Hawk Tuah Boy Nick Fuentes almost smoked by health insurance assassins copycat      (justicereport.news)
submitted by 3Whuurs to Soyboys 3 weeks ago (+4/-1)
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con77 after he sold his Harley and bought an electric scooter     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by con77 to Soyboys 8 months ago (+8/-0)
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What I think of when sheeple defend the government.     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by UncleDoug to Soyboys 9 months ago (+11/-0)
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A double soy mocha frappe in the age of gay.     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by UncleDoug to Soyboys 1.1 years ago (+1/-0)
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Failure soyboy of a man calls police on his druggie daughter      (invidious.protokolla.fi)
submitted by SumerBreeze to Soyboys 1.4 years ago (+0/-2)
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She's tougher than all you work-from-home faggots lmao      (youtu.be)
submitted by HeyJames to Soyboys 1.4 years ago (+6/-5)
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Ninja manbun     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by dulcima to Soyboys 1.5 years ago (+46/-0)
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My Vegan Friend Broke up with me     (Soyboys)
submitted by Trope to Soyboys 1.5 years ago (+41/-1)
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Met with an old friend from high school. Always felt bad for the kid as his situation was always a difficult one. Figured we’d catch up, see how he’s doing, and if there was any chance I could help him. Figured I could get him away from the city and out into nature, so he met me at the end of the rail line and I drove us both out for a hike in the woods. Many of the things he said still haunt me which I will disclose now. Now I figured he was more left-leaning given the fact that he’s vegan and lives in the inner city but we both came from the same school so surely, he had to have developed some sense of a middle-ground. Right?

On three accounts in our discussions, he referred to “The patriarchy” in a sarcastic tone. I had to look away in disgust before composing myself to ask for an explanation. He then proceeded to explain that “The patriarchy has made life difficult for women.” I quickly changed the topic. Sounded like he was regurgitating media nonsense citing women need to fill more authority roles.

On other accounts, he sarcastically threw out the word “Alpha Male”. To which I had to look away. His implications were that an alpha male does not exist. This was as interesting as it was sad because I strive to lead and serve every single day. When he attacked such an idea of a powerful male figure, it felt like an attack on my own values.

I began to understand that this kid had never had a girlfriend before. So we talked women. I explained that a woman would want to be lead by a strong man and it should be no surprise that women read romance novels. He then went into a explanation that in the modern era, the gender roles are neutral and that he wouldn't mind being lead by a woman. In fact, the more he explained what he most desired in a woman, it sounded to me like he was describing a father figure. And of course; as I began to ask him about his father, it turns out he never had one in his life. Truly a sad situation.

I asked about leaders and role models in his life. He could only list women. It became evident to me that I was walking through those woods with a feminine archetype. Despite not being gay, everything he said to me indicated that he had a craving for dick. Perhaps we maintained our friendship through the occasional text message and exchange of ideas because I was actually talking to another woman? Surely, my wife would not like that.

The way I see it, he will either end up with a super passive Asian girl. Or find himself miserable in a relationship with a domineering woman assuming the masculine role. And once he tries to flip the gender roles and attempt to be the man in the relationship, that will immediately end the relation. Or hell, maybe he will come out as non-binary or trans in the next several years.

Either way, the whole thing made me sick to my stomach. There is no helping this poor lost soul. After a few texts, I gently suggested maybe his iron deficiency is a clear indication that he should stick to what has always worked for our ancestors. After inviting him to church, he sent me a long text saying his vibe doesn't match with mine and that he will be avoiding me moving forward. Lol

I still have much to say but will leave it at this for now. The good news is my income will likely rise simply by having his influences out of my social circle. This kid, in his 30s, only works a few days per week “for his mental health”. Imagine missing out on an entire future of abundance simply because you should be lazy in your youth. I feel bad trash-talking an old friend of mine, but it comes as a dire warning that children need fathers.
Bill "The Cuck" Burr decides he hasn't humiliated himself enough yet, goes on ANOTHER apology and cucklord stint      (boards.4chan.org)
submitted by xtra_spooky_skellington to Soyboys 1.5 years ago (+5/-0)
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White Guilt Caught On Camera: White man calls cops on nigger threatening him with a knife, begins to cry like a soy faggot when nigger is arrested     (nitter.net)
submitted by Scyber to Soyboys 1.6 years ago (+16/-0)
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He actually starts crying at the end! Tears of the SOY!
Soy hits a deer     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by big_fat_dangus to Soyboys 1.6 years ago (+72/-0)
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Soyjack Omega emerges      (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by big_fat_dangus to Soyboys 1.7 years ago (+7/-4)
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Soyience has lied to me for the LAST TIME!      (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by big_fat_dangus to Soyboys 1.7 years ago (+5/-2)
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Origins of Goyslop     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by UncleDoug to Soyboys 1.8 years ago (+72/-0)
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people still wearing masks     (u.smutty.horse)
submitted by con77 to Soyboys 2 years ago (+18/-3)
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Your average scooter rider     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by UncleDoug to Soyboys 2 years ago (+25/-1)
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@Paul_neri gobbling cock     (u.smutty.horse)
submitted by con77 to Soyboys 2 years ago (+21/-0)
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soy admission     (Soyboys)
submitted by prominent_proboscis to Soyboys 2.2 years ago (+4/-0)
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miso is pretty bomb ass, and so is black bean sauce. i’m going to grow some soy fag beans in the garden next year so i can ferment my own. suck my limp soy dick, niggers.
Goy Niggercattle     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by Kozel to Soyboys 2.3 years ago (+53/-0)
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Soy Level: Chair     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by Kozel to Soyboys 2.3 years ago (+32/-1)
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Metro Detroit man gets chip implant as the key to his Tesla     (worldtruthvideos.website)
submitted by RMGoetbbels to Soyboys 2.3 years ago (+0/-0)
Soyjack IRL     (teddit.net)
submitted by Kozel to Soyboys 2.6 years ago (+17/-1)
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Soy     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by Trumpman1488 to Soyboys 2.6 years ago (+1/-2)
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It's just like the movies! ....right??     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by big_fat_dangus to Soyboys 2.8 years ago (+60/-0)
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"My wife's bf is so generous!"     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by big_fat_dangus to Soyboys 2.9 years ago (+38/-0)
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