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Dream Hands

submitted by Kozel to Dreamworlds 1.6 yearsOct 23, 2022 06:39:27 ago (+7/-1)     (Dreamworlds)

My first experience with lucid dreaming took place when I was a teenager on the same night as I was taught about the concept. Excitement about the prospect, motivation to be first over my brother, and a less-calcified pineal gland made it very easy.

At that time I had learned with from an excerpt from a book that instructed the dreamer to view their dream hand as the first action of lucid dreaming. From there, after nights of practice, to build a dream body, a dream room, and then finally to venture out of the dream room. By building up from a hand to a body to a room the mind grew stronger and could hold create and maintain a larger dream universe.

Building from that concept, the highest level of lucid dream I was able to attain, thanks to the help of a cat triggering a wake induced lucid dream, was my existence as a ball of light, floating through the unknown, with a 360 degree field of consciousness (like a field of view, but it was not sight).

But I digress. I recently had a lucid dream. I looked at my dream hand. It was deformed and had at least two extra mutant fingers.

5 comments block

I remember the first time I was able to recognize and start lucid dreaming. I looked in a mirror, and I didnt see myself. The first time it pulled me right out of the dream and I was wide awake. The second time, I stayed asleep and was thrilled with the ability to walk through walls and leap off tall buildings. It was an amazing experience. I need to get back to trying it again.