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Community for : 3.3 years

Subverse centered around discussion of the occult, mysticism, esoterica, metaphysics, and other related topics, for those who likely believe that blind faith is the death of intelligence.

Magicians, mystics, bibliophiles, occult scientists, esotericists, philologists, etymologists, critical syncretists, mythologists, gnostics, open-minded skeptics, and anyone interested in the open-minded, critical pursuit of illumination and the exploration of esoteric mysteries are welcome.

Owner: blumen4alles


Occult Forces, the Anti-Vril Society, and the CIA Origins of the New Age Movement     (
submitted by NaturalSelectionistWorker to Occult 3 weeks ago (+3/-0)
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Remote Viewing group see a future 'Rapture'/Ascension event. Many people taken.      (
submitted by pussycowposhposh to Occult 6 months ago (+3/-3)
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Hinduism and Buddhism are jewish bullshit. Together with christianity, islam, communism, central banking, and the rest, they control basically everyone in some way.     (
submitted by NaturalSelectionistWorker to Occult 6 months ago (+1/-5)
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The people who claim to have been chosen by their god to rule many nations have indeed some to rule many nations since their messiah came. But the christ you know was once krishna in India; the jewish messiah had already come and taught the jews to subvert nations. When the krishna worshipers were done replacing the original indian Pagans, they created buddhism as competition using the same model. The kikes had access to the red sea, so judean merchants had the opportunity to trade with India 3000+ years ago. This is why the jews trust the indians to run our countries and companies and keep pushing them and their mutts into positions of power in the west. They've been controlled by jews the longest. They disguised it by calling themselves "aryan"/iranian in the texts they created for hinduism. The high caste indians are likely descended from jews and just as much a part of the tribe as the rest.
Ice Spice Summoning Lucifer at Super Bowl     (
submitted by Special_Prosecutor to Occult 7 months ago (+7/-0)
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Necromancy: Chabad Lubavitch member admits openly they were doing necromancy rituals in the NY tunnels.      (
submitted by pussycowposhposh to Occult 7 months ago (+52/-2)
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They cut open the dead man's body with an incision in the hope the supposed "messiah" would come back & enter said cadaver. They're all nuts. Possibly explains that tunnel collapse. The walls caved in on them "Omen II" style.
Revelation 1:7 | The rainbow cloud manifestations over the UK from 18th Dec - 21st/22nd December 2023. Unprecedented.     (
submitted by pussycowposhposh to Occult 7 months ago (+1/-4)
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Revelation 1:7; Behold, he is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see him, even those who pierced him, and all tribes of the earth will wail on account of him. Even so. Amen.
The Golem of Prague - occult symbolism and predictive programming in Star Wars, LotR, Terminator, and DBZ     (
submitted by NaturalSelectionistWorker to Occult 9 months ago (+0/-2)
" The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman’s garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the LORD thy God." Deuteronomy 22:5     (
submitted by pussycowposhposh to Occult 9 months ago (+10/-1)
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We are truly in the age of abominations.
Nothing good ever happens to anybody     (Occult)
submitted by HeyJames to Occult 9 months ago (+1/-3)
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The world is a rotten oyster

Get fuckdd and die
"Demons Don't Exist".     (
submitted by pussycowposhposh to Occult 9 months ago (+19/-2)
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All the mystical/occult symbolism and predictive programming in Back to the Future: 9/11, Trump, BLM, the vax, and agenda 2030     (
submitted by NaturalSelectionistWorker to Occult 11 months ago (+0/-0)
Buffet at Burning man Festival     (
submitted by mxcviel to Occult 1 year ago (+27/-1)
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Looks the Burning Man people haven't started eating each other yet.
This is freaky stuff: Someone is claiming that former British Prime Minister Theresa May was subject to a demonic attack by something called a "Dybbuk"     (
submitted by pussycowposhposh to Occult 1 year ago (+3/-2)
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Said the attacks took place on Wednesday 4th October 2017 in full view of a live audience at a political conference. The OP seems to know their technical astrology really well.
Full movie - Revelation (2001) Very influential movie about the occult that went under the radar (French/Francais)     (
submitted by pussycowposhposh to Occult 1.2 years ago (+5/-0)
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After watching the first 6 mins (no dialogue in this) you'll understand why the media ignored it....
Demonic attacks | Spiral of death compilation (2023)     (
submitted by pussycowposhposh to Occult 1.2 years ago (+5/-0)
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Demonic attacks | Elderly grandmother who was vaxxed speaks of "death spin" and seeing demons.     (
submitted by pussycowposhposh to Occult 1.2 years ago (+3/-0)
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Phoenician and Punic Death Masks | Note where they found in relation to The Bible.     (
submitted by pussycowposhposh to Occult 1.2 years ago (+1/-0)
216 is often used as a hidden 666!!!     (Occult)
submitted by GeneralDisarray to Occult 1.6 years ago (+13/-4)
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216 is also called Plato's number.


