Hinduism and Buddhism are jewish bullshit. Together with christianity, islam, communism, central banking, and the rest, they control basically everyone in some way.
(www.bitchute.com)https://www.bitchute.com/video/gkKItYtDxmyx/The people who claim to have been chosen by their god to rule many nations have indeed some to rule many nations since their messiah came. But the christ you know was once krishna in India; the jewish messiah had already come and taught the jews to subvert nations. When the krishna worshipers were done replacing the original indian Pagans, they created buddhism as competition using the same model. The kikes had access to the red sea, so judean merchants had the opportunity to trade with India 3000+ years ago. This is why the jews trust the indians to run our countries and companies and keep pushing them and their mutts into positions of power in the west. They've been controlled by jews the longest. They disguised it by calling themselves "aryan"/iranian in the texts they created for hinduism. The high caste indians are likely descended from jews and just as much a part of the tribe as the rest.