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The Official Sub for IdeasForTalk
Welcome to v/IdeasForTalk

Have an idea for a site feature or a suggestion for making things work more smoothly, post it here!
If your idea gets implemented, you may just get awarded a new trophy on your profile page!

Found a site bug? These get reported in v/TalkDev.

Owner: system


Welcome to v/IdeasForTalk     (IdeasForTalk)
submitted by Cynabuns to IdeasForTalk 2.8 years ago (+4/-0)
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Just like the old v/IdeasForVoat, here's the place to share an idea for a site feature or a suggestion for making things work more smoothly.

If your idea gets implemented, you may just get awarded a new trophy on your profile page!

Found a site bug? These now get reported in

Idea for #1. Rename it     (IdeasForTalk)
submitted by Goatboy to IdeasForTalk 2.8 years ago (+65/-9)
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we should post things here that benefit our cause rsther than bitching about what others are saying or doing     (IdeasForTalk)
submitted by osomperne to IdeasForTalk 2 years ago (+46/-6)
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Dont cope and say "hurr durr its relevant though and im a baby boomer"

Just build strength, fsggot
Add a ccp requirement for chat     (
submitted by mikenigger to IdeasForTalk 2.8 years ago (+25/-2)
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Bring back the "viewcount" for submissions and subscriber count for subs on the info side. Active users in subs is nice too.      (IdeasForTalk)
submitted by Ifuckdolphinseverday to IdeasForTalk 2.7 years ago (+19/-0)
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Original Voat had these features and i enjoyed seeing viewcounts on posts rise throughout the years.
Less spacing between quotes     (
submitted by mikenigger to IdeasForTalk 2.8 years ago (+17/-1)
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Enable the ability to save comments      (IdeasForTalk)
submitted by NeedleStack to IdeasForTalk 2.7 years ago (+16/-0)
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Yaks often post great resources that I don't want to lose track of so it'd be great to be able save comments. Case in point (@ Ifuckdolphinseverday):
@system can we get a button to save comments like we can with submissions?     (IdeasForTalk)
submitted by Not_a_redfugee to IdeasForTalk 1.9 years ago (+15/-0)
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That would be very helpful. Save-worthy things get posted in comments just as often as submissions.
The Neri Files     (IdeasForTalk)
submitted by Fascinus to IdeasForTalk 3 weeks ago (+15/-0)
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Ever wonder what happens to all of the reports filed by @paul_neri ?

I think a listing of them would make for an amazing sub.

Skip to 1:30 for example content:

Repeal the 19th     (IdeasForTalk)
submitted by 2Drunk to IdeasForTalk 1.2 years ago (+15/-1)
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Implement HTTP+NIGGER, a new protocol modifier I just invented     (IdeasForTalk)
submitted by SithEmpire to IdeasForTalk 2 months ago (+15/-1)
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Inspiration: The +NIGGER license modifier.

Because HTTP can have any custom headers, I figured why let license modifiers have all the fun, go for a protocol modifier!

Clients and servers implementing the HTTP+NIGGER protocol SHOULD include an extra HTTP header called nigger. Because most HTTP hosts don't give a fuck about uppercase and lowercase in the header key name, the case is unspecified.

The header value is also unspecified, but MAY be "NIGGER". If a client uses plain HTTP without the nigger header, the server MAY use the header value "FAGGOT". If a client sets the nigger header value to "N", the server MAY respond with nigger header value "I". Servers are encouraged to implement interesting nigger header responses depending on the client nigger header.

Example client HTTP+NIGGER request headers:
GET / HTTP/1.1
Nigger: NIGGER
User-Agent: curl/7.68.0
Accept: /

Example server HTTP+NIGGER response headers:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Thu, 28 Mar 2024 00:00:00 GMT
Vary: Accept-Encoding
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Nigger: NIGGER
Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8

A client may also specify the HTTP+NIGGER protocol explicitly, such as HTTP/1.1+NIGGER, in which case it MUST include a nigger header. A server which receives a HTTP+NIGGER request without a nigger header SHOULD respond with HTTP+NIGGER error 444, which MAY include the text "Did Not Say Nigger".
Next to the domain name have the type of post like (jpg) (mp4) (pdf) (website)     (IdeasForTalk)
submitted by Cunt to IdeasForTalk 2.9 years ago (+10/-0)
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Subverse Catagories     (IdeasForTalk)
submitted by oldblo to IdeasForTalk 2.7 years ago (+10/-0)
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Making a subverse tag pool so we can categorize subverses and sort through that mess easier would be good. Let the users create and suggest tags. Let the owners apply the tags they think fits. Then let the search function bring up subverses that match the tags you look for.
Gather up all points a user has received for the week and only distribute them to the user if the user logs in on Saturday.      (IdeasForTalk)
submitted by Monica to IdeasForTalk 1.2 years ago (+10/-0)
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Blue text on a black background is terrible     (IdeasForTalk)
submitted by Hey_guys_whats_up to IdeasForTalk 2.8 years ago (+10/-1)
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@system Please consider just put it back to yellow by default, this current scheme causes eye strain, thank you.
Block the "anon" user as opposed to having to block every anon sub      (IdeasForTalk)
submitted by ParnellsUprising to IdeasForTalk 1.1 years ago (+10/-1)
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It would make it much easier to block the "user", as opposed to have to repeatedly block anon subs for the faggots that don't want to have a name attached to their submissions / comments.

