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Community for : 2.0 years

We are in a golden age of mathematics exposition, with YouTube videos with attractive animations showing both manipulations and diagrams. Not just videos. Amateur creators can make a webpage with SVG or canvas and JavaScript animation, to bring mathematics to life. Post your best finds, your own creations, and any mathematics that you wish to discuss. Old school static mathematics content is also welcome.

Owner: happytoes


Lagrange Interpolation     (
submitted by happytoes to mathematics 6 days ago (+4/-0)
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This video has beautiful graphics underpinning an especially clear explanation. At just seven minutes it doesn't get on to Runge Spikes. I'm hoping to create original content about Runge Spikes and this will be the video I link to, to explain Lagrange Interpolation
How Do You Like Them Apples     (
submitted by Wolfspider to mathematics 1 month ago (+76/-1)
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Shortest Path Between Two Points On A Sphere     (
submitted by happytoes to mathematics 3 months ago (+1/-0)
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Hard core maths content. Instead of assuming that the path is a great circle and working out the distance, the video sets up a formula for integrating the length of an arbitrary path. Then it uses the Euler-Lagrange equation to obtain a differential equation for the shortest path. The resulting nightmare integral needs a clever substitution. Eventually it all simplifies and the path lies in a plane through the center of the sphere.
calculate how much it would cost to return all black americans to africa on cruise ships that carry 3000 people      (mathematics)
submitted by oppressed to mathematics 4 months ago (+24/-0)
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a cruise ship with 3000 passengers can travel from east coast USA to south Africa in 18 days.

it takes 36 days for a round trip to Africa and back.

there are about 47.9 million blacks in usa.

there are 15,966.67 round trips required to deport all black americans to Africa at the rate of 3000 per ship.

calculate the amount of ships it would take running at a time to deport all american blacks in a 10 year span.

then you can calculate the cost.
Rössler Attractor     (
submitted by happytoes to mathematics 4 months ago (+0/-0)

The Lorenz attractor has a butterfly wing look. The dynamics spiral outwards, around first unstable fixed point, in the plane of one wing, before fly too close to the middle fixed point and getting deflected to the other wing. There the dynamics spiral outwards from the other "wing spot" fixed point.

Do things have to be that complicated? Could you spiral outward from (0,0,0) in the xy plane before being deflected upward by a repelling fixed point, and then falling back down to the xy plane, but close to the origin again? The Rössler Attractor does this, with a möbius strip twist to generate the chaos. The video has a cute, 3D printed model, differential equations, and animations. Every-thing you need to get inspired and try generating your own animation. (you will have to bring your own understanding of Xlib, or Canvas or whatever)
Why Runge-Kutta is SO Much Better Than Euler's Method     (
submitted by happytoes to mathematics 4 months ago (+2/-0)
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A video about numerical methods for solving differential equations. With pretty animations. And a nice exposition of fourth order Runge-Kutta
Napier, the logarithm guy, invented binary arithmetic in 1617     (
submitted by happytoes to mathematics 6 months ago (+2/-0)

The video demonstrates Napier's method of binary multiplication on his number board. I loved the uncanny vibe generated by the old book, written in Latin, whose topic seems to belong to an explanation of how computers work from the 1960's
Conway's "calculus" proof of the irrationality of the square root of 2 (and more).     (
submitted by happytoes to mathematics 7 months ago (+3/-0)
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This is a nicely paced 13 minute presentation. It goes slowly and carefully over root two, before going faster over root N, then finishing off rapidly with monic polynomials. Suitable for a variety of audiences. But I still cannot figure out how it avoids fancy properties of the integers. I expect that you must at least use Euclid's Algorithm, but it doesn't. Here is how I prove that square roots are either integers or irrationals:

Suppose that √n∈ℚ. Write √n = a/b where a and b are coprime. Then b√n=a. Also, by Bezout's Theorem there are r,s∈ℤ such that ra+sb=1. Multiply by √n

ra√n + sb√n = √n

We already have b√n=a so sb√n is an integer. Does anything similar happen for ra√n ? Yes, just multiply b√n=a by √n obtaining bn=a√n, from which we deduce that ra√n must also be an integer. Thus √n is the sum of two integers and itself an integer.

That is awkward; a rational square root always turns out to be a whole number! Since 1<2<4 we know that 1<√2<2. But there is no integer between one and two so √2 is irrational.

But the approach in the video has neither Euclid's Algorithm, nor Bezout's Theorem (which I view as a corrollary of Euclid's Algorithm).
Jenna Ortega teaches U-substitution in under 90 seconds     (
submitted by happytoes to mathematics 8 months ago (+1/-1)
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Mildly amusing use of AI impersonation, competent mathematics, short!
The shocking connection between complex numbers and geometry.     (
submitted by happytoes to mathematics 8 months ago (+1/-0)

Starts by explaining meromorphic functions with pretty colored pictures. Moves on to parameterizing a circle with sine and cosine. Then it moves in for the kill, trying to rupture cerebral aneurysms by parameterizing the complex torus with the Weierstrass P functions just like it did for the circle. But instead of x^2 + y^2=1, it is y^2 = 4x^3 + 4x, an elliptic curve.
Is there a different term for an edge in math? The line that connects two veritces?     (mathematics)
submitted by iThinkiShitYourself to mathematics 1 year ago (+1/-0)
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If not I think we might need a new term that can connotate (even if it takes time) the connecting line between two vertices. Line is good but it is very general and someone is going to try sneaking in their trivia about "m'actually it's a line segment", and those snowballing interruptions will never end whenever the topic comes up. Line segment also doesn't carry the connotation that it's connecting two vertices.

