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Community for : 3.3 years

Owner: system


I accidentally wipe the wrong hard drive with all my work on it     (Confessions)
submitted by anon to Confessions 11 months ago (+19/-1)
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I had an ssd fail and I wiped another (wrong) ssd in the process. I get the stupid award for today. My punishment is wasting hours today looking at progress bars restoring what I can. Luckily I think I lost about a day worth of important work and some other unimportant files. Let this serve as a reminder to back up your files, especially the stuff you care about.
I’ve murdered at least 4 redditors now...     (Confessions)
submitted by anon to Confessions 2.5 years ago (+14/-0)
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By my calculations i have killed at least that many since March of 2020 by not taking the vax and spreading the holocoof.
I got banned from twitch for asking a Jew why they suck baby peen     (Confessions)
submitted by anon to Confessions 3 years ago (+4/-0)
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I like to put my car in cruise control take my hands off the wheel and pretend like I'm driving a Tesla     (Confessions)
submitted by anon to Confessions 3.3 years ago (+3/-0)
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I have never taken a dick pic     (Confessions)
submitted by anon to Confessions 3.2 years ago (+5/-2)
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Sorry Maroon Saint , u faggot
@Thelma is surprisingly attractive for her age and weight      (Confessions)
submitted by anon to Confessions 3.2 years ago (+2/-0)
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@BagelMan : "Who hasn't got caught jerking off at work".     (
submitted by anon to Confessions 3.2 years ago (+2/-0)
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I slept with @Turdlord5000 's wife ...     (Confessions)
submitted by anon to Confessions 3.2 years ago (+3/-1)
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but before you rush to judgement - I didn't know she was married. It was in Vegas a few weeks ago. I was there to broker a vaccine deal. Having time on my hands I went to the hotel bar. I ordered a coke and took it back to a table and on my way walked past a woman sitting by herself. She said: "I thought you were buying that for me - relax I'm not a hooker". I checked her out, not bad. I said: "what would you like?" and she said "vodka straight". She had auburn hair, green eyes and small boobs.Her blouse was unbuttoned at the top. She introduced herself as "Jane Turdlord5000" and said: "I suppose you want to know a bit about me? Well I'm recently divorced [later found to be untrue]. Had a dream marriage for seven years and then along came QAnon. Overnight my husband changed from a loving, attentive person into a weirdo.I couldn't take it any more". And there you have it. We ended up making love all night and it was only the other day I realised I'd taken another goat's wife and by 'fessing up I'm hoping for some relief from this guilt that is consuming me.
When I was a kid, I thought affirmative action was great because in 20 years, I would get minority status.      (Confessions)
submitted by anon to Confessions 11 months ago (+2/-0)
They took away my future benefits.
my wife won't eat her bread-crusts!     (
submitted by anon to Confessions 3.1 years ago (+2/-1)
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I called the moderator a nigger faggot kike and my twitch got suspended     (Confessions)
submitted by anon to Confessions 3.0 years ago (+1/-0)
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Guys I’m getting fat and have eating to much fast food how do I lose weight despite my love for bacon cheesburgers     (Confessions)
submitted by anon to Confessions 3.1 years ago (+0/-0)
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I hold my farts in to prevent global warming     (Confessions)
submitted by anon to Confessions 1.5 years ago (+2/-2)
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I encourage you to do the same if you care about the planet.
Beer makes me feel like shit     (Confessions)
submitted by anon to Confessions 7 months ago (+1/-1)
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I can't drink 12 fl oz of beer without feeling like shit. Strong indigestion followed by a shitty feeling. I can drink hard liquor all day long though. I wish I could just sit down and enjoy a beer like a normal person.
I've have 2-3 songs stuck in my head which were created by an AI in 5 seconds     (Confessions)
submitted by anon to Confessions 3 weeks ago (+2/-2)
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The people I showed them to also have them stuck in their head. My dad wants to learn to play one of them on the guitar. WTF is going on? AI was supposed to take the boring laborious jobs.
There was a nigger parking illegally in my driveway blasting loud music so I told him politely to lower the volume. Then I called him a nigger and he left but he did threaten to shoot me and my family. I’m still alive tho so I guess the nigger is too lazy to do it     (Confessions)
submitted by anon to Confessions 3.1 years ago (+1/-2)
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Nothing better than getting out of a hot bath and sitting in front of a cold fan     (Confessions)
submitted by anon to Confessions 3 months ago (+1/-2)
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So refreshing.
This faggot kike @ itsgettingcloser banned me for no reason @cynabuns     (Confessions)
submitted by anon to Confessions 3.1 years ago (+0/-2)
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Sometimes I wanna stick my penis up a Jewish girls nose and hear her scream oh vey     (Confessions)
submitted by anon to Confessions 3.1 years ago (+0/-3)
Taco bell breakfast is fire     (Confessions)
submitted by anon to Confessions 9 months ago (+2/-6)
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Better than anything on their regular menu
All Russian women look like Vladimer Putin     (Confessions)
submitted by anon to Confessions 4 months ago (+1/-5)
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It's true.
Why the fuck do you ban users from posting for all for? This site is fucking garbage     (Confessions)
submitted by anon to Confessions 3.1 years ago (+0/-5)
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System A GUUD GUY. HE PAID OFF MAH 300,000$ DEBT IN LAS VEGAS WIT smartbird HE ONE KOOL GUIES     (Confessions)
submitted by anon to Confessions 3.2 years ago (+2/-8)
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