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The reason why Zoe Quinn will never see the inside of a court room despite breaking multiple wire fraud and tax evasion laws is this...

submitted by MatthewJuly1313 to gaming 2.2 yearsMar 28, 2022 10:59:41 ago (+3/-1)     (gaming)

She use to "work in law enforcement" as a campus security gaurd. And despite being a low rung on the food chain the justice system covers up for all forms of law enforcement. Also she hypocritically cyber bullied numerous people to death on a place called Helldump on the website SomethingAwful. She also abused her position on the YouTube trust and safety council to dox and swat me for get this attacking police brutality on YouTube comments when i did not say anything against the law. And then i criticises the CEO of YouTube Susan Wojcicki and then all 4 of the Karen squad, Susan Wojcicki the CEO of YouTube, Zoe Quinn, and Anita Sarkeesian who also is on the YouTube trust and safety council, and Male Karen CEO of Google Sundar Pichai all doxxed and swated me a second time and banned all my Google and YouTube accounts. If you cant handle being criticised ONCE AND ONLY ONE TIME on your website you own you are thin skinned and need mental help. I didn't even say a thing about Quinn or Sarkeesian or Pichai ever and they fucked my asshole raw dog. So now you all know why i have a personal vendetta against Susan Wojcicki, Zoe Quinn, and Anita Sarkeesian, and Sundar Pichai. Because fuck them and fuck Google and fuck YouTube. That's why.

10 comments block

Cunty -2 points 2.2 years ago

Cool story bro, tell us more. I'm all ears, well the wife says i'm all cock but thats another story. . . .

Please continue, youre so interesting.