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Pay No Attention To The Fact That They Are Saying They Will Have A Brand New Vaccine Out In Two Weeks For A Mutated Corona Virus That Showed Up Three Days Ago     (
submitted by obvious to Plandemic 2.5 years ago (+62/-0)
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"Now that Ms. Maxwell’s trial and guaranteed public naming of big names is scheduled to start, miraculously this heretofore unheard of SOOPER DOOPER DEADLY VIRUS VARIANT MAKES AN APPEARANCE."
"Ghislaine Maxwell did not kill herself."
Its all fear porn theater!
“Jews are behind the pandemic,” chant crowd at Polish anti-vaccine protest     (
submitted by TFS to Plandemic 2.9 years ago (+59/-0)
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At an anti-vaccine protest in Poland yesterday, participants chanted that “Jews are behind the pandemic” and “rule the world”. Protesters also engaged in confrontations with the police, leading to three arrests.

Separately, the far-right Confederation (Konfederacja) party – which has also been involved in protests against coronavirus restrictions – shared a video of one of its supporters saying that she “does not want Jewry” in Poland.

In Głogów, a town of 70,000 in western Poland, followers of the local football team on Sunday held the latest in a series of protests against restrictions and vaccines. “Stop the propaganda of a fourth wave”, “Stop sanitary segregation”, and “Stop vaccination coercion” were among the slogans.

“The government, under the guise of a ‘deadly virus’, is introducing illegal regulations aimed at limiting our freedom,” said the organisers, quoted by NaszeMiasto. They called on people to join “the fight for our common future” against “the globalists”.

At yesterday’s event, a man leading chanting through a megaphone asked the crowd: “We know who is behind this whole ‘plandemic’ and who rules the world, right?” In response, someone shouted “Jews”, and the man replied, “Of course it’s the Jews”.

The crowd then chanted together: “Every Pole can see today that behind the ‘plandemic’ are the Jews” (Dzisiaj każdy Polak widzi, że za plandemią stoją Żydzi).

Government then and now     (
submitted by SumerBreeze to Plandemic 10 months ago (+57/-0)
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Conflict of Interest: Reuters ‘Fact Checks’ COVID-Related Social Media Posts, But Fails to Disclose Ties to Pfizer, World Economic Forum     (
submitted by TFS to Plandemic 2.8 years ago (+35/-0)
NOW - Hundreds of thousands are taking to the streets in Paris, Nice, Montpellier, Nantes, Strasbourg, Reims, Toulouse, Marseille, and many more cities across France to protest vaccine passports and mandatory vaccinations.     (
submitted by TFS to Plandemic 2.8 years ago (+33/-0)
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They're hoping you forgot: 60 Minutes Swine Flu Investigation - Mike Wallace - 1976     (
submitted by christianmusicreleases to Plandemic 3 years ago (+30/-0)
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Alyssa Kent: 40-year-old Australian woman has three brain surgeries, five seizures, stroke after first AstraZeneca shot, so will take Pfizer or Moderna for second shot     (
submitted by TFS to Plandemic 2.9 years ago (+30/-1)
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MELBOURNE, VICTORIA — A 40-year-old mother of two, wife and pharmaceutical executive is taking industry and “vaccine” loyalty to heights that even this blog has never seen.

Mrs. Alyssa Kent received the first dose of experimental AstraZeneca viral vector DNA on May 27, according to her Instagram page. The adverse effects were swift and harsh. She immediately suffered debilitating headaches that spanned 10 straight days. But she continued working as the Senior Business Unit Director of Virology in the New Zealand/Australia division of Gilead Sciences.

The California-based company is perhaps best known for developing the expensive anti-viral drug remdesivir. The Food and Drug Administration granted emergency use authorization for the drug as a treatment for COVID-19 on May 1, 2020. Pfizer signed a multi-year agreement with Gilead in August 2020 to produce remdesivir at the Pfizer plant in McPherson, Kansas.

Mrs. Kent was at a work conference on or around June 6. She had a seizure and was rushed to Cessnook Hospital. Mrs. Kent had four more seizures before being transferred to John Hunter Hospital. At least one blood clot was found in her brain. She was placed in a medically-induced coma in an attempt to have her life. Meanwhile her family was told to say their last goodbyes.

While in the medically-induced coma, doctors performed three brain surgeries and 18 total MRIs and CT scans. She also developed aspiration pneumonia, meaning vomit or something else got into her lungs. A sepsis episode caused her to be readmitted to the intensive care unit.

Mrs. Kent finally came out of the coma in late June. She suffered severe brain damage, and had to teach herself how to walk, talk and eat again upon waking up. Doctors transferred her back to a rehab facility in Melbourne. The family concedes that Mrs. Kent will live in the rehab center for at least a year, but likely much longer.

