalseRealityCheck to Canada 2.3 years ago (+46/-0)
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One Bridge Cleared Does Not a Victory Make     (
submitted by breh to Canada 2.3 years ago (+45/-0)
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Jason Kenney, Premier of Alberta, Canada: “The Great Reset is not a conspiracy theory”     (
submitted by FalseRealityCheck to Canada 2.3 years ago (+45/-0)
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Do Not Give Up The Ship     (
submitted by FalseRealityCheck to Canada 2.3 years ago (+46/-2)
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Convoy Organizer Chris Barber Arrested     (
submitted by FalseRealityCheck to Canada 2.3 years ago (+43/-0)
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Canadians showing support for their beloved PM     (
submitted by PostWallHelena to Canada 1.4 years ago (+41/-0)
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Gettin’ a bit unruly, eh?
I was just banned from the only food store in a small town in Alberta because I wouldn't wear a mask!     (Canada)
submitted by GeneralDisarray to Canada 2.6 years ago (+40/-0)
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I live north of Calgary, Alberta. In a small town within commuting distance from calgary.

The woman (of course it was a woman) harassed me for not wearing a mask!

I said "psychopaths gaslighting us all doesn't mean I have to do anything!"

"Why are you making yourself the enforcer for psychopaths?"

She said "the government makes the rules for us to follow!"

I said "the government has to obey the law like us all, they don't make the rules!"

Then she denied selling me smokes. Then I told her to take all the groceries back. She then tells me I'm banned. This after I hit a $1,200 fine for not wearing a mask in 2020 that was increased to $1,440 before the courts dropped it. At the same store.

I said " 16,000 rcmp officers have called this psychological abuse"

She told me to "trust the science!" Regurgitating one of the preprogrammed catchphrases the tv programmed her with. She said it quietly like she didn't even believe what she was saying. She doubted her own final answer.

So for thinking "my body, my choice!" I am no longer able to buy food in my town. For establishing boundaries to narcissistic abuse and gaslighting I am excluded from the most basic amenities.

I'm currently considering my options.

The Canadian Human Rights Tribunal seems like a good place to start. They have a reputation for finding discrimination happened in about 98% of cases.

How should I deal with this bullshit voat?
Canada Man Gasps For One Last Skirmish as His Nation Looks On     (
submitted by Dingo to Canada 1 month ago (+39/-0)
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This is an Ontario, Canada liquor store "robbery" by pajeets. It seems these BLM type group smash and grabs aren't just happening in the US.

I'm not impressed by the bystanders. I'm betting since this is canuckistan, that dude will get arrested.
Freedom is White Supremacy      (
submitted by NationalSocialism to Canada 2.3 years ago (+39/-0)
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Proud Canadian Police Officers?     (
submitted by FalseRealityCheck to Canada 2.3 years ago (+39/-1)
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A simple Question.     (
submitted by UncleDoug to Canada 1.4 years ago (+38/-0)
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Canadian MP Asks How Many Politicians Sold Out to WEF     (
submitted by FalseRealityCheck to Canada 2.3 years ago (+37/-0)
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An Ottawan MP asks the Canadian parliament how many of them have sold out to the World Economic Forum and gets his mic cut off for "bad audio".
Holocaust denial -- and downplaying the Nazis' murder of Jews -- to be outlawed in Canada     (
submitted by NationalSocialism to Canada 2.1 years ago (+37/-0)
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OTTAWA -- Holocaust denial is to be outlawed in Canada, in a further effort to stamp out rising antisemitism.

The federal government is set to make it a criminal offence to make a statement denying the Holocaust took place or condoning or downplaying the killing of Jews by the Nazi regime, except in a private conversation.
Parks Canada to spend $12M on B.C. deer cull, while Canadian hunters say they'd do it for free     (
submitted by Spaceman84 to Canada 4 days ago (+35/-0)
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According to cost breakdowns provided in the documents, deer eradication amounted to a little more than $4 million of the $12 million total, including $137,407 to facilitate “firearms registration for international workers,” as the hunters brought in to cull the deer were from the United States and New Zealand — plus $35,000 for their work permits.

The eradication costs also include $67,680 for helicopters, and $329,760 for the scent-tracking dogs earmarked for phase two of the cull, expected to begin this fall.

A total of $800,000 was set aside to facilitate Indigenous participation in the program, which includes payments to three area First Nations, as well as $108,800 for meat harvesting, and $15,250 each for cultural and spiritual workers to train crews.

Other costs include $2.3 million for salaries for Parks Canada staff, $1.4 million for analysis and studies and $3.3 million in miscellaneous costs.
Canadian gym-chain (CP Fitness) will avoid liability charges by excluding mRNA-vaccinated customers.     (
submitted by Bbylon to Canada 3.2 years ago (+40/-5)
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Flawed Democracy VS Full Democracy     (
submitted by FalseRealityCheck to Canada 2.3 years ago (+36/-1)
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