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US 'click to cancel' rule to ban subscription traps     (
submitted by paul_neri to ConsumeProduct 4 days ago (+4/-0)
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We need a great reset. Billions must die      (
submitted by GreatSatan to ConsumeProduct 3 months ago (+16/-1)
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This Is Exactly The Kind Of Shit...     (
submitted by BulletStopper to ConsumeProduct 7 months ago (+15/-0)
3 comments last comment...

...that causes my mind to wander, almost unbidden, towards images of shotguns to heads.

( Ref: )

It’s an “experience management” company. This business category contracts with other companies and advertising firms and exists solely to psychologically manipulate people into buying whatever products they’re told to buy. A similar endeavor, though through automation rather than human intervention, is Google’s Selfish Ledger – a program designed to take your personal information, build a psychological profile of you, create ads for products designed exclusively for you, and then pressure you into buying them so that Google gets any missing personal data on you it doesn’t already have.
Why is it so hard to cancel subscriptions like gym memberships     (
submitted by paul_neri to ConsumeProduct 8 months ago (+7/-0)
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Home Depot blued the jew     (
submitted by Inward to ConsumeProduct 11 months ago (+12/-0)
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Check the pic with the side profile. Now consume product and get ready for next new product.
Retail holiday was when?     (
submitted by UncleDoug to ConsumeProduct 1.7 years ago (+5/-0)
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Leaked Amazon Whole Foods Docs: Workforce Diversity Helps Prevent Unions - just think what diversity can do for entire nations!      (
submitted by lord_nougat to ConsumeProduct 1.9 years ago (+44/-0)
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Black Friday bargains!!!!     (ConsumeProduct)
submitted by Cunt to ConsumeProduct 1.9 years ago (+21/-0)
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So of the multitude of items I wanted to buy for Christmas only two are on sale:

The first one increased in price $3 at store it was the cheapest at and is now $1.80 cheaper than the original non sale price at the first store at a second shop.

The other item is now "on sale" for $47 MORE than the price it had been on sale for at Amazon for WEEKS.

Now I don't want to buy any Christmas presents. I wasn't expecting half price but this is bullshit.
Somebody gave me Google chips original content     (
submitted by Cunt to ConsumeProduct 2.3 years ago (+11/-0)
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e-fags     (
submitted by UncleDoug to ConsumeProduct 2.3 years ago (+8/-0)
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Vaping, the gayer cigarette.

More than 200 chemicals have been identified in these e-liquids used in e-cigarettes and they have the potential to harm people's health
These LGBTQ ads are in many NYC subway cars for all to see (target audience is young people and children)     (
submitted by Boardallday_420_2 to ConsumeProduct 2.7 years ago (+4/-0)
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try/then well on his way to 109 forums     (
submitted by BaalsDeep to ConsumeProduct 2.8 years ago (+19/-1)
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Suckerpunch Pickles     (ConsumeProduct)
submitted by GrayDragon to ConsumeProduct 2.8 years ago (+3/-1)
This is probably the wrong verse to put it in, but these "Three Pepper" pickles are surprisingly good, although the "fiery heat" part is mostly a lie. They are more along the lines of extremely tart with a distinct flavor.
Prices mechanism, Ken dolls? ("Burgers?") Edition, original content     (
submitted by Cunt to ConsumeProduct 2.9 years ago (+12/-0)
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These two Ken's are from the same (current) year, same range and at Target and all other stores they are priced the same... Except for all the brick and mortar stores are sold out of Aryan Ken and even the white Autist and Fabio Kens are sold out ( ) There are lots of different Nigger Ken's, 50 shades of brown Ken's, this purple haired Asian some faggot Ken's ( ) but even then white faggots are rarely in stock... oh and I've seen a few cripple white Ken's ( ).

But why are able bodied, blonde, blue eyed, heterosexual Ken's so hard to find and at minimum double the price on Amazon and eBay? Is it low supply, high demand or both?

"Will mass producing nigger faggot Ken varieties help us sell more Ken dolls?" "Ken dolls?"
When You Think Not Buying Crap Is 'Being On Strike' And You Still Don't Know What You Are     (
submitted by VitaminSieg to ConsumeProduct 2.9 years ago (+6/-0)
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Flight Of The Soyboys     (
submitted by MichaelStewart to ConsumeProduct 3.0 years ago (+3/-0)
Love that Chicken at Popeye's     (
submitted by mattsixteen24 to ConsumeProduct 3.0 years ago (+3/-0)
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'I drank celery juice every day for a month, and it changed my life' Is it a myth or a miracle?     (
submitted by paul_neri to ConsumeProduct 3.6 years ago (+2/-4)
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