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The Official Sub for Gaming
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Is It Really This Bad With You Guys?     (
submitted by TheOriginal1Icemonkey to gaming 1 day ago (+26/-0)
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Police Seize $50 Million Worth of Fake Retro Games and Consoles     (
submitted by Conspirologist to gaming 1 day ago (+2/-0)
Little Nightmares I & II are creepy, brilliant, fun games with excellent graphics/art direction. Just finished and give 10/10. Very cool experience and its close to Halloween so give it a try if you're looking for some spooky fun!     (
submitted by HonkyMcNiggerSpic to gaming 3 days ago (+4/-0)
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Its been a while since I played a game that I truly like and this game was an unexpected treat.

So... The original Dev's left that team right after 2 and created their own company and are making a game called 'Reanimal' and it looks just like Little Nightmares but more violent. I'm hearing the new 'Little Nightmares III' is shit. So now I'm look forward to Reanimal
hate it when that happens     (
submitted by mikenigger to gaming 6 days ago (+18/-1)
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$700     (
submitted by Niggly_Puff to gaming 1 week ago (+9/-0)
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No disc drive, no stand.

These companies are delusional. Console gaming is no longer viable and I consider it a scam. Anyone with an IQ above 85 would buy a PC instead of getting buttfucked by Sony or Microshit. I grew up a console gamer, and have always preferred consoles. Until this generation. I am DONE paying to play online. I am DONE paying higher prices for worse versions of games. And now you want to kill off physical media, the one thing that sets you apart from PC. The one thing that makes you relevant. They are hellbent on making their digital store a monopoly. The people running these companies are retards. I can see a future where consoles are given away for free. Because no one in their right mind would pay to get buttfucked like this.
submitted by byte to gaming 3 days ago (+0/-0)
The Great Rebellion     (gaming)
submitted by Whatchagonnado to gaming 5 days ago (+1/-0)
is OUR game.

Did you buy it?
Ever wonder what it would be like to bring a 4wd pickup and an AK to a medieval battle?      (
submitted by Not_a_redfugee to gaming 1 week ago (+5/-0)
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Deus Ex - creators carpet bombed the truth in the year 2000.     (
submitted by KosherHiveKicker to gaming 1 week ago (+11/-0)
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"girl"? repairs broken ps1     (
submitted by dosvydanya_freedomz to gaming 1 week ago (+11/-0)
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is this girl really female? i'm confused, something about her face is giving me red flashes. anyhow, i really like to watch people fixing or building computers from the ground up.

do girls really like electronics that much i wonder?
Secret upgrade paths using unlisted xeons for owners of older motherboards     (gaming)
submitted by drhitler to gaming 1 week ago (+3/-0)
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Just thought i'd let other voaters know about these unlisted Xeon chips, the X79 never had any official 8 core cpu released for it thats why this is pretty amazing, has a nice stable 4.5ghz overclock too and 25mb l3 cache, i even have the option of a 10 core or 12 core xeon but they don't overclock.

my mobo dosn't even claim to support this CPU, no commercial motherboards will as this chip was released for a single server system in 2013 and there is plenty of these unlisted xeon chips for diff sockets that usually offer more cores than what your motherboard even claimed to support and these CPUs are super cheap these days.

So if you are looking for a cheap upgrade path look into "unlisted xeon CPUs for XXX mobo platform"

You only need the newest chips if you are running a 4k system or some really crazy emulation in terms of gaming.
randy sent my raider colony SKULLS FOR THE SKULL THRONE     (
submitted by the_old_ones to gaming 1 week ago (+2/-0)

"hey guy, its really cool you stared into the void and became a cult finally. im raising your skull pile collection to 100 skulls as reward for it"
Review of 'Black State' - "might have the most realistic graphics we've ever seen." (hasn't released, this is just a graphics review with gameplay)     (
submitted by Sector2 to gaming 1 week ago (+5/-0)
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Whether the game is actually fun or worth playing is To Be Determined when it releases. This is just about the graphics and seamless advance through levels.
Day in the Life of a Japanese Game Center Worker     (
submitted by dosvydanya_freedomz to gaming 1 week ago (+4/-0)
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Concord Is A Woke DISASTER! Sony hires a leftist queer studio to make a game pumps hundreds of millions of shekels into it and years development and it gets refunded in 12 days lol. Not many was online to play the steaming pile of woke shit. When will jews learn?     (
submitted by HonkyMcNiggerSpic to gaming 2 weeks ago (+22/-0)
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The lead dev called people criticizing it "talentless freaks". I'm just surprised he didn't fit "Nazis" in there somewhere. However, while many qualities of the experience resonated with players, we also recognize that other aspects of the game and our initial launch didn’t land the way we’d intended. Therefore, at this time, we have decided to take the game offline beginning September 6, 2024,
Just finished FF7 for the first time. All I can say is     (gaming)
submitted by CoronaHoax to gaming 2 weeks ago (+7/-0)
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I don't know. My initial reaction was wtf but looking on it it was a pretty impactful story. The balance near the end is out of wack and they start giving these options to overpower yourself but then almost nothing to act out upon after it. Content wise, it is about half of FF6. So right about the time you can grind the chocobo / battle arena games, you've basically already beat the game and there's nothing to use the rewards on.