144,000/666 = 216.216216216

144/216 = 0.66666666667

We live in a world where symbols and numbers are used to communicate the real intentions and background of things.

This number is very worthy of your attention.
Michael Hoffman's speech: The Occult Philosophy (1987)     (
submitted by shitface9000 to Occult 1.6 years ago (+3/-0)

Michael A. Hoffman's speech from 1987 giving unparalleled insight on the ruling elite's philosophy and how they control societies through media, symbolism and other methods of control
J6 is the most retarded conspiracy theory ever     (Occult)
submitted by NaturalSelectionistWorker to Occult 1.7 years ago (+23/-0)
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Not for the reasons you probably think, but because the J6ers actually are trying to pull a coup against our democratic republic.

Who are the J6ers? Who are the Js that are obsessed with the number 6? The Js with a six pointed star, the Js who claim 6 gorillion of them were killed in Russia I mean Germany, the Js who insert 666 symbolism into all their predictive programming. The people Jeffrey Epstein Worked for.

They have to tell you. They have to run media story after media story about how the J6ers are orchestrating a coup to overthrow your democratic republic and subvert the will of the people.

I fucking hate crown world. So much.
The Occult History of the U.S. Military’s PSYOPS and its Highly Symbolic Recruitment Video     (
submitted by knightwarrior41 to occult 2.3 years ago (+23/-0)
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The goal of PSYOP is, essentially, to mess with people’s minds. Appropriately enough, a recent recruitment video by the 4th PSYOP Group accomplished just that. Posted on the official social media accounts associated with the U.S. Military, the video titled Ghosts in the Machine gained some viral traction as viewers were impressed with the video’s production quality … while being baffled by its overarching message and symbolism.
Demaryius Thomas dead! He was number 88 for the broncos and was 33!!! This looks like hidden coms to me.      (Occult)
submitted by GeneralDisarray to Occult 2.8 years ago (+3/-2)
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This looks like mason coms to me that the pope is dead.

Aged 33, directed at masons!

Number 88 also used in the occult signifying change and divine law!

His name means:

Demaryius (sea, plural - more than one)

Thomas (twins)

We know the Catholic Church is also called the holy sea and it has two popes.

We know the pope is a pedo and may well be named in the Maxwell trial so he would need to be removed quickly in that case.

The media has been telling us his health is failing. Preparing us for the news.

I think he is dead or removed already.

Is the second death the black pope?

Is it the queen? The media has also warned us of her failing health and imminent death!

This is all speculation but this caught my eye and we have seen these types of coms before.

I take this as a warning to the masons that the top power structures that controlled them and collaborated with them are in very real danger. So they are also in danger.

Thoughts guys?
Hitler as the next Jesus?     (
submitted by taoV to Occult 2.8 years ago (+2/-3)
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In this discussion the guest made a very interesting point (starts around 54:30) that Jesus was dead for 100 years before the idea of Christianity really gained traction. Extending that idea, it is proposed that centuries from now, Adolf could become a similar religious/cultural archetype . Overall it's an interesting discussion of occultism growing the Reich without the usual moralizing and sensationalism.
Anyone else read Secret Teachings of All Ages?     (Occult)
submitted by VJMPublishing to Occult 3 years ago (+3/-1)
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I read it earlier this year, couldn't believe how much I didn't know.

Since then I have adopted the Indian peace pipe ritual for smoking weed, in which the first exhalation is directed upwards out of gratitude for the divine, the second directed downwards out of gratitude for the Earth, and the third directed at the Sun.