This is an expansion of this thread: Israel, who's been, as the title says, solely responsible for the death jab being pushed unto the entire world. They started the whole vax campaign, intentionally set themselves up as the model for the whole world to emulate and has always been the one to set up the vax narrative and decide its direction from the very start.
The focus on WEF is all well and good, but this focus has overshadowed a way more prominent role played by a certain country in the Middle East for the misery that's been unleashed for the last 2 years. I also want to point out that when WHO declared covid a 'pandemic', it was during Purim..
Israel was intentionally chosen as the state for the world to emulate regarding the vax:
Israel was chosen by Albert Bourla to be the vaccination center for the Covid-19 'vaccine', CEO of Pfizer admits that Israel was chosen as an ideal place to demonstrate to the world what a mass vaccination campaign can achieve and that both Israel and Pfizer worked very close together to make that happen. In Bourla's own world:
''During my discussions with the Israeli government, Prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu convinced me that Israel would be the ideal place to demonstrate to the world what a fast vaccination campaign can achieve''
'Israel should be proud of being the leader nation in the world, in the fight against COVID and Pfizer is very proud for our contributions to your achievements''
2:19-2:31's also important to note that Pfizer CEO being jewish and that Israel being a jewish state was the deciding factor for this collaboration.
''Israel signs COVID vaccine deal days after Netanyahu noted how Pfizer CEO is ‘proud’ of his Jewish heritage'' initially planned by Israel and Pfizer, it did not take long before Israel was marketed to the world as being;
''The global leader in COVID-19 vaccine administration per capita'' as intended.
In other words, A jew CEO for a jewish company that in turn is working together with a jew country to sell to the world a poisonous jewish created injection as "safe and effective''. Conflict of interest anyone?
Setting up Israel as a leader in the world when it came to the vaccination campaign helped to set Israel as a credible source when it came to how ''successful'' the vaccine was. Thus, at the very beginning (and continuing on from there) of the vaccination campaign, you had fraudulent studies coming from Israel that was used to sell to the world that the vaccine was ''safe and effective'' and that the rest of the world should emulate Israel.
The initial claim that the Covid-19 vaccine was 95% effective came first from an Israeli study that was made in collaboration with Pfizer.
Here's the timeline;
It started with a 'leaked report' that shows that Pfizer's vaccine is conquering covid-19 in its largest real-world test;
Quote from an article titled 'A leaked report shows Pfizer’s vaccine is conquering covid-19 in its largest real-world test' that was published February 2021;
''Its lead authors are Sharon Alroy-Preis, head of public health for Israel’s health ministry, and Eric Haas, a ministry researcher. In addition, the study was carried out by a team of eight Pfizer researchers, including epidemiologists Farid Khan and John McLaughlin and the company’s global medical lead for covid vaccines, David Swerdlow, an infectious disease expert previously with the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
The research represents the first joint report by the health ministry and Pfizer since they reached an agreement earlier this year for Israel to share vaccination data in return for a steady supply of doses''.'s have a closer look at who was behind this study;'s take a look at what positions they hold; are high-level prominent Pfizer employees, who had a role in developing the 'vaccine'. They have an interest in creating a biased result that makes their product look good. This study is invalid because of incredibly high amounts of conflict of interest.
Pfizer uses this highly biased study as an example to show that the vaccine is 'effective' and words it in a way that makes you think it was a study made independently by Israel's ministry of health; all this, the jew media still runs with it and uses that fraudulent jew study to make the claim that the 'vaccine' is over 95% effective, and thus this fraudulent study from Israel, made in collaboration with Pfizer, set the stage for the lie that the 'vaccine' was ''safe and effective'' and got people convinced to inject themselves with this toxin; part we will be looking into how it was yet again Israeli ''studies'' that set the stage for the ''need'' and introduction of the booster shots.
How to get the masses to accept the idea of boosters?By introducing the narrative that the vax has a waning effect and thus a booster is needed to boost the effect of the vax again. How was this achieved?
Producing more fraudulent studies from Israel and using them to get people to accept the necessity of a booster is ''science''.