Edge doesn't really make sense to me. There are all kinds of edges and they're definitely not all line segments nor do they even have a sharp point to them, and I don't even know why else the word edge would be used.

Are there any other terms y'all know of?
The Axiom of Choice is pivotal     (
submitted by shitface9000 to mathematics 1 year ago (+2/-0)
The number 153 has many interesting properties – both numerical and biblical     (
submitted by shitface9000 to mathematics 1 year ago (+3/-0)
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For example,

The number 153 is associated with the geometric shape known as the Vesica Piscis or Mandorla. Archimedes, in his Measurement of a Circle, referred to this ratio (153/265), as constituting the "measure of the fish",

The Gospel of John (chapter 21:1–14) includes the narrative of the miraculous catch of 153 fish as the third appearance of Jesus after his resurrection.[8]
My father was a math professor. I fucking hate math and am retarded in math. I need a math major or professor to comment:     (
submitted by TheBigGuyFromQueens to mathematics 1.1 years ago (+2/-1)
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This guy Terrence Howard is an actor, but he apparently has a degree in Engineering or something and is pretty bright. He has some interesting theories that I have seen mathematically inclined people debunk in kind of the same fashion that people scoff at Flat Earth. I believe one of his postulations is one times one is actually not one. Please watch a couple of his video clips because he has me confounded and I’m wondering of he is bright enough to have opened up a wormhole or something.


Full Video: Skip all of the other shit to 20:20:
Geometry problem solved three different ways     (
submitted by happytoes to mathematics 1.1 years ago (+2/-0)
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Secondary school mathematics emphasizes method. Here is the way to do it. This spills over into proof. We ask "what is the proof". I like this video because the problem is not too hard, there seems to be little room for alternative approaches. Yet the video solves the problem in three distinctly different ways. That pushes back against the error of thinking that there is only one method and only one proof.

I also liked this video because the problem comes up later in trying to compute pi. One idea for computing pi is that tan(pi/4) = 1. That suggests a plan: find a power series for arctan and use it to evaluate pi = 4 arctan(1).

Since arctan is the integral of 1(1 + x^2) we can use the power series 1/(1 + x^2) = 1 - x^2 + x^4 - x^6 + x^8 - ...

Integrate term by term to get a power series for arctan. Evaluate at 1. Notice that 1 is the radius of convergence of the power series. It converges at 1, but slowly. The plan hasn't really worked.

But, spoiler ahead, what if we had some clever identity such as pi/4 = arctan(1/2) + arctan(1/3)? We would have to evaluate the power series twice, for 1/2 and for 1/3, but both converge geometrically; that makes a much better plan, and many more significant digits for our labor. The video doesn't go there, but the problem it solves is the problem of the clever identity that you will want later for computing pi
Animation vs. Math     (
submitted by happytoes to mathematics 1.2 years ago (+1/-0)
Why can't the methods used to confirm quantum entanglement be used for faster than light communication? How can they confirm quantum entanglement if they don't check the state at the same time?     (mathematics)
submitted by iThinkiShitYourself to mathematics 1.2 years ago (+9/-2)
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I have some ideas about this, but I don't really know enough to speak on it
A walk through the thought process of solving a math olympiad problem     (
submitted by happytoes to mathematics 1.3 years ago (+1/-0)

Most mathematics video present the results of deep researches. Results only. How does one come up with a result like that? Silence. Not even a hint of the first step along the path.

This video caught my eye because it walks through the thought process of coming up with a proof. The result is not deep, and the proof is not hard, but topic "how to get started on coming up with ones own proofs" is rarely tackled.
How Math Achieved Transcendence     (
submitted by ParnellsUprising to mathematics 1.5 years ago (+3/-0)
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PEMDAS is WRONG ! ? ! ?     (mathematics)
submitted by AugustineOfHippo2 to mathematics 1.6 years ago (+0/-0)
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I follow PEMDAS, but here are two videos proclaiming PEMDAS wrong:

I have always added additional brackets/parens to improve understanding, and have been the object of many people's derision because of it.
6/2(1+2) is a bit vague in my opinion, so I would write either 6/(2(1+2)) or (6/2)(1+2). I don't care if you don't like my extra parens, because you can't deny that my intent is explicitly stated and shown.
All 6 trig functions on the unit circle     (
submitted by happytoes to mathematics 1.8 years ago (+15/-0)
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The point goes round and round the unit circle and the pretty colors show sine and cosine, then tangent and secant and all the rest.

How Dijkstra's Algorithm Works     (
submitted by happytoes to mathematics 1.9 years ago (+3/-0)
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Dijksta's algorithm for finding the shortest path in a weighted graph. Even if you don't care about graph theory, you should still watch the video to enjoy the quality of the explanation. Sure it is pretty, but the merits go well beyond that. Notice how the example is small, but just big enough to include the tricky cases of the algorithm. Even the asides are beautifully done; when the narrator talks about using a priority queue, the little animation does the right heap percolation thing :-)
When Descartes Challenged Fermat (and Lost)     (
submitted by happytoes to mathematics 2.0 years ago (+2/-0)
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Wonderful mix of history and mathematics. Works a detailed example of Descartes' method for finding the slope of tangents. Then does Fermat's. Which sets the scene for Descartes' challenge x^3 + y^3 - 3xy = 0. Will Fermat solve it? Worth the 47 minutes to watch all the way to the dramatic denouement.