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Jew Jon Stewart accuses JK Rowling of anti-Semitism over her depiction of goblins in Harry Potter who run the Gringotts Wizarding Bank

submitted by John_B_14 to Jews 2.4 yearsJan 4, 2022 18:03:58 ago (+52/-1)     (www.dailymail.co.uk)


Jon Stewart called the goblins that run Gringotts bank in the Harry Potter universe an anti-semitic trope on his The Problem with Jon Stewart podcast

He questioned why J.K. Rowling chose to 'throw Jews in there to run the f***ing underground bank' in a world where people 'can ride dragons and have pet owls'

Rowling has been mired in controversy since June 2020, when she posted a series of tweets about the transgender community

4 January 2022


42 comments block

So he admits jews are goblins?