"Woke" Priorities      (pic8.co)
submitted by Scyber to Memes 2 days ago (+51/-1)
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US left Visa making equipment and access to the Visa database system active in Afghanistan when they left. Muslims now using it to come to the US.     (pic8.co)
submitted by allAheadFull to whatever 3 days ago (+27/-0)
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Kate Middleton May Not Appear In Public For The Rest Of The Year     (pic8.co)
submitted by Scyber to Memes 6 days ago (+17/-0)
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The Princess of Wales will probably “not appear in public for the rest of the year,” and is being “surrounded” by her birth family as she continues a course of preventive chemotherapy having been diagnosed with cancer earlier this year, royal sources and friends of Kate Middleton and Prince William have told The Daily Beast.

This Shit Has Been Going On For Over Half Of My Life And It's Played Out & Sickening     (pic8.co)
submitted by Scyber to Memes 6 days ago (+8/-1)
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It’s worse than you think     (pic8.co)
submitted by carnold03 to Boomers 1 week ago (+8/-4)
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#It’s worse than you think

Don’t blame the younger generations. They weren’t pumping up the money supply with all their home loans, second mortgages, and third car loans. Which, by the way, is the way to pin down those Boomers who try to blame everyone but themselves for their actions.

Because they are responsible for the post-1980 inflation. They borrowed and spent the money. Inflation isn’t printing money, it’s borrowing money. That’s how the money is created. And the private economy is still, to this day, considerably larger than the public one.
@clubberlang tell me Mike D doesn't look like Alice from the Brady Bunch      (pic8.co)
submitted by Smedleys_Butler to whatever 1 week ago (+8/-1)
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The Airplane Burger King Is Back & He's Got a Lot to Say     (pic8.co)
submitted by Scyber to Memes 2 weeks ago (+23/-0)
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The Consequences of Boomer Solipsism     (pic8.co)
submitted by carnold03 to Boomers 2 weeks ago (+5/-3)
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“Isn’t it fun how they left these balloons in our rooms for us!”

#The Consequences of Boomer Solipsism

It’s no secret that Boomers struggle with technology. But the fact that they can’t figure out how condoms work is downright funny:

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are surging among older adults, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Cases of gonorrhea among those 55-plus have grown about 600 percent since 2010. Chlamydia cases have quadrupled, while syphilis cases are now nearly 700 percent higher than in 2010.

Older adults tend to shy away from condoms. Those over 55 may associate using condoms with avoiding pregnancy, not preventing STIs. “This generation rarely considers using protection because they came of age when sex education in school did not exist, HIV was virtually unheard of, and their main concern … was to avoid pregnancy,” wrote Janie Steckenrider, associate professor of political science at Loyola Marymount University, in a study published in Lancet Healthy Longevity.

This underlines why it is totally futile to talk to Boomers about the evils of immigration, real estate inflation, student loan debt, or any of a panoply of social ills that plague the younger generations today. When you consider the fact that they can’t even conceive of getting a sexually transmitted disease despite being sexually active, it should be obvious that they won’t be able to grasp less immediately relevant changes in the social environment.
Zogbots out themselves.     (pic8.co)
submitted by allAheadFull to Zogbots 2 weeks ago (+30/-0)
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Culver's Is Legitimately Employing Children     (pic8.co)
submitted by Scyber to WTF 4 weeks ago (+0/-2)
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I'm currently at one of the Culver's in my area and this kid who can't be older than 13 took my order. WTF. This is illegal.
First fish of the year     (pic8.co)
submitted by Smedleys_Butler to SmedleysPhotography 1 month ago (+9/-0)
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Their Journey is Just Beginning     (pic8.co)
submitted by carnold03 to Boomers 1 month ago (+13/-4)
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“Is that Jimmy Buffet I’m hearing?”

#Their Journey is Just Beginning

The Big Bear obliterates the Boomer hatred for their descendants:

Boomers love to brag about how they’ll be dead before the check comes for their filthy indulgent lifestyles. The fact their children and grandchildren will live with their horrible decisions actually makes them smirk. “I won’t be around to see it! It’s your problem now, suckers!” they snicker to their exhausted children.

“All you do is complain! Get a better job then! I’m going on a cruise!” the Boomer says to their children, now in 120k of unpayable college debt because they made the terrible mistake of trusting the guidance of their deranged and narcissistic parents.

Well, Boomer, you may be happy now that you die before the check comes and you really pulled one over on everyone! But Boomer, you’re wrong about everything. Your mind is full of nonsense. Wanna know what else you might be wrong about? The eternal soul.

The Boomer is no fool, he knows the Big Bang happened, and then bacteria banged and here he is! And he played golf on the moon! And when he dies that’s it! The dirt nap!

Well, Boomer, there is also a possibility that you’re heading straight to hell and your journey is just beginning.

