‘90% Bots’: Elon Musk Reveals Twitter Is a Military Grade Psy-Op To Brainwash the Masses     (newspunch.com)
submitted by obvious to FightingBackAgainstTheNWO 1.9 years ago (+69/-1)
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"The vast majority of Twitter’s “daily users,” it appears, are automated spam bots that the Big Tech giant uses to induce mass formation psychosis and other forms of social conditioning."
Amish Farmer Gets Prison Sentence for Processing His Own Meat     (newspunch.com)
submitted by ParnellsUprising to whatever 2.1 years ago (+67/-0)
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NBC Caught ‘Airbrushing’ Photo of Transgender Swimmer To Make Her Look Less Manly     (newspunch.com)
submitted by beece to LyingNewsMedia 2.2 years ago (+51/-0)
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Top Virologist Who Voted for Vaccine Mandates Dies ‘Suddenly and Unexpectedly’     (newspunch.com)
submitted by knightwarrior41 to DeathVax19 1.5 years ago (+50/-0)
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Justin Trudeau Accused of Sexually Abusing 12-Year-Old Girl – Media Silent     (newspunch.com)
submitted by ParnellsUprising to killallpedophiles 1.4 years ago (+38/-1)
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WEF says "pedophiles will save humanity" honk honk!!!     (newspunch.com)
submitted by GeneralDisarray to ClownWorld 1.4 years ago (+35/-1)
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This shows us all that the cat is out of the bag!

The majority will soon realize that satanic pedophiles run everything and are trying to kill us all.

This is a combination of gaslighting, demoralization and legitimizing their pathological criminal behaviour.

Of course no one will go for this. No one wants this evil legalized and no one wants these monsters in power. This is pure desperation and amounts to an admission that we are right again. Pedophiles run the world.

The new world order is on the brink of collapse and they know it.

They will soon be facing billions hunting them like animals across the earth.

The idea of an amnesty for the vax genocide was floated a few weeks back and failed. Soon they will float the idea of a surrender under conditions.

If they want a deal they must first show that they are worth listening too. They must first send all the gangstalking/Fifth Generation Warfare files to those they targeted as a good will effort. Then we can talk.

This would constrain the masons who have slaughtered millions of us. They won't stop attacking us until they are exposed. So no deals can be discussed with them still active.
Biden Orders Businesses to Ignore Supreme Court Decision on Vax Mandates     (newspunch.com)
submitted by TheSimulacra to Controlavirus 2.4 years ago (+29/-0)
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Cell Tower Turned Off By Court After Farmer Complained It Was Damaging His Cows’ Health.     (newspunch.com)
submitted by qwop to whatever 2.0 years ago (+29/-0)
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Multiple Disney Officials Arrested as Part of Massive Pedophile Ring Sting     (newspunch.com)
submitted by TFS to news 2.8 years ago (+31/-3)
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A massive pedophile ring sting in Polk County, Florida, has resulted in the arrest of multiple Walt Disney officials, according to police.

Polk County Sheriff’s Office detectives conducted the undercover pedophile ring operation from July 27th through August 1st, 2021, during which detectives posed as juveniles online to investigate those who prey upon and travel to meet children in order to rape them.

Detectives from the Auburndale Police Department, Orlando Police Department, Winter Haven Police Department, and Orange County Sheriff’s Office, named the successful pedophile ring sting: “Operation Child Protector.”

Breaking911.com reports: The suspects communicated with and solicited who they thought were children between the ages of 13 and 14 for sex acts. The suspects showed up to an undercover location in Polk County at separate times to meet who they thought were children, to sexually batter them. Some of them transmitted pornographic images while grooming and soliciting the children online, and they were appropriately charged for that as well.

In all, detectives arrested 17 suspects, who face a total of 49 felony and two misdemeanor charges which include: traveling to meet a minor for sex, attempted lewd battery, use of a computer to seduce a child, unlawful use of a two-way communication device, and transmission of material harmful to a child; six suspects brought condoms, and nine suspects have criminal histories (with 27 total previous felonies, and 22 total previous misdemeanors). The youngest suspect arrested is 26 years old, and the two oldest suspects are 47 years old. They were all from the central Florida area, except one suspect who was here visiting from California.


