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Origins of Goyslop

submitted by UncleDoug to Soyboys 1.2 yearsMar 29, 2023 08:49:47 ago (+72/-0)     (files.catbox.moe)


23 comments block

Ragnar 0 points 1.2 years ago

because there a little bit of achiness in the joints after heavy workouts
Haha ancient grandma, get a walker lmao

But I dont eat meat
Ugh I’m taking the bait because it’s just too good. You are a retarded vegan childless roastie? Hahaha that explains quite a lot, including you being barren!

Anyway, yes, I was also shocked to learn the truth about omega 3. At first I was in denial but the data is mounting up, however, mainstream “science” is still waxing poetic about them. Which is why I started questioning omega 3, tbh. In fact, I started questioning low carb/keto when it started being pushed so heavily and going mainstream so hard. However, even mainstream health “gurus” are not denying the omega 3 supplements, be it fish or krill, are rancid by the time the bottle reaches you. You do your own research and make sure to go deeper than the papers focusing on short term results.
As a retarded vegan, you probably already have too much pufa in your system, you should try to balance it out.
I, myself, am not an absolutist. I don’t take supplements but I will eat salmon whenever I feel like it. I do avoid supermarket chicken and pork, and only eat heritage breeds.

Oh, and because I’m so magnanimous I will give you a free tip for your achy ancient childless joints. Gelatine or glycine is supposed to do wonders. But since you are a retarded vegan, you are not going to have those lol