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Owner: dirtywhiteboy


big_fat_dangus That's no Pedomobile. THIS is a Pedomobile!     (
submitted by MichaelStewart to killallpedophiles 1.8 years ago (+4/-1)
"Adjacent"      (
submitted by big_fat_dangus to killallpedophiles 1.9 years ago (+53/-3)
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Telford, England report now claims 1000 girls raped and abused by Pakistani men!     (
submitted by GeneralDisarray to killallpedophiles 1.9 years ago (+42/-1)
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This has been going on for thirty years now!!!

The British National Party exposed this twenty years ago!

Tommy Robinson exposed this years ago and he went to prison for it!

The elected officials, police, teachers and social workers all enabled this to continue with the same excuse used all over Britain. We can't do anything because that would be racist.

Even this report and the news coverage are calling them Asian grooming gangs rather than Pakistani Muslim pedophile pimps. Playing along with the minimization of who did what.

This was government policy and ex prime minister gordon brown got paid by the Arabs to cover it up!!!

This has been happening in predominantly labour run areas. Yet the Conservative party has not mentioned it at all. They have done everything to cause political fighting to avoid the matter all together when they could destroy their main opponents.

The Brits are fucking furious and a calling out these Muslim pedo terrorists for practicing their religion of rape and terror.

Putin could end the UK political establishment and the royal family by dropping all the gangstalking files of Brits. Many of whom are the survivors of this abuse. And it's all run by the uk government, police and NATO using the known tactics of pedophiles.

I think this is the nuke Putin is threatening to drop on London.

Strategically he would have to nuke Glasgow first since that's where the nukes are kept. But this is an information war and he is hinting at an information nuke ending the governments legitimacy.

Now would be perfect timing.

He already hinted at these tactics being used in Kazakhstan and Ukraine. He may have found the servers in Kazakhstan already months ago.

The UK is a political tinderbox right now and the royals are exposed as pedos controlling the judicial system with the masons.

Doesn't it make much more sense now that Boris resigned because of this coming out rather than a groapy minister?!!
I said that but im not gonna do it!     (
submitted by bluemenispedo to killallpedophiles 1.9 years ago (+1/-7)
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Sex shop owner in Washington state, who serves on school board, to host classes on 'pleasure' for kids as young as 9     (
submitted by Steelerfish to killallpedophiles 1.9 years ago (+4/-0)
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I didn’t think there was a state in the country you could bring someone under 18 INTO an adult novelty store, Much less than hands on demonstrations of how to properly use them.
This shit won’t stop until some examples are made from these sexual predators.
Utah County: 120 Come Forward with Information in ‘Ritualistic Child Sexual Abuse’ Investigation     (
submitted by Steelerfish to killallpedophiles 1.9 years ago (+4/-0)
How unsurprising. These freaks deserve the most painful deaths known to mankind      (
submitted by big_fat_dangus to killallpedophiles 1.9 years ago (+41/-0)
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Whoa, who could have predicted this?      (
submitted by big_fat_dangus to killallpedophiles 2.0 years ago (+54/-2)
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Disney bus driver among 12 arrested in Polk County child predator sting, Judd says     (
submitted by Steelerfish to killallpedophiles 2.0 years ago (+18/-0)
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Every single one of these that the great Sherriff Judd does nabs a Disney pedo.
Warner brothers has a groomer problem on their hands     (
submitted by Steelerfish to killallpedophiles 2.0 years ago (+3/-0)
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I introduce Voat’s newest admitted pedo, TankTinker     (killallpedophiles)
submitted by Steelerfish to killallpedophiles 2.0 years ago (+33/-4)
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[ - ] TankTinker 0 points 5 minutes ago (+0/-0)*
Ok I'll have my say as someone who frequents nudie sites .. there is a difference between child porn and pre teen glamor, the first group includes the hundreds of i'net sites that have graphic material featuring the sexual assault and rape of minors, while PTG site have nudity but no sex.

The way forward is to see the glamor sites as a marriage mart, whereas in many places world wide girls are adjudged "nubile" and married off from about age seven, we never hear from girls who were married at that age despite they are said to be very happy marriages.

I will go on saying there are plenty of young girls who would like nothing better than to get married, whose photographic portfolio on matchmaking sites would include nude spreads .. if old persons like - wish to peruse the shots from time to time whassa matter with that :)
The World Children Lived in Rome     (
submitted by TrannyHunter to killallpedophiles 2.0 years ago (+1/-0)
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The Christian idea that each individual person has worth because they were created by God was foreign to the lies of pagan society where the State, the tribe, the collective was the only value they knew. There are numerous tombs of small dimensions in the catacombs. Out of a total of 111 burials in one gallery of the Catacomb of Panfilo, 83 are of children and only 5 have inscriptions.
Just found blumen4alles twitter account      (
submitted by big_fat_dangus to killallpedophiles 2.0 years ago (+5/-4)
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