Gérard Depardieu detained over sex assault claims     (globalnews.ca)
submitted by Conspirologist to movies 1 month ago (+3/-2)
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3 women diagnosed with HIV after ‘vampire facials’ at unlicensed spa     (globalnews.ca)
submitted by Conspirologist to Health 1 month ago (+0/-2)
Sudanese-Canadians demand feds fast-track relatives’ immigration applications amid civil conflict     (globalnews.ca)
submitted by MasterSuppressionTechnique to WorldNews 2 months ago (+6/-0)
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Drug to regrow teeth enters clinical trials     (globalnews.ca)
submitted by Conspirologist to Health 8 months ago (+5/-1)
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14-year-old girl missing for 2 weeks found in Marine barracks was sold     (globalnews.ca)
submitted by Conspirologist to Pedogate 10 months ago (+13/-3)
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Really? over a 17 year old killed by police?      (globalnews.ca)
submitted by kammmmak to whatever 11 months ago (+17/-0)
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Canada may ban Fox News     (globalnews.ca)
submitted by Conspirologist to Universal 1 year ago (+3/-5)
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Chink politician in Canada consorted with chinks to keep Canadians locked up in chink prison (water is wet)     (globalnews.ca)
submitted by BlueEyedAngloMasterRaceGod to chinahate 1.2 years ago (+12/-0)
Nicola Sturgeon resigns as Scotlands first minister the instant a gang of election rigging Jews are exposed!     (globalnews.ca)
submitted by GeneralDisarray to Strange_Coincidences 1.3 years ago (+4/-1)
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This bitch has made a career out of campaigning for Scottish independence.

But she wasn't going to let the scots vote to end her lucrative scam.

The 2014 independence referendum was rigged and everyone saw it. Yet she didn't protest or call any of it out. She immediately accepted the results.

That left Scotland in the hands of the UK government who have done shocking damage since then. Poisoning the people, importing immigrants in astounding numbers, wrecking the economy and destroying basic human rights.

All while the scots are faced with holding all the UK's nuclear weapons and the USA nuclear submarine fleet for Europe.

This is why no American politicians or media spoke up about the rigging. The got to use the scots too.

But this election rigging group fixed 27 elections. Many countries are now faced with governments that have been installed to destroy them with no recourse while the masons attack anyone speaking up.

This also comes as Israeli judicial reforms threaten to start a civil war in Israel. Is this because Netty wants to finally start extradition of the criminals attacking us to face justice?

We have also had a RCMP commissioner Brenda Lucki announcing her retirement yesterday too. Canadas top cop no less!

Also lots of judicial corruption in California being addressed in recent weeks. Including hundreds of cops getting sued for rape, 11 LA commissioners suspended for corruption, a pedo network arrested and a law addressing the gangstalking of child abuse survivors by the police and more.

All while the Biden corruption and covid crimes are being exposed in real time.

It looks like the masons days are numbered. They are getting exposed in many countries at the same time. They are the ones in control of these judicial systems that are getting exposed.
Man survives on 24 days on ketchup bottle and buillon cubes     (globalnews.ca)
submitted by Conspirologist to WTF 1.4 years ago (+0/-2)
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Jeremiah Green dies from cancer at 45     (globalnews.ca)
submitted by Conspirologist to RIP 1.4 years ago (+2/-3)
Justin Trudeau to appear in Drag Race     (globalnews.ca)
submitted by Conspirologist to Universal 1.6 years ago (+7/-0)
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Poverty is driving Canadians to euthanasia     (globalnews.ca)
submitted by Conspirologist to Universal 1.6 years ago (+14/-1)
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Captain of junior hockey team dies at arena     (globalnews.ca)
submitted by Conspirologist to DeathVax19 1.8 years ago (+7/-0)
N.B. woman diagnosed with long COVID after 7 trips to ER for erratic heart rate     (globalnews.ca)
submitted by obvious to DeathVax19 2.0 years ago (+3/-0)
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"New Brunswicker Nicole Daigle got COVID-19 back in January, amid the Omicron wave."
"Daigle had been fully vaccinated with two doses at the time of her infection."
So are there any examples of long COVID who were not vaccinated?