A July 17 Instagram update featured Mrs. Kent speaking from her hospital bed. But it’s the final minute-and-a-half of the video that is extremely bizarre. Mrs. Kent said she “wholeheartedly believes” that the experimental shots are the only way forward for humanity. She “doesn’t want to scare anyone off,” but also wants everyone to make informed decisions.

"My life has been completely changed because I had the vaccination. Would I do it again? No. Would I get AstraZeneca as my second shot? No. I’m not allowed to."

Since she is not allowed to get the second AstraZeneca injection, she will get Pfizer or Moderna instead for the second shot. At least one person tried to talk some sense into Mrs. Kent, to no avail.

Patriot calls out County health officials in San Diego and destroys their propaganda with facts. 🔥     (
submitted by In_Cog_Nito to Plandemic 2.8 years ago (+27/-0)
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The jab will never work. "The most important 6 minutes on the internet."     (
submitted by oldblo to Plandemic 2.8 years ago (+27/-0)
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Unsure if this is a repost. It also presumes corona isnt total BS.
Reports of Injuries, Deaths After COVID Vaccines Hit New Highs, as Biden Rolls Out Plan to Force 100 Million More Americans to Get Vaccinated     (
submitted by TFS to Plandemic 2.7 years ago (+27/-0)
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VAERS data released Friday by the CDC showed a total of 675,593 reports of adverse events from all age groups following COVID vaccines, including 14,506 deaths and 88,171 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020 and Sept. 3, 2021.

Data released today by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) showed that between Dec. 14, 2020 and Sept. 3, 2021, a total of 675,593 adverse events following COVID vaccines were reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). The data included a total of 14,506 reports of deaths — an increase of 595 over the previous week.

There were 88,171 reports of serious injuries, including the reports of deaths, during the same time period — up 2,200 compared with the previous week.

Excluding “foreign reports” filed in VAERS, 539,473 adverse events, including 6,577 deaths and 41,840 serious injuries, were reported in the U.S. between Dec. 14, 2020 and Sept. 3, 2021.

Of the 6,577 U.S. deaths reported as of Sept. 3, 12% occurred within 24 hours of vaccination, 18% occurred within 48 hours of vaccination and 31% occurred in people who experienced an onset of symptoms within 48 hours of being vaccinated.

In the U.S., 373.2. million COVID vaccine doses had been administered as of Sept. 3. This includes: 212 million doses of Pfizer, 146 million doses of Moderna and 14 million doses of Johnson & Johnson (J&J).

The data come directly from reports submitted to VAERS, the primary government-funded system for reporting adverse vaccine reactions in the U.S.

Every Friday, VAERS makes public all vaccine injury reports received as of a specified date, usually about a week prior to the release date. Reports submitted to VAERS require further investigation before a causal relationship can be confirmed.
Dutch MP, Thierry Baudet, who refers to a 2010 Rockefeller Foundation Report that laid out the pandemic and its aftermath     (
submitted by oldblo to Plandemic 3.0 years ago (+27/-1)
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Its things everyone should know by now but in case they dont here is a video.

Pomf Cat Mirror:
Aussie Health Chief: COVID Will Be With Us "Forever", People Will Have To "Get Used To" Endless Booster Vaccines     (
submitted by TFS to Plandemic 2.7 years ago (+26/-0)
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The New South Wales Chief Health Officer made the alarming comments during a recent press conference.

“We need to get used to being vaccinated with COVID vaccines for the future … I can’t see COVID is not going to be with us forever,” said Chant said during a press conference last week.

“As a public health doctor we always want to have diseases go, to be totally eliminated, but that is not on the horizon in the near future,” she continued. “Booster doses and repeat doses will be part of it.”

“I can assure you that the commonwealth government has purchased large quantities of vaccine into 2022 and this will be a regular cycle of vaccination and revaccination as we learn more about when immunity wanes.”

In a separate answer to a reporter, Chant again asserted that people “will be getting vaccinated regularly” against COVID.
Canadian Gov’t Can Now Seize Private Property and Abduct People in the Name of COVID     (
submitted by TFS to Plandemic 2.7 years ago (+23/-0)
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A Canadian provincial government have granted themselves ’emergency powers’ that allow them to seize personal property at will, all in the name of Covid.

Under Orwellian new health orders, the Saskatchewan minister may “authorize the entry into any building or on any land, without warrant, by any person in the course of implementing an emergency plan.”
But it gets worse…

The Canadian government has also granted itself the power to “cause the evacuation of persons and the removal of persons or livestock and personal property from any area of Saskatchewan that is or may be affected by an emergency and make arrangements for the adequate care and protection of those persons or livestock and of the personal property.” reports: The new Provincial Emergency Order under The Emergency Planning Act was signed September 13, by Premier Scott Moe. The orders were announced by the Saskatchewan Ministry of Health.

According to the ministry of health, the new orders are needed to “provide for health system labour mobility through greater flexibility in scheduling and redirecting health care workers to areas experiencing capacity pressures and in the use of supplementary resources.”