1. 26-year-old Kenneth Javier Aquino of Orlando.
2. 41-year-old Irving Oliver of Lakeland
3. 33-year-old Jarrod Justice of Los Angeles, California
4. 31-year-old Lior Enbar of Orlando
5. 30-year-old Joshua Ortega of Davenport
6. 45-year-old Julio Enrique Cedeno, Jr. of Zephyrhills
7. 47-year-old Juan Guadalupe-Arroyo of Davenport
8. 36-year-old Carlos Flores of Orlando
9. 47-year-old Enrique Medina of Orlando.
10. 30-year-old Adam Smith of Kissimmee
11. 27-year-old Jeremiah Davis of Clewiston.
12. 44-year-old Thomas Snyder of Lakeland.
13. 34-year-old David Ring of Lakeland
14. 27-year-old Philip Nelson of Polk City
15. 34-year-old Jonathan McGrew of Kissimmee
16. 29-year-old Savannah Lawrence of Kissimmee
17. 37-year-old Edward McGaffigan of Orlando.

Pictures of the suspects:

Mosquitoes Testing Positive to Rare, Deadly Viruses in US Months After Bill Gates Released Millions in The Wild     (newspunch.com)
submitted by knightwarrior41 to whatever 1.9 years ago (+28/-0)
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Months after a Bill Gates tech start-up released millions of genetically modified mosquitoes in to the wild, mosquitoes across the US are testing positive to extremely rare and deadly viruses, some of which have never before been reported in the United States.
UN Declares War on ‘Dangerous’ Conspiracy Theories: ‘The World Is NOT Secretly Manipulated By Global Elite’     (newspunch.com)
submitted by Rob3122 to whatever 1.8 years ago (+27/-0)
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Pro-Vax Radio Host James Whale Hospitalized With ‘Lungs Full of Blood Clots’     (newspunch.com)
submitted by Conspirologist to VaccineVictims 1.4 years ago (+27/-2)
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TIL Rockefeller faced $1Billion lawsuit for intentionally infecting people with Syphilis     (newspunch.com)
submitted by Conspirologist to TIL 8 months ago (+25/-2)
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Pedophile Who Identities As Baby Girl Caught Breaking Into Day Care     (newspunch.com)
submitted by NationalSocialism to ClownWorld 1.2 years ago (+25/-1)
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A New York pedophile who identifies as a baby girl has been arrested after repeatedly trying to break into a day care center, according to reports.
Biden To Hire Private Firms to Spy on American Citizens Who Spread ‘Conspiracy Theories’     (newspunch.com)
submitted by TFS to news 3 years ago (+23/-0)
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Joe Biden is set to hire private firms to spy on American citizens who may be engaged in discussing or spreading “extremist” content online, according to reports.

Biden Dramatically Drops to His Knees Upon Meeting His Israeli Handlers     (newspunch.com)
submitted by ParnellsUprising to whatever 2.9 years ago (+23/-0)
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Jew World Order: ‘Woke’ UK Police Boast About Arresting 12-Year-Old Boy Over Offensive Tweets     (newspunch.com)
submitted by TFS to whatever 2.9 years ago (+23/-0)
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Police in the UK have bragged about arresting a 12-year-old boy for sending mean and offensive messages on social media.

Yes, really.

Following the mainstream media’s hysteria over a handful of racist messages sent to black England footballers after the Euro’s last Sunday, West Midlands Police jumped at the chance to boast that it had taken urgent action.

“#ARRESTED| We were alerted to a series of racist messages sent to a footballer today and after looking into them and conducting checks, we have arrested a boy,” the tweet said.

“The 12-year-old from #Solihull has been taken to custody. Thanks to everyone who raised it. Racism won’t be tolerated.”

Canadian Gov’t Can Now Seize Private Property and Abduct People in the Name of COVID     (newspunch.com)
submitted by TFS to Plandemic 2.7 years ago (+23/-0)
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A Canadian provincial government have granted themselves ’emergency powers’ that allow them to seize personal property at will, all in the name of Covid.

Under Orwellian new health orders, the Saskatchewan minister may “authorize the entry into any building or on any land, without warrant, by any person in the course of implementing an emergency plan.”
But it gets worse…

The Canadian government has also granted itself the power to “cause the evacuation of persons and the removal of persons or livestock and personal property from any area of Saskatchewan that is or may be affected by an emergency and make arrangements for the adequate care and protection of those persons or livestock and of the personal property.”

Lifesitenews.com reports: The new Provincial Emergency Order under The Emergency Planning Act was signed September 13, by Premier Scott Moe. The orders were announced by the Saskatchewan Ministry of Health.

According to the ministry of health, the new orders are needed to “provide for health system labour mobility through greater flexibility in scheduling and redirecting health care workers to areas experiencing capacity pressures and in the use of supplementary resources.”

The new emergency health powers allow the government to “assume direction and control of the emergency response of a local authority.”

They also give the government the power to “acquire or utilize any real or personal property that the minister considers necessary to prevent, combat or alleviate the effects of an emergency.”

