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submitted by Darth_Nougat to boats 3.2 yearsApr 1, 2021 16:02:18 ago (+5/-0)     (pic8.co)


this was a very nice boatyard up until the mid 90s, when it got killed by los angeles bureaucrats who hate businesses and maritime services for small boat owners especially.

Most people I know sail super far away for any boat yard services today. Some chance it and go to that shitty long beach one... I've heard pretty mixed reviews about them.

This old boatyard is still there, but has been abandoned since it closed, and is slowly just falling apart instead of being used. Thanks los angeles bureaucrats!

2 comments block

Amen and likewise!

I made my lord_nougat account here a month or two ago while I was drunk on the boat and the text file in which I saved my super ridiculous password got overwritten... so much for that account!