In retrospect, Generation X should have paid much closer attention to Animal House. Because as children, we fucked up, we trusted them.
The Wicked Generation: British Boomer Edition     (pic8.co)
submitted by carnold03 to Boomers 1 month ago (+3/-0)
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We’re spending your inheritance! Tee-hee!

#The Wicked Generation: British Boomer Edition

A British millennial belatedly realizes that his parents’ spending on their travel addiction is rendering impossible his ability to buy a home and build a family:

As an impecunious 34-year-old millennial in an impossibly expensive property market, I am relying on, at some stage, a handout from them. But all I can see is my money receding into the distance on a long-haul trip to Bali.

With many of my friends in a similar position, and the cost of living crisis still at full throttle, the question troubling us over the generational divide is this. Who is being selfish? Us for wanting them to save their money so we can one day have it? Or them, for splurging it all so freely on themselves?

At the start of their travel spree, about five years ago, I loved the bravery and ambition of it. Growing up, we usually went to Devon or Cornwall once a year. But when there was just the two of them (my younger sister and I have long since flown the nest), they could afford to globe trot. For a bit.

Well, good for them, I thought. Let them, in their late 60s, have a couple of lovely holidays, before settling into a cosy retirement at home.

The problem was it didn’t stop at just one or two. It didn’t even stop at three or four…

How can I ever settle down and give them grandchildren if there isn’t any money in the pipeline to support them? Do they want to go on holiday more than they want me to be able to have and bring up children?

I’m not alone in agonising over where my parents’ hard-earned money is going. According to a survey by an online wealth management advice firm called Moneyfarm, two in five adult children feel their ‘blood boiling’ at the idea their parents are blowing their inheritance on luxury holidays.

Among adult children aged between 35 and 50, 40 per cent thought their parents should provide them with an inheritance (compared with 25 per cent aged over 65) — and 20 per cent had already argued with them about what was going to be left.

Another friend admits she puts phone notifications from her mum on silent when her parents go ‘gallivanting abroad’ — because all the pictures of dreamy destinations make her jealous. And resentful.

‘My inheritance is currently being drunk through a straw in a coconut in the Caribbean,’ she says. ‘It’s going to be slim pickings at this rate.’

These Millennials are not being selfish or ungrateful. And their expectations were not unreasonable. What these parents are doing is flat-out wrong. It is unquestionably evil.

There will be no short of foolish and philosophically-bent individuals who will defend these wicked Boomers as simply “living their best life” or “spending their own money”. But those are both obvious lies. Even setting aside the very different economic climates facing the generations concerned, the Boomers inherited more financial resources from their parents and grandparents than any generation in human history. And, on average, what they are leaving behind them is considerably less than they themselves received.

Nota Bene: 10 percent of the total UK tax receipts are spent funding Boomer state pensions.

And as far as the “it’s their money, not yours”, the Bible is very, very clear on what a good man is supposed to do with regards to providing for his children. The Contemporary English Version even spells it out slowly in simple language for the benefit of even the most retarded reader.

If you obey God, you will have something to leave your grandchildren. If you don’t obey God, those who live right will get what you leave.

UPDATE: We have definite confirmation that it’s almost entirely Boomers reading The Daily Mail these days. This is the second-worst rated comment, with a highly negative ratio of 38 upvotes and 620 downvotes.

If I was this young man’s parent I would make sure he and sister were on the property ladder and can rent rooms out before going off on Jollies. I sincerely hope the house is left to the two children.
Anon sums up Pennsylvania and senator grug      (pic8.co)
submitted by Smedleys_Butler to 4Chan 1 month ago (+25/-0)
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Commies on the train      (pic8.co)
submitted by Smedleys_Butler to SmedleysPhotography 1 month ago (+18/-0)
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Those Who Can See Demons     (pic8.co)
submitted by carnold03 to Christianity 2 months ago (+2/-0)
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#Those Who Can See Demons

I doubt it has ever occurred to these scientists that perhaps these people do not have a medical condition, it is merely that, unlike normal people, these individuals have the ability to see what is actually inside a person.

Do these faces look like demons to YOU? Doctors say you might have an extraordinarily rare condition.

Their distorted features would be the stuff of nightmares for many. But this is what everyday people look like to people with a rare condition called prosopometamorphopsia (PMO).

For the first time, researchers have been able to create realistic clinical pictures based on a patient’s experience of the facial distortions experienced by an individual with the ultra-rare condition.

‘Prosopo’ comes from the Greek word for face ‘prosopon’ while ‘metamorphopsia’ refers to perceptual distortions.

Perhaps what these people are seeing is merely a perceptual distortion, but given the historical lore and the complete absence of any material cause, logic suggests that it is more likely – especially in light of the fact that Clown World is literally demonic – these scientists studying PMO have been ordered to get out in front of the revelation of the true face of the clown-servants of Satan.


