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A place to capture documents or manifests that have happened through history

Owner: ParnellsUprising


COMPLETE LIST OF ATTEMPTED JEWISH EXPULSIONS (1,030) (with explanations and sources):     (
submitted by ParnellsUprising to Historical_Docs 1 year ago (+36/-0)
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2083 - A European Declaration of Independence - Anders Behring Breivik aka Andrew Berwick     (
submitted by ParnellsUprising to Historical_Docs 1.1 years ago (+4/-0)
Bolshevik Propaganda - Testimony of Rev. Mr. George A. Simons to Senate Subcommitee of the Judiciary - 1919     (
submitted by ParnellsUprising to Historical_Docs 1.1 years ago (+4/-0)
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Interesting read, and congressional testimony on how the Weimar yids and NY east side yids collaborated in the Bolshevik revolution.
Pre-Egyptian Technology That Was Left By An Advanced Civilization That Disappeared     (
submitted by shitface9000 to Historical_Docs 1 month ago (+6/-3)
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Interesting, up-to-date research and investigations. Creates compelling case for advanced technology much older than previously suspected.
The Secrets of the Federal Reserve ~ Eustace Mullins     (
submitted by ParnellsUprising to Historical_Docs 1.1 years ago (+3/-0)


Although this book in its inception was expected to be a tortuous work on
economic and monetary techniques, it soon developed into a story of such
universal and dramatic appeal that from the outset, Ezra Pound urged me to
write it as a detective story, a genre which was invented by my fellow
Virginian, Edgar Allan Poe.

I believe that the continuous circulation of this book during the past forty years has not only exonerated Ezra Pound for his much condemned political and monetary statements, but also that it has been, and will continue to be, the ultimate weapon against the powerful conspirators who compelled him to serve thirteen and a half years without
trial, as a political prisoner held in an insane asylum a la KGB.

His earliest vindication came when the government agents who represented the
conspirators refused to allow him to testify in his own defense; the second
vindication came in 1958 when these same agents dropped all charges against
him, and he walked out of St. Elizabeth’s Hospital, a free man once more.

His third and final vindication is this work, which documents every aspect of his
exposure of the ruthless international financiers to whom Ezra Pound
became but one more victim, doomed to serve years as the Man in the Iron
Mask, because he had dared to alert his fellow-Americans to their furtive
acts of treason against all people of the United States.
How Orville Redenbacher Became a Popcorn Pimp (12mins)     (
submitted by Scyber to Historical_Docs 6 months ago (+2/-0)
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It's a "pop doc" about the doc of popcorn.