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ARX100 vs Bren 2

submitted by SexMachine to Guns 3.2 yearsApr 5, 2021 09:48:25 ago (+2/-0)     (Guns)

I'm considering buying one of these, but there's a few things I need to consider, hopefully y'all can give me some insight as well. Looking for rifle/carbine, not the pistol.

Price - everything is selling for hundreds more than they were even a few months ago. It's almost as ridiculous as video card prices. Prices will go back down eventually, but who knows when.

ARX100 is what I've been leaning towards because it is the cheaper of the two. Problem is less customization, and supposedly there is accuracy issues which are hit or miss. From what I've read, it is the cleaner of the two. I can find it for $1400. Last year, you could find it for $900.

Bren 2 is what I really want. Price is the major drawback. More aftermarket parts. Handguard is longer, so more places to put doodads. Price is about $2200. No clue what they were selling for last year.

Or any other suggestions for a gas piston 5.56 rifle that's less than $2000. Anything around $1400, so I can put my Biden bux to use.

6 comments block

Was going to say this. I ran a piston for a class I attended, pre lubed my bcg, rails, buffer spring with good bit of frog lube. 10,000 rounds, no carbon to scrape, no cleaning of the guts during the entire course. No weapon related malfunctions. 8 fail to fire lake city m885s out of the 10k. Boresnaked barrel a few times when showing clear but other than that, Piston was amazing. Was aftermarket on an LMT upper.