It rather reminds me of George MacDonald’s haunting description of the gift of the rose-fire that the princess gives to the young protagonist in The Princess and Curdie.

‘When there is a necessity for your knowing, when you have to do important business with this or that man, there is always a way of knowing enough to keep you from any great blunder. And as you will have important business to do by and by, and that with people of whom you yet know nothing, it will be necessary that you should have some better means than usual of learning the nature of them.

‘Now listen. Since it is always what they do, whether in their minds or their bodies, that makes men go down to be less than men, that is, beasts, the change always comes first in their hands—and first of all in the inside hands, to which the outside ones are but as the gloves. They do not know it of course; for a beast does not know that he is a beast, and the nearer a man gets to being a beast the less he knows it. Neither can their best friends, or their worst enemies indeed, see any difference in their hands, for they see only the living gloves of them. But there are not a few who feel a vague something repulsive in the hand of a man who is growing a beast.

‘Now here is what the rose-fire has done for you: it has made your hands so knowing and wise, it has brought your real hands so near the outside of your flesh gloves, that you will henceforth be able to know at once the hand of a man who is growing into a beast; nay, more—you will at once feel the foot of the beast he is growing, just as if there were no glove made like a man’s hand between you and it.

‘Hence of course it follows that you will be able often, and with further education in zoology, will be able always to tell, not only when a man is growing a beast, but what beast he is growing to, for you will know the foot—what it is and what beast’s it is. According, then, to your knowledge of that beast will be your knowledge of the man you have to do with.’
We’re spending your inheritance! Tee-hee!     (pic8.co)
submitted by carnold03 to Boomers 2 months ago (+7/-4)
18 comments last comment...

#The Wicked Generation: British Boomer Edition

A British millennial belatedly realizes that his parents’ spending on their travel addiction is rendering impossible his ability to buy a home and build a family:

As an impecunious 34-year-old millennial in an impossibly expensive property market, I am relying on, at some stage, a handout from them. But all I can see is my money receding into the distance on a long-haul trip to Bali.

With many of my friends in a similar position, and the cost of living crisis still at full throttle, the question troubling us over the generational divide is this. Who is being selfish? Us for wanting them to save their money so we can one day have it? Or them, for splurging it all so freely on themselves?

At the start of their travel spree, about five years ago, I loved the bravery and ambition of it. Growing up, we usually went to Devon or Cornwall once a year. But when there was just the two of them (my younger sister and I have long since flown the nest), they could afford to globe trot. For a bit.

Well, good for them, I thought. Let them, in their late 60s, have a couple of lovely holidays, before settling into a cosy retirement at home.

The problem was it didn’t stop at just one or two. It didn’t even stop at three or four…

How can I ever settle down and give them grandchildren if there isn’t any money in the pipeline to support them? Do they want to go on holiday more than they want me to be able to have and bring up children?

I’m not alone in agonising over where my parents’ hard-earned money is going. According to a survey by an online wealth management advice firm called Moneyfarm, two in five adult children feel their ‘blood boiling’ at the idea their parents are blowing their inheritance on luxury holidays.

Among adult children aged between 35 and 50, 40 per cent thought their parents should provide them with an inheritance (compared with 25 per cent aged over 65) — and 20 per cent had already argued with them about what was going to be left.

Another friend admits she puts phone notifications from her mum on silent when her parents go ‘gallivanting abroad’ — because all the pictures of dreamy destinations make her jealous. And resentful.

‘My inheritance is currently being drunk through a straw in a coconut in the Caribbean,’ she says. ‘It’s going to be slim pickings at this rate.’

These Millennials are not being selfish or ungrateful. And their expectations were not unreasonable. What these parents are doing is flat-out wrong. It is unquestionably evil.

There will be no short of foolish and philosophically-bent individuals who will defend these wicked Boomers as simply “living their best life” or “spending their own money”. But those are both obvious lies. Even setting aside the very different economic climates facing the generations concerned, the Boomers inherited more financial resources from their parents and grandparents than any generation in human history. And, on average, what they are leaving behind them is considerably less than they themselves received.

Nota Bene: 10 percent of the total UK tax receipts are spent funding Boomer state pensions.

And as far as the “it’s their money, not yours”, the Bible is very, very clear on what a good man is supposed to do with regards to providing for his children. The Contemporary English Version even spells it out slowly in simple language for the benefit of even the most retarded reader.

If you obey God, you will have something to leave your grandchildren. If you don’t obey God, those who live right will get what you leave.

UPDATE: We have definite confirmation that it’s almost entirely Boomers reading The Daily Mail these days. This is the second-worst rated comment, with a highly negative ratio of 38 upvotes and 620 downvotes.

