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Why my name is gaperglory.

submitted by gaperglory to Goats 10 monthsJul 10, 2023 22:31:19 ago (+29/-3)     (Goats)

Gaperglory is a filthy jew comedy name that now disgusts me. It came from a time when kike filth filled my brain, and I couldn't distinguish good comedy from perverse kike mainpulation via comedy.

Why don't you change it, one might ask.
The same reason you don't erase a video of you drunk screaming and breaking shit when you're trying to get sober.
My name is disgusting and it shames me on Many levels. But, more importantly, it's an ever present reminder of how far I've come from the degenerate minded normie I was before I was on voat, and thoroughly j pilled.

I hope anyone who reads this can appreciate the transformation that you, the goats, have made on my mind. Now, I see the coding. I can sniff the kikery out of just about anything, Thanks to voat and goyimtv, as well as people in my personal life that showed me the truth, and set me down the path.

True niggerfaggot goats, all of you. Much love.

42 comments block

It's become so much easier to see the kike filth programming in everything now. From the little slips and inserts in certain places, to the big overarching actions that stem from the kike propaganda in the first place.

Voat is and should be a haven for those who wish to at least experience some daily dose of Truth.

May the name that you bear transform from an albatross into a cross. Your burden will eventually fade away.