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Hillary Clinton: ‘It would be exhilarating to see Kamala Harris achieve the breakthrough I didn’t’     (
submitted by Sal_180 to politics 5 hours ago (+5/-0)
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Now that labor is exportable, should tariffs be able to be put on it?     (politics)
submitted by CoronaHoax to politics 1 day ago (+4/-0)
Major companies having tech staff in Israel should pay deeply for it.
Jill Biden says 'we have to have a peaceful transfer of power' in January     (
submitted by Sal_180 to politics 6 hours ago (+1/-0)
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Portage County sheriff: 'Write down the addresses' of Kamala Harris supporters who display yard signs     (
submitted by Sal_180 to politics 4 days ago (+13/-1)
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Trump, Vance's Haitian smears "need to stop," Ohio Gov. DeWine says      (
submitted by Sal_180 to politics 2 days ago (+1/-3)
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The average Kamala voter     (
submitted by x0x7 to politics 1 week ago (+29/-0)
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JD Vance mocked for call to ‘love our neighbors’ as Ohio schools evacuated amid false rumors he helped spread     (
submitted by Sal_180 to politics 3 days ago (+3/-5)
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very meritorious general     (
submitted by boekanier to politics 1 week ago (+21/-0)
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‘Clearly chicken you weirdo’: People respond to JD Vance sharing video he claims shows migrants grilling cats     (
submitted by Sal_180 to politics 5 days ago (+2/-3)
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redundant question     (
submitted by boekanier to politics 1 week ago (+16/-0)
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Biden puts on Trump hat 1 day after presidential debate     (
submitted by Niggly_Puff to politics 1 week ago (+11/-0)
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Well Fuck: Kamala managed to show up to something not drunk     (politics)
submitted by x0x7 to politics 1 week ago (+14/-1)
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Imagine how functional she could be if she just got off the sauce. This will decide the election. Just remember she won't show up every day as president sober. She might show up sober close to zero of them.

It is interesting how low the standard is to get hired as president vs a real job. I don't think any of these people could get hired anywhere. But Kamala shows up for something sober one time in her life and that decides she qualifies to be president.

Here is the opportunity to seize on. We accept reality and that Kamala will be president (or at this point is likely to be and there isn't much sway we on this tiny site can have). But we can spin why she won this debate. We might have enough influence to plant a seed.

She did answer better on Israel, both by the public's standards and our standards. Not perfect but better. We should claim that was the deciding factor and holding Israel to account works politically. That would be a fun take away to push out there, see what people do with it.

So you heard it here. Kamala won because Americans like politicians that tell Israel they need to follow rules. NPCs don't process whether something is true or not if it isn't offensive. NPCs are now off of Israel which is nice. This means they are more programmable than your past experiences with them would suggest. It's time to program them. Hack the system. If you say she won because... they will adopt your opinion, because they are all low information and will accept anything that is said confidently.

There is an interesting book I read called Made to Stick:

One thing it tells you is that NPCs don't process critically anything after the word because. They just accept it.

So "Kamala won because she was harder on Israel" is just true if you say it to an NPC whether that is or is not the primary reason. So just tell them that. Tell every NPC you know. And it will be as good as true.
Trump says ‘I HATE TAYLOR SWIFT’ in all-caps Truth Social post Taylor Swift’s Instagram call for voter registration drove more than 400,000 visitors to the website in under 24 hours     (
submitted by Sal_180 to politics 5 days ago (+0/-2)
t's a near guarantee': Experts warn Trump will claim victory no matter what voters say     (
submitted by Sal_180 to politics 3 days ago (+2/-6)
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Imagine needing 'experts' to know this. Trump can't admit defeat for the most basic thing with obvious evidence against him, like the inauguration crowd size.
I just heard, from a baby boomer (of course), that "this presidential election is our last chance". No it's fucking not. We HAVE BEEN in a damage control situation. This *IS* the "things get worse before they get better" phase.     (politics)
submitted by HowDoYouDoFellowNiggers to politics 1 week ago (+4/-3)
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when the zion don was elected people said that was our last chance, and you're simply full of shit if you say your life got better under the zion don. EVERY white person, especially white men, had the nonsense discrimination against them reach levels never before seen in world history. you're getting targeted every which way and that.

the reason jews were to wear ID in the Third Reich was for people to be on guard against them because it was impossible to decode the sneaky system they had set up. in the case of white men, they have to attack you because that's the only path this parasite can take to take you down. and this parasite is in late stages of siphoning life off of you.

Ways in which these parasites have you checkmated in ways that you think are undone by a mere moment's notice with a pleasant thought, but you cannot or will refuse to spend the TIME TIME TIME TIME TIME (these problems are not fixed by you experience a bunch of dopamine hits) to fix them:
- it's got your property, via blackrock and all its shell companies that are obfuscating its name (know a big company buying all the houses and apartments in your area - its a shell company for blackrock 100%; they even have automated systems to bid on properties as banks steal them from people),
- they are committing a full blown genocide of ukrainians, and are coming for the rest of us, and already have plans to send all of eastern europe in as cannon fodder - no i'm not exaggerating. kill yourself if you think i am.
- they have men's attention with rap music and you faggots keep playing it around white women and boosting up a humanoid that is between human and animal and you think you're cool for playing the rap music,
- they have your women consuming their propaganda on cellphones and mtv of all places,
- they have most of you addicted to substances/alcohol/video games/gambling/social media/pornography/masturbation/

We are already in the crash and burn phase. There is no "we're about to fall off the cliff if X happens".

There are regions in Baltimore that are literally SEVENTY PERCENT on food stamps.     (
submitted by CoronaHoax to politics 1 week ago (+13/-0)
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Watch: Stephen Miller Blows a Fuse When Confronted on Propaganda     (
submitted by Sal_180 to politics 1 week ago (+1/-2)
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Rumors of Affair Between Trump and Loomer Grow Louder, With Loomer Reportedly Telling Friends She Performed Sex Act on Former President      (
submitted by Sal_180 to politics 5 days ago (+1/-5)
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Most Americans back term limits for Supreme Court     (
submitted by Sal_180 to politics 6 days ago (+0/-3)
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Fox News host triggers Donald Trump by saying "he decisively lost" the debate with Kamala Harris     (
submitted by Sal_180 to politics 1 week ago (+1/-4)
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Why Trump is spreading the lie that schools are performing gender-affirming surgeries on children     (
submitted by Sal_180 to politics 6 days ago (+1/-5)
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J.D. Vance Can’t Explain Why Trump Threw Him Under the Bus in Debate     (
submitted by Sal_180 to politics 1 week ago (+0/-2)
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Trump rejects second Harris debate     (
submitted by Sal_180 to politics 1 week ago (+1/-5)
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Wow, he was bitchslapped in the debate, that was embarrassing for him.

But the public humiliation of having to reject a second debate is almost worse 😂😂
HILARIOUS: The Krassensteins FACE-PLANT Again! (NEW Article, Not a Repeat!)     (
submitted by beece to politics 1 week ago (+2/-1)
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He has no idea.      (
submitted by Sal_180 to politics 2 weeks ago (+18/-7)
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