Albert Bourla who worked closely with Israel from the very beginning stated on April 15, 2021;
''Pfizer CEO says third Covid vaccine dose likely needed within 12 months'' comes Israel with the ''science'' to support that bullshit claim by first producing more fraudulent studies claiming waning effect of the vaccine;
''Israeli Data Suggests Possible Waning in Effectiveness of Pfizer Vaccine'' ''study'' 'Waning Immunity after the BNT162b2 Vaccine in Israel' claims;
'These findings indicate that immunity against the delta variant of SARS-CoV-2 waned in all age groups a few months after receipt of the second dose of vaccine.''s behind this study?
The very same people who were behind the study that 'showed the effectiveness of the booster shot'. Including Sharon Alroy-Preis, head of public health services at the Israeli Health Ministry, who was the lead researcher of the study that fraudulently claimed that the vaccine was 95% effective and who worked very closely with Pfizer. Alroy-Preis has been accused of being an employee of Pfizer. ( high amounts of conflict of interests here as well. Making these studies once again, fraudulent. But it does not end here.
The same people who were behind the study showing the 'waning effect of the vax' was also behind the study presenting booster as a solution. We know Sharon Alroy-Preis is tied to Pfizer, but are there any more connections to Pfizer?
Let's take a deeper look into the Israeli 'study' that claims boosters are needed to counter the waning effect; Institute of Science in Israel was involved in this study.
Michael Dolsten who is the head scientist of Pfizer is deeply connected to Weizmann Institue; Institue of Technology was involved.
Albert Bourla, the CEO of Pfizer, was awarded 'Honorary Doctorate' by Technion for his 'extraordinary achievement in developing a vaccine for COVID-19'., Israel becomes the first country to give out booster shots; again the jew media uses these Israeli studies to push for boosters and the world emulates what Israel does. further convince the goy to continuously inject themselves with the death jab, we see a similar Israeli study that we initially saw at the beginning of the vax campaign, that the vax was ''95 % effective'' but now it's about the booster and with the claim that it is ''92 % effective''.
Fraudulent Israeli study is what the media uses to manipulate people into taking the booster. how it's the same pattern over and over again?
Is this study reliable or another fraud?
Link to the study; from the study;
''NB, ND, and RDB report institutional grants to Clalit Research Institute from Pfizer outside the submitted work and unrelated to COVID-19, with no direct or indirect personal benefits. MAH reports grants from the US National Institutes of Health (NIH) and US Department of Veterans Affairs, and personal fees from Cytel and ProPublica. ML reports grants from Pfizer, NIH, the UK National Institute for Health Research, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Open Philanthropy Project, the Wellcome Trust, and Pfizer; personal fees from Merck, Bristol Meyers Squibb, Sanofi Pasteur, and Janssen; and unpaid advice given on Covid vaccines or vaccine studies to One Day Sooner, Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Janssen, and COVAXX (United Biosciences), outside the submitted work. BYR reports grants from NIH outside the submitted work. All other authors declare no competing interests.''
Pfizer, AstraZeneca, CDC, NIH, and other major pharmaceutical companies have a big vested interest in keeping people jabbed and people getting sick from the jab for major profit and here we see that the ones involved in this fraudulent study are heavily financed by big pharma, including those involved in the production of the covid jab. If that's not a conflict of interest, then I don't know what is.
This study once again is fraudulent. But that does not stop the media from using it to manipulate people into taking it.
Naturally, Israel being set up as a leading state in how the vax campaign should be run was the first state to;
'Require a booster shot to be considered fully vaccinated' as easily predicted, the non-jewish world emulates Israel here as well;
'Former FDA commissioner says CDC will likely eventually require COVID-19 booster to be 'fully vaccinated'''EU moves to place Covid booster jabs at heart of travel rules''In major shift, EU says vaccine boosters should be considered for all adults' saw that very early on that the vaccine was being pushed onto pregnant women which is absolutely insane, especially considering by that time data had shown that not only was the vax not safe and effective for everyone but also deadly. But despite this, the media ensured that the vax being safe and effective for pregnant women was science, but what references did the media give the public for it being safe and effective?
You guessed it once more, no other but Israeli ''studies''.
