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Member for: 3.7 years

scp: 58846 (+65114/-6268)
ccp: 10220 (+16180/-5960)
votes given: 8937 (+6383/-2554)
score: 69066


Owner of:
RomanCatholicism, Guns, TIL, Insanity, USPolitics, WhiteBeauty, based_department, ThotPatrol, tlolocaust, manlets, wagies, shitbulls, femcels, comfy, cringe, ClusterBglitches,
Mod of:
Niggers, Petitions, Christians,
Submission statistics

This user has mostly submitted to the following subverses (showing top 5):

479 submissions to ThotPatrol
324 submissions to whatever
237 submissions to cringe
179 submissions to owned
154 submissions to clusterBbitches
Voting habits

Submissions: This user has upvoted 1811 and downvoted 1185 submissions
Comments: This user has upvoted 4572 and downvoted 1369 comments