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True to form, they're now saying "No one was forced to be vaccinated." I think we all called that one.

submitted by totes_magotes to MeanwhileOnReddit 2.1 yearsMay 10, 2022 07:49:02 ago (+90/-0)     (archive.ph)


I think maybe we should start using the "but no one forced you to have sex" line on the pro-abortion freaks and watch them flip out.

52 comments block

They are technically correct. It's still fucking awful. Evil is still evil. It's Coercion. A ton of people were fired for employer mandates and had difficulty finding employers without covid vaccine policy. Get the jab or we will make you destitute. And you couldn't go inside restaurants in NYC.

Some commmie schools in California tried to jabs kids without parental consent. Lawsuits were threatened and they backed off.