As part of this order, the government reactivated the terms of a Letter of Understanding with the Saskatchewan Health Authority and a slew of provincial unions, including the Saskatchewan Union of Nurses and Health Sciences Association of Saskatchewan.

The Letter of Understanding spells out how the government can force the “temporary redeployment of health care employees to meet the anticipated increase in COVID-19 health care needs.”

Every person residing in Saskatchewan is mandated by law to follow the new emergency orders or face severe penalties or possible jail time.

The new orders came about after the government declared a “fourth wave” of COVID-19 spurred by the “Delta variant.”

The province with a population of around one million currently says 262 people are in hospital due to COVID-19.

On September 17, Dr. Saqub Shahab, the province’s chief medical health officer, issued a mandatory interim isolation and face-covering order as a stop-gap until the province’s vaccine passport comes into effect in October.

Moe recently said his government was “too patient” with those who have not had the COVID jabs while introducing a vaccine passport.

Moe’s words against the unvaccinated also included a line that, although he never wanted to “implement” a vaccine passport, his “patience has come to an end” with the un-jabbed.

Starting October 1, one must show proof of vaccination or a negative test to eat indoors, go to entertainment venues, attend conferences or large events, or participate in indoor fitness centers.

All Canadian provinces have for a long time had the power to enact such draconian rules, which in effect limit people’s rights in a time of emergency, but using a “health” emergency to do so is unheard of in modern times.


Fully Jabbed Four-Time British Motorcycling Champion Dies Suddenly at 35     (newspunch.com)
submitted by knightwarrior41 to DeathVax19 1.6 years ago (+22/-1)
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The ADL Will Moderate Twitter     (newspunch.com)
submitted by Conspirologist to MeanwhileOnTwitter 1.6 years ago (+21/-1)
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Australians Who Post Independent Media Content Online Could Face $11,000 Fines     (newspunch.com)
submitted by TFS to WorldNews 2.8 years ago (+19/-0)
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Australians who post information that goes against the mainstream narrative will be given fines of up to $11,000 under a newly proposed law designed to permanently ban independent media online.

Under the proposal, which is being pushed by the opposition in New South Wales, Australians who post anti-lockdown information, much of which is published by independent media outlets, will be given crippling fines. Protest organizers will face even bigger fines of up to $20,000 and people who attend protests would be fined $5,500.

The proposed law would punish “people sharing information on social media about illegal rallies and inciting others to illegally attend” by issuing them them with fines they cannot afford to pay.

Summit.news reports: The onerous fines are intended to neutralize a protest movement that has grown in recent weeks over New South Wales imposing yet another brutal lockdown on its citizens, which is now being enforced by military occupation of Sydney.

Shadow Police Minister Walt Secord said the massive fines were needed to “throw the book at these idiots who spread misinformation and lies along with the Delta variant.”

Police Commissioner Mick Fuller warned of “online chatter” about a possible second protest this Saturday, using rhetoric that is usually reserved for terrorists planning a deadly attack.

Fines for not wearing masks, which are now compulsory even outdoors, are also set to rise to $500.

Minister for Police and Emergency Services David Elliott even bragged about how many calls – a total of over 15,000 – had been received from people reporting on others for attending “illegal” protests.

A pregnant woman was arrested in her own home for planning an anti-lockdown protest on Facebook, while the state also gave itself the power to seize children from their parents and enter homes without a warrant under COVID-19 rules.

The chief health officer of New South Wales even went so far as to tell Australians that they shouldn’t “engage in conversation with each other,” even if they’re wearing masks, in order to reduce the transmission of COVID.
Parents Horrified After New York School Forces 1st Graders To Watch Pornographic Cartoon     (newspunch.com)
submitted by fightknightHERO to PureFuckingKikery 3 years ago (+16/-0)
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And this is not an isolated case, the kikes seem to be hellbent to push this FILTH unto the minds of FIRST GRADERS

This is a remind for all new and existing parents
WEF Orders Public To Bathe ‘Once a Week or Less’ To Save the Planet     (newspunch.com)
submitted by knightwarrior41 to Technocracy 1.4 years ago (+16/-0)
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The World Economic Forum (WEF) is now urging the public to shower less than once a week in the interests of combatting “climate change.”
Vax Passport Advocate called Purebloods dangerous idiots, now has lung clots and cancer      (newspunch.com)
submitted by Cantaloupe to whatever 1.4 years ago (+11/-0)
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UK Gov’t: Hundreds of Thousands of Brits Dying Because of COVID Jabs     (newspunch.com)
submitted by knightwarrior41 to Health 1.4 years ago (+11/-0)