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COVID-19 Discussion

Owner: Kozel


study involving 1.7 million children has found that myocarditis and pericarditis only appeared in children who had received Covid mRNA vaccines.     (
submitted by Kozel to Controlavirus 19 hours ago (+35/-1)
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So sad.     (
submitted by Kozel to Controlavirus 7 months ago (+21/-1)
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New Study: British Gov’t Secretly Euthanized Elderly Hospital Patients To Boost ‘Covid Deaths’     (
submitted by mxcviel to Controlavirus 8 months ago (+38/-2)
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According to the preprint research study, elderly hospital patients were euthanized with a fatal injection of Midazolam, however the cause of death was listed as “COVID,” allowing the UK government to artificially inflate the number of Covid deaths and convince the public that the disease was far more dangerous than was actually the case.

“This paper shows that the UK spike in deaths, wrongly attributed to COVID-19 in April 2020, was not due to SARS-CoV-2 virus, which was largely absent, but was due to the widespread use of Midazolam injections which were statistically very highly correlated (coefficient over 90 percent) with excess deaths in all regions of England during 2020.

“The widespread and persistent use of Midazolam in UK suggests a possible policy of systemic euthanasia.”


UPDATE: link to article now says 403 Forbidden, but here is still a thumbnail:

link to previous article in upper screenshot with RELATED topic, from last month:

‘Midazolam Is Being Used To Secretly Euthanize the Elderly’ – Eyewitnesses Speak Out
January 21, 2022:


links to SIMILAR articles as in title from different websites, found with yandex
and earlier one:
Jewish Invention     (
submitted by Kozel to Controlavirus 8 months ago (+22/-1)
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submitted by Kozel to Controlavirus 10 months ago (+24/-2)
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Gentle Reminder     (
submitted by Kozel to Controlavirus 10 months ago (+61/-1)
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Their vote counts as much as yours     (
submitted by Kozel to Controlavirus 1.1 years ago (+13/-1)
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Why are these (((CONVID))) freaks always reporting on test levels in waste water? Are we dealing with a bunch of SCAT freaks here? Do these people like shit-porn? Just what is the deal with playing around in mookie stinks to find a virus?     (Controlavirus)
submitted by TheOriginal1Icemonkey to Controlavirus 1.1 years ago (+7/-2)
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Retard Alert!     (
submitted by Kozel to Controlavirus 1.2 years ago (+19/-1)
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Samurai Politician Obtained Cancer; Points to vaccine, pharma, censorship     (
submitted by Kozel to Controlavirus 1.4 years ago (+39/-1)
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US ending COVID-19 Unvaccinated Travel Ban!     (
submitted by Kozel to Controlavirus 1.4 years ago (+15/-1)
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mRNA in blood after 28 days     (
submitted by Kozel to Controlavirus 1.6 years ago (+4/-0)
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submitted by Kozel to Controlavirus 1.6 years ago (+24/-1)
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Katy Perry Talking To a Mask (Cringe warning)     (
submitted by Kozel to Controlavirus 1.6 years ago (+28/-1)
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Sen. Ron Paul exposes State Department lies about funding gain-of-function research in China. "I'll get back to you on that" seems to be the standard weasel response to never get back on anything. Why is the US still funding these departments.     (
submitted by qwop to Controlavirus 1.7 years ago (+2/-0)
Robert Kennedy Jr explains how the CIA ran 20+ pandemic simulations - "We're in a huge Milgram experiment here, we got Anthony Fauci in his white lab coat."     (
submitted by qwop to Controlavirus 1.7 years ago (+20/-1)
Conversations at work original content     (Controlavirus)
submitted by Kozel to Controlavirus 1.8 years ago (+24/-1)
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Came into a client's office. California blue county surrounded by more blue counties. 3 White guys sitting there mid conversation, one is mega boomer old guy, two are in their 40s or 50s. They cut the conversation as I walk in and boomer old guy asks: Kozel, what do you think of Dr Fauci.

I think he should hang from a lamp post.

They were surprised by my bluntness, laughed, and complimented my statement.

Mission Passed. Respect

Afterwards I visit the parts department. There's a white guy with a low jew admixture who's anti vax. Some weeks ago he was very distraught and told me "dude you know they are killing us with vaccines". I said yes, I do. Anyway, he tells me that they can't purchase any toe tags that they use for identifying parts because there's a supply shortage of toe tags. I ask if he's joking and he's not. Toe Tags are used in morgues to identify the dead. I catch him up on some stuff, he says man Kozel I feel dumb after talking to you. I tell him, you can't be dumb, you didn't get the vax even after all the pressure.

Go to the wamen department. There's a White girl there who sits in a cubicle alone wearing a mask. I saw her some months ago, alone in that big office, wearing a mask. She's not giving up.
SpayVac: Smoking Gun for Vax as Human Depopulation?     (
submitted by Kozel to Controlavirus 1.7 years ago (+3/-0)
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NYC teachers accused of filing fake COVID vaccine cards must be returned to their jobs      (
submitted by Kozel to Controlavirus 1.8 years ago (+9/-0)
LGBTQ Doctors Pushed Masking, Covid Lockdowns on Twitter. Turns Out, They Don’t Exist     (
submitted by Wolfspider to Controlavirus 1.8 years ago (+15/-0)
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Dance Dance Bitches     (
submitted by Wolfspider to Controlavirus 1.8 years ago (+46/-0)
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Japan Press Conference: Families Ask "How Many Are You Going to Kill with this Vaccine?"     (
submitted by Kozel to Controlavirus 1.9 years ago (+29/-1)
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(.TXT) Collection of ~2,800 archive links for coronavirus-related materials spanning from March 2019 through August 17, 2021.     (
submitted by Kozel to Controlavirus 1.9 years ago (+6/-1)
Remember the herd mentality of sheeple     (
submitted by UncleDoug to Controlavirus 1.9 years ago (+23/-0)
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The Truth About Ivermectin - "Because it is lipid soluble, it is stored and slowly released, so once you’ve taken a prophylactic dose, your risk of getting COVID is close to zero and you can actually stop it for a while.” - Dr. Paul Marik     (
submitted by qwop to Controlavirus 1.9 years ago (+9/-0)
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