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Elite Plans Thread

submitted by Xigbar68 to 4Chan 3.1 yearsApr 14, 2021 13:46:43 ago (+11/-1)     (files.catbox.moe)


Thread reminded me a lot of this comic: https://files.catbox.moe/gafp7n.jpg

And also of the ending of the game, Amea: https://armorgames.com/play/10487/amea

QRD on Amea: https://files.catbox.moe/x7u8x8.png



Also, was trying to post this Elite Breadcrumbs Thread earlier but it wasn't working: https://files.catbox.moe/vh27op.png

19 comments block

Trump is literally one of them.

Disagree and doubt it. Trump may be an elite, but he's not in the elite (((clique))) nor in on the globalist plans. Sure, he sucked Israel's dick, but almost every recent president has done that. What made Trump different was his nationalist policies which was why he was so hated by the mainstream media and why the (((elites))) wanted him out.