And if you do grind enough to beat them, you'll end up with enough items, money and upgraded materia that the rest of the game will get steam rolled like you were visiting the beginning of the game again.

The game story wise was great though. We'll never be able to get games like this ever again. Graphics wise it's just as good as it ever was. Gameplay and graphics - gameplay cohesion is so much more important than just some 'high graphics 3d simulator'. I feel that the game did play on it's graphics for the time and ultimately lack content though. When looking at FF6, FF7 had the content of just the first world of FF6.

I thought the materia system was cool to say the least, the combos made for some interesting strategy crunching. However I was not a fan of that ie steal, morph, throw, mime, enemy skill etc weren't baked into specific characters like in FF6. In FF7 you could just roll with essentially 3 characters of your choice the whole way. I was not a huge fan of every time the characters were cleared out it took me like 30 minutes of strategizing gear / materia before I got it all set.

Also the 'missable content' level in FF7 was staggering. I remember playing through FF6 with no guides, to later go and read guides much much later to find out I found everything in FF6 on my own. In FF7, I think the prime bs example is, right before you attack Kojo near the end if you don't have Barret in your party, a chest with his best weapon won't even show on the screen. And it's an area you can never go back to. Wtf?

There are also other areas in FF7 where if you didn't know what to do next, you may just give up literally trying to find what to do next. Literally the first 3 times I tried to play this game years ago this is what happened. Ie just in the shinra building. They have like literally 5-10 minutes of just walking up stairs. I literally just simply got bored of the game, couldn't figure out what to do, figured I was in the wrong place in the wrong time and just quit.

So unfortunately you have to play the game with a guide nearby, and if you actually want to enjoy the game and not have the whole thing squashed and killed by just reading through a guide as you go through, you have to play a part, read the guide for it, find incredible missable things you missed, reload the save before that part and redo it.

I feel like I'm missing something that is there now though.
Woke Concord is dead. Customers to be refunded     (
submitted by Conspirologist to gaming 2 weeks ago (+3/-2)
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How to choose a game without spending time in reading or watching a review and almost guarantee you did not waste your money     (gaming)
submitted by Whatchagonnado to gaming 2 weeks ago (+10/-0)
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It is 2024. Easy.
Look at the thumbnail.
If it uses a pastel palette and or loads of purple/magenta and or a female protagonist don't even bother.
You’re welcome saaaars
The greatest game ever made. Outer Wilds.     (
submitted by albatrosv15 to gaming 2 weeks ago (+2/-1)
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Playing Cards     (gaming)
submitted by GrayDragon to gaming 2 weeks ago (+5/-0)
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So I am playing cards with a Pagan and three other guys. The Pagan raises heavy. He gets everyone else to fold. I have a pair of sixes. I call. I win.

Now some Pagans hate me, LOL

He kept saying during the rest of the night, "I cannot believe you called me with a pair of sixes."

Yeah, whatever buddy.
The Epic Games store gives away free games every week     (gaming)
submitted by Niggly_Puff to gaming 3 weeks ago (+11/-1)
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Last chance to claim "The Callisto Protocol" for free, a $60 game inspired by Dead Space. Tomorrow you can get the OG Fallout games for free and a Blitz-like arcade football game called Wild Card Football.
August 28th, 2024 - 10th Anniversary of GamerGate - Ethan Ralph is hoping to stage a comeback.     (
submitted by Sector2 to gaming 3 weeks ago (+5/-0)
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8pm edt, specifically.

Ralph is trying to get Master Milo Yiannopolous, The Gator Gamer, Zidan, and more to come on da keelstream so he can make money again. This is the 10th anniversary of GamerGate, if calculated by the publication of "The Zoe Post" in August 2014, where allegations were made that a tubby jewish girl traded blowjobs for good reviews of her boring powerpoint presentation / game.


The war in Ukraine started in 2014 too.
Listening to old Disturbed songs reminds me of playing Counter Strike Zombies.      (gaming)
submitted by Not_a_redfugee to gaming 3 weeks ago (+2/-0)
Man I miss playing CS Zombie mode. There's only like 2 servers that still do the zombie mode. They're pretty fun still but nothing like it used to be. When I was younger I used to play Disturbed while playing. Shit was fun as fuck.
Nowadays, I know Disturbed and the lead singer, David Draiman, are jewish as FUCK.
Like, that band is so fuckin jewish that if Hitler gassed and cremated them, there wouldn't be ashes. There would clipped gold coins.
'Dustborn embraces the the leftist ideological fallacy that words are magical weapons that need to be controlled and policed at all times by the woke devout; the only people apparently enlightened enough to dictate language.'     (
submitted by Sector2 to gaming 3 weeks ago (+8/-0)
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submitted by byte to gaming 2 weeks ago (+0/-1)
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