Mexico is not forcing Americans to buy drugs. The Mexican government does not want to flood America with drugs. The drug trade is not, as some seem to think, a tool used by Mexico or Mexicans to destabilize the US. Mexico did not create the demand for drugs in the US. Furthermore, cartels did not appear naturally in Mexico. They did not exist here before the US decided they would. There’s no endemic drug usage crisis here on anywhere near the scale there is in the US. We are not the ones buying the drugs.
2) Despite pretensions by politicians seeking votes, the US government has ZERO interest in actually stopping the drug trade. In fact, its real objective is to keep its own population well supplied with narcotics. This business provides an opportunity to secure vast amounts of funding for the various glownigger agencies and enterprises, as well as to keep the American citizenry broken and subdued.
3) America prefers to outsource the manufacturing to other countries. Producing narcotics on this scale is done by large, wealthy criminal organizations, and naturally they do not want those operating within their borders. They prefer to let the Mexicans deal with the consequences, violence and criminality inherent in being the host country – it does not matter as long as Americans get their drugs cheap, safe and easy.