If I was this young man’s parent I would make sure he and sister were on the property ladder and can rent rooms out before going off on Jollies. I sincerely hope the house is left to the two children.
What message is my financial institution trying to send here???      (pic8.co)
submitted by coldsoak to WTF 2 months ago (+22/-0)
30 comments last comment...
Those Who Call Evil Good     (pic8.co)
submitted by carnold03 to Christianity 2 months ago (+6/-0)
2 comments last comment...

#Those Who Call Evil Good

An Australian pastor asks why so many of his self-professed fellow believers can’t see the evil in the murderous frenzy of the Gazacaust:

I know many of the Christians who are supporting Israel have condemned other nations in recent years for doing far less. But their misunderstanding of the nature of the identity of God’s people only applying to those who believe in Jesus by faith and having nothing to do with genetics, causes them to overlook the clear evil intent behind the levelling of an entire city, and the devastation of the people in that city. Christians are partnering with Molech in a tragic way, and they cannot even see it. Although, I have noticed that less and less of these people are defending it, as time goes by, which is a good sign that the devastation Israel is causing is making them uncomfortable.

This should be a warning to all of us who claim the name of Christ that we need to be diligent and wary to the encroachment of unbiblical doctrines that rise to prominence in the Church. Any one of us that might consider ourselves mature could become slack in our study of the word, reliance on the guidance of the Spirit of God through his word and other believers, and fall into a place of immaturity. We should not speak to others blindness without being willing to examine our own blind spots. But that does not mean that we should not be concerned about how many believers appear to lack discernment between good and evil. This is deeply concerning and has genuinely negative impacts in our world. Bad theology is supporting a terrible foreign policy that has destroyed countless lives in the Middle East for 80 years or so.

Many good Christians were hung out to dry during covid because the leaders of the church could not see the clear evil that was happening, or could but were afraid to speak out about it. Many good Christians have been hung out to dry on many issues. But who would have thought that so many believers would not be able to call a mass killing of people in a small, underdeveloped region of the world the evil that it is?

Israel is just another nation. It is neither intrinsically good nor intrinsically bad on the basis of its geography or dominant ethnicity. The Israelis have absolutely no historic claim to the land except the same right of conquest by which most people, including Americans, hold their land; even their historic claim is based on invasion and the genocide of the native people living in the land of Canaan.

Which means that Israel must be held to the same standard to which all other nations of the world are held to account. And yet, many self-professed, self-styled Christians are actively working to prevent the Israeli government or its people from being held accountable for their genocidal actions.


This suppressive action by South Dakota and other state legislatures is obviously a Clown World attack on Americans, Christians, and the First Amendment to the Constitution, as well as further evidence that neither Donald Trump nor most Republicans are actually on the side of the angels. None of these antisemitism laws are likely to hold up in court, given their blatant anti-constitutionality, but they are being passed and signed into law nevertheless in order to try to intimidate the American people into remaining silent when they should be speaking out against the global satanists who presently rule over them.

When even the pagans speak out against the wickedness they are witnessing, should not Christians do the same?

China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi on Thursday, March 7, called Israel’s war in Gaza a “disgrace for civilization”. “It is a tragedy for humankind and a disgrace for civilization that today, in the 21st century, this humanitarian disaster cannot be stopped,” Wang told journalists at a press conference.

This is not a political problem. It’s not going to be fixed by electing different politicians. It is, rather, the inevitable consequence of failing to prevent the wicked from ascending to the pulpits. The Apostle Paul warned Christians about the wolves in sheep’s clothing who would infiltrate their churches, but Catholics and Protestants alike failed to guard their doctrine, their dioceses, their deacons, and their pulpits.

Lest you give into fear and the temptation to accept the wicked as your spiritual leaders, don’t forget that we are told God will hold those accountable who call good evil, and evil good. Which is why my response to the self-styled Christians who proclaim that a certain ethnicity are uniquely unfallen beings who are in no need of salvation through Jesus Christ and are thereby worth of being protected from all criticism with the force of law is this: are you really sure your professed beliefs are in line with the eternal Word of God?

Might want to check on that patient...     (pic8.co)
submitted by coldsoak to funny 2 months ago (+2/-1)
TallestSkil ? Foreskins unrelated but not disproven      (pic8.co)
submitted by Smedleys_Butler to 4Chan 2 months ago (+12/-2)
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The Thirteenth Floor ends in June 2024     (pic8.co)
submitted by Smedleys_Butler to movies 3 months ago (+10/-0)
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Think they were too optimistic. Maybe we'll be unplugged like a rapture into a crimeless paradise
@Gabara on Craigslist      (pic8.co)
submitted by Smedleys_Butler to SoapboxBanhammer 3 months ago (+14/-0)
21 comments last comment...
How do they get the money to Charles?     (pic8.co)
submitted by coldsoak to whatever 3 months ago (+4/-0)
Anon watches wrestling      (pic8.co)
submitted by Smedleys_Butler to 4Chan 3 months ago (+4/-2)
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