Israel was the first country to recommend the vaccine to pregnant women; issued an 'urgent' warning for pregnant women to get vaccinated as new data shows pregnancy almost doubles the risk of death from COVID-19.
Where did this data come from? Israel of course.'s take a look at this study and see who's involved and see once again if there's any conflict of interests; person of interest here is Inbal Goldshtein and Gabriel Chodick both of whom who work for Maccabi Healthcare Services. Goldshtein by the admission of the study takes full responsibility for the ''integrity'' of the data and it's accuracy.
Chodick is head of Maccabi Healthcare Services which is a part of Kahn Sagol Maccabi and he's had this role for 21 years. Goldshtein has been a senior researcher for Maccabi for 12 years. These are individuals that we can classify as key people in Maccabi. we look into what partnerships they have, we can see that they are DEEPLY tied with big pharma, they are partnered with the biggest pharmaceutical companies, including those who have a major invested interest in getting as many people jabbed as possible. These include;
Pfizer, CDC, Janssen, Technion (which has ties to Pfizer and Albert Bourla) and even NIH. That's also why you've seen Fauci, who's the head of NIH, push for the vax on pregnant women. They are all in it together. as expected, the jew media uses this fraudulent Israeli study to push vaccination for pregnant women;
Two weeks before 'omicron' was supposedly discovered, Israel had conducted a covid 19 'war game' against a fictitious Omega variant., omicron in Greek means 'little o' which is exactly the opposite of omega which in Greek means 'big o'. Just a coincidence I guess. was the first state to react to this variant?
Israel and they responded as the solution makers. And what's their solution? Boosters of course! They made the claim that just 2 doses are not effective against omicron but boosters were. come the Israeli study, which thus far, has all been fraudulent. Now they claim that boosters provide excellent protection against omicron.
Behind this study was the director of Sheba Medical Center, Gili Regev-Yochav. Medical Center as you may remember was involved in the study I previously mentioned that advocated for boosters: has been advocating the death vax since the very start, here she was behind a fraudulent study that claimed that the first dose was '89-91 % effective': also received her mSC from Weizmann Institute in Israel which is tied to Pfizer: Institute in Israel is closely tied with Pfizer as they have a 'Scientist Agreement' with Pfizer and they work together in terms of research. Medical Center also later claimed that two doses were '95% effective'. fraudulent. But the media keeps referring to Israeli studies as legitimate to manipulate the public to get vaxed.
Sheba Medical Center has a big vested interest in the push for this vax, they've been pushing for the vax since the very beginning and also became the global focal point of covid 19 vax. However, you can bet jews only received saline shots here. This was done mostly for propaganda purposes to use Israel as a model for the world to emulate. July 29th, the Israeli prime minister that boosters would be offered to 60 + old citizens who've been fully vaxed, and the next day you see Sheba Medical Center already handing out those boosters., the HIGH conflict of interest makes the Israeli study which claims boosters are effective against omicron a fraud.
What does the media do? Using fraudulent Israeli studies once again to push the lie of the booster being effective 'omicron'. AGAIN. This shows clearly the close collaboration between the mass media and Israel. dose:
The country that set up the narrative for the introduction of boosters for the 4th dose was, once again, Israel.
This ''study'' if we can even call it that, has very familiar names behind it, some names I've already covered above. Sheba Medical Center which has been one of the biggest pushers for the vax from the very start is also behind this ''study''.Once again, the same culprits..
We see a similar pattern here as well. The media picks this fradulent study from Israel and uses it to push for the 4th dose by claiming ''you can trust us, here's a study from Israel that shows that taking the 4th dose is for your health, it's science goy''. see, Monkey do. Naturally, Israel was the first country to roll out the 4th dose and it did not take long before countries around the world started to emulate Israel. Once again. Can it be more obvious on who's leading the charge of the covid hoax?
Israel the first country to offer 4th dose- Dec 2021
Denmark- January 2021
Hungary- January 2022
Cambodia- January 2022
Thailand- January 2022
Chile- February 2022
South Korea- February 2022
As in reported in March 29, 2022, Sweden and Britain is offering the 4th dose to the ''immunocompromised''. of May 16, 2022, China started to evaluate the fourth dose. 24, 2022. B.C, March 30 2022., May 13, 2022.