Fucking anon niggers are shitting the place up.
Show active restrictions on profiles     (IdeasForTalk)
submitted by mikenigger to IdeasForTalk 2.7 years ago (+8/-0)
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this depends on how the restrictions are implemented, but if they're obvious to the user i don't see the downside of showing them to everyone
system pls     (
submitted by mikenigger to IdeasForTalk 2.7 years ago (+8/-0)
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Can we get a preview post button, just to show how the crappy editor you are using will display shit?      (IdeasForTalk)
submitted by ParnellsUprising to IdeasForTalk 2.1 years ago (+8/-0)
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Really, makes no sense to even try and post something though provoking with teh type of editor formatting that you are using.

Why not get something simple, yaml / wiki based maybe?

Look at my deleted posts prior to this...
Disable message notification for replies from the OP to himself.      (IdeasForTalk)
submitted by Ifuckdolphinseverday to IdeasForTalk 2.7 years ago (+7/-0)
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When replying to yourself (Making long lists in comments) disable the notification that you sent yourself a comment or reply. I tend to make long lists that max out the character limit so i have to reply to myself to continue.
"Share link" and "Discuss" buttons should default to the sub you were viewing at the time.     (IdeasForTalk)
submitted by v0atmage to IdeasForTalk 2.7 years ago (+7/-0)
I personally find it way more intuitive to default the subverse combo box creating a post to the subverse you were browsing in when you clicked "Share link" or "Discuss."

At the moment it is blank which defaults to /v/all implicitly. This has caused me to accidentally submit to that sub several times already. I'm not against this being the default when viewing /v/all itself of course.

I believe this is the typical functionality in other reddit-like websites as well, so it should be natural for most users.
More formatting options please     (IdeasForTalk)
submitted by UncleDoug to IdeasForTalk 2.5 years ago (+8/-1)
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Can we get a preview option before posting?

Bullet points
Number points

Highlight option
Increasing content on voat: Bookmark dumping     (IdeasForTalk)
submitted by NeedleStack to IdeasForTalk 2.9 years ago (+6/-0)
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Content doesn't always have to be the latest breaking news, meme, or political hot take.

I think thoughtfully dumping bookmarked links every once in a while will help keep the content flowing.

Can't find the appropriate sub for your link? Create the sub!

No topic is too obscure or uninteresting.

You never know; you might inspire others to get interested in your niche subject. For example, a few users started making books (and posting pics of their creations) after getting interested in my bookbinding sub on the old voat.
Potency of Posts as a User Stat     (IdeasForTalk)
submitted by Thought_Criminal to IdeasForTalk 2.7 years ago (+6/-0)
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Say someone X makes 10 posts a month, gets net total of 30 SCP...
Say someone Z makes 10,000 posts a month gets net total of 300 SCP...

Someone X is more potent than Z, though Z is more prolific than X.

Someone Y could make just one post ever and get 999 SCP, have a much higher potency than either.

Should be a potency or proof rating or Scoville chart or some sort of rating like that showing. I think formula is pretty much: SCP/(# of posts) = Potency
Give sub owners the abillity tag their sub into a catagorie(s) of their choosing.      (IdeasForTalk)
submitted by Ifuckdolphinseverday to IdeasForTalk 2.7 years ago (+6/-0)
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Drop down from sub description in mod tools looks like a nice spot. This way system doesn't upset the userbase when we inevitably disagree with a tag he makes and there doesn't become a worklog of "untagged" subs that needs assignment.

Having the admin only make the tags feels a lot like AOU caring after his 1:16 scale replica of the JR Yamanote Line in his attic room. Panicked from his mother having invited some school kids to the home, desperate to keep his perfect city's workday on time as he promised.

Upping vote ability to 14 days     (IdeasForTalk)
submitted by bobdole9 to IdeasForTalk 2.6 years ago (+6/-0)
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I do like that older posts end up "archived", but I would like the time to increase from seven days to fourteen. I think two weeks is still a bit short (OG Voat was a couple months) but this should help.