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Community for : 1 year

The study and noticing of the tribe.

Owner: FLAryan


Mild Shock     (
submitted by UncleDoug to jewology101 10 months ago (+72/-0)
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Song removed from middle school holiday concert because the song was too Jewish     (
submitted by Panic to jewology101 5 months ago (+38/-0)
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The teacher also removed a Kwanzaa song. May your holidays be merry and bright!
So I heard some high schoolers talking about the holohoax today in my local gas station.     (jewology101)
submitted by gaperglory to jewology101 10 months ago (+37/-0)
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There were 2 groups of thought. One group seemed dead set and unmoveable about it being fake and gay, and totally made up.
The other group (and this is where it gets funny/scary) was talking about the HORRORS they went through.
One mentioned about how they used to put jews in microwaves for fun.
Another interjected about how they would stick glass rods up jew dicks and smash with a hammer while inserted (what imagination!).
And yes, the angel of death was mentioned. The evil mengela. How he used twins for his evil experiments and would kill them both off as soon as either the test or control twin child was compromised.

At this point, the jnamer in me wanted to have a moment and get in a camp fire circle to set things straight and answer any questions. Unfortunately, before I could say a word, the projew element got so intensely insensed at the jwoke kids that they started screaming, and the manager dispersed them.

Just wanted to remind everyone that the fairy tales have gotten WORSE, as time has gone on, not better. But, maybe for the first time in history, a small country town had a population of white kids greater than 5 that knew the holocaust was bullshit.

All the jew naming is working, and the truth is working exactly as it's supposed to.
Augustine: β€œThe truth is like a lion. You don't have to defend it. Let it loose. It will defend itself.”

The jews should start getting worried. The j-pill is spreading like wildfire.

P.s. There aren't even any jews in my town...
20% of kids suddenly LGBTFAGGOT?     (
submitted by gaperglory to jewology101 9 months ago (+28/-0)
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Le Happy Ciabatta Merchant     (
submitted by UncleDoug to jewology101 11 months ago (+9/-0)
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Do you guys see it as well?
The Fecal Fixation of the Chosen Ones     (
submitted by HonkyMcNiggerSpic to jewology101 7 months ago (+8/-0)
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Oil. The 19th century was transformed by it. The 20th century was shaped by it. And the 21st century is moving beyond it. But who gave birth to the oil industry? What have they done with the immense wealth and power that it has granted them?     (
submitted by Sector2 to jewology101 2 months ago (+5/-0)
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Has anybody noticed twitters new logo? THE DOUBLE CROSS...     (
submitted by gaperglory to jewology101 10 months ago (+4/-0)
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This is classic jewish symbolism. exxon does the same shit.

Elon Musk is the devil. He will bring the world to it's knees. Watch and see. Hes a smart jew, and a cunning manipulator. Worst of all, hes likeable if your dumb enough to not realize what he's doing. This snake is the most dangerous jew on the planet right now.
In 2020 Owen Benjamin swindled tens of thousands of dollars from his listeners. In 2024 he spends his time trying to convince new paypigs he’s not a thief.πŸ™„      (
submitted by HonkyMcNiggerSpic to jewology101 1 week ago (+6/-3)
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What does lgbtq also equal on the gematria calculator in jewish?     (
submitted by gaperglory to jewology101 9 months ago (+3/-2)
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birth. shalom. oprah. left behind...