The new emergency health powers allow the government to “assume direction and control of the emergency response of a local authority.”

They also give the government the power to “acquire or utilize any real or personal property that the minister considers necessary to prevent, combat or alleviate the effects of an emergency.”

As part of this order, the government reactivated the terms of a Letter of Understanding with the Saskatchewan Health Authority and a slew of provincial unions, including the Saskatchewan Union of Nurses and Health Sciences Association of Saskatchewan.

The Letter of Understanding spells out how the government can force the “temporary redeployment of health care employees to meet the anticipated increase in COVID-19 health care needs.”

Every person residing in Saskatchewan is mandated by law to follow the new emergency orders or face severe penalties or possible jail time.

The new orders came about after the government declared a “fourth wave” of COVID-19 spurred by the “Delta variant.”

The province with a population of around one million currently says 262 people are in hospital due to COVID-19.

On September 17, Dr. Saqub Shahab, the province’s chief medical health officer, issued a mandatory interim isolation and face-covering order as a stop-gap until the province’s vaccine passport comes into effect in October.

Moe recently said his government was “too patient” with those who have not had the COVID jabs while introducing a vaccine passport.

Moe’s words against the unvaccinated also included a line that, although he never wanted to “implement” a vaccine passport, his “patience has come to an end” with the un-jabbed.

Starting October 1, one must show proof of vaccination or a negative test to eat indoors, go to entertainment venues, attend conferences or large events, or participate in indoor fitness centers.

All Canadian provinces have for a long time had the power to enact such draconian rules, which in effect limit people’s rights in a time of emergency, but using a “health” emergency to do so is unheard of in modern times.

Testing the PCR Test Swabs: White Fibers (Not Cotton) Break off in Your Sinus Tissue & Black Fibers (Nanotech) Seek Warmth and Moisture     (
submitted by christianmusicreleases to Plandemic 3.1 years ago (+22/-0)
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Freedom of Information Request Reveals 5,522 People have Died Within 28 Days of Receiving COVID-19 Vaccines in Scotland     (
submitted by TFS to Plandemic 2.9 years ago (+20/-1)

Another report came to our attention today from Scotland, where Public Health Scotland apparently has responded to numerous freedom of information requests to provide data on how many people in Scotland have died within 28 days of receiving one of the shots, due to reports to their agency.

They published the results on their official COVID-19 statistical report page, where as of June 23, 2021 they report that 5,522 people have died within 28 days of receiving one of the COVID-19 injections in use within Scotland.

The total population of Scotland is about 5.5 million people.

The Daily Expose, based out of the UK, covered the story earlier this week. Using the same percentages as the statistics supplied by Public Health Scotland, based on the population of the UK, they state that would equate to about 57,470 deaths in the UK within 28 days of being injected with the COVID-19 shot.

Shocking report on side effects Corona vaccines (30,000+ vaccinees reported 100,000+ adverse reactions to the vaccine within two months)     (
submitted by christianmusicreleases to Plandemic 3.1 years ago (+18/-0)
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Exposing The Pfizer Manufacturing And Supply Agreement     (
submitted by oldblo to Plandemic 2.9 years ago (+18/-0)
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DMX has heart attack and goes on life support at age 50 a few days after receiving vaccine     (
submitted by ClitorisDestroyer to Plandemic 3.2 years ago (+16/-0)
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BREAKING: Pfizer Scientist Nick Karl Confronted By James O'Keefe Over Shocking 'Natural Immunity' Admission     (
submitted by christianmusicreleases to Plandemic 2.7 years ago (+16/-0)
submitted by oldblo to Plandemic 2.9 years ago (+12/-0)
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A British MP with ISIS ancestry confirms plans to cancel non-vax'd citizens     (
submitted by voater to Plandemic 2.9 years ago (+12/-0)
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Chinese-produced animated movie introduced American kids to the idea of a fearful virus, masks and life-saving vaccine — back in 2016     (
submitted by christianmusicreleases to Plandemic 3.2 years ago (+11/-0)
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Croatia President Milanović, "We are vaccinated enough"     (
submitted by TFS to Plandemic 2.7 years ago (+11/-0)
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"We need to know what the goal of this frenzy is...I start every day with CNN and those few channels, and I wonder if I'm normal or are they crazy? They spread panic. They do it from the beginning."

- Croatian President Zoran Milanović
Dutch politician mentions the lockdown is for "The Great Reset" - Netherlands Prime Minister rushes to defense.     (
submitted by oldblo to Plandemic 2.9 years ago (+10/-0)
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Gideon van Meijeran didnt kill himself.
Unless im wrong that would be Mark Rutte Prime Minister of the Netherlands.
Woman sacrifices her children to vaccine experimentation; daughter now in wheelchair (vid 3 min)     (
submitted by TFS to Plandemic 2.8 years ago (+8/-0)
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