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Community for : 3.9 years

Aporeciation for everything goats sub.

Owner: MrGoat


A small goat     (
submitted by dulcima to Goats 1 week ago (+22/-0)
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When goats are told to oven themselves     (
submitted by dulcima to Goats 4 weeks ago (+7/-0)
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Goat pageants are pretty cut-throat competitive      (
submitted by AugustineOfHippo2 to Goats 1 month ago (+9/-0)
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Goats doing the needful     (
submitted by dulcima to Goats 1 month ago (+41/-0)
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This video fits in this website somewhere. I just don't know where. Merry Christmas everybody!     (
submitted by iThinkiShitYourself to Goats 1 month ago (+2/-0)
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Goats be like...     (
submitted by iSnark to Goats 2 months ago (+1/-0)
Goats 2025 Wall Calendar     (
submitted by iSnark to Goats 2 months ago (+2/-0)
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The Goats 2025 Wall Calendar from BrownTrout is a delightful journey through the year with the engaging and versatile goat. Known for their playful nature and ecological benefits, goats are captured in stunning, full-color photographs that showcase their unique personalities and beauty. This 16-month calendar is perfect for anyone who appreciates these fascinating animals or enjoys a rustic touch to their home or office decor.

Dimensions: 12" x 12" closed, 12" x 24" open, ideal for wall hanging.
Features high-quality, full-color photographs of goats in various settings and poses.
Includes a spacious grid for each month, starting on Sunday, providing ample space for noting appointments, reminders, and special dates.
Environmentally conscious, plastic-free packaging, reflecting a commitment to sustainability.
Lists major U.S. holidays and observances, helping you stay organized all year round.

Each month reveals a new image, turning each page into a fresh discovery of the playful and serene world of goats. From rugged mountains to pastoral fields, these images not only decorate your space but also inspire a connection with nature and rural life.

Start planning your year with the Goats 2025 Wall Calendar and bring the charm and whimsy of these beloved animals into your daily routine. Order now and ensure you're ready for a year of adventure and quaint pastoral scenes!
Get your goat men in business calendars whiles they last     (
submitted by ymihere to Goats 2 months ago (+2/-0)
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Liaoning cashmere goats     (
submitted by dulcima to Goats 3 months ago (+14/-0)
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Weather Man MELTS down on live TV      (
submitted by iSnark to Goats 3 months ago (+1/-0)
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This guy has an account here! He HAS TO!
Good Morning Goats! Have A Happy Day!     (
submitted by Hoobeejoo to Goats 6 months ago (+4/-0)
Alrightie Ya'll I took your advice and only your advice! Sits in front of me is a beautiful rub eye steak cooked on the stove as only goats would recommend!     (Goats)
submitted by CoronaHoax to Goats 6 months ago (+22/-0)
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2 minutes on each side seared. Only salt and pepper (with garlic cooked in the oil). 30 minutes sitting out of the frig. 10 minutes sat out after cooking! here goes!
OG Goat Man     (
submitted by shitface9000 to Goats 8 months ago (+23/-0)
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Upgoat disapproval of PeckerwoodPerry     (
submitted by dulcima to Goats 8 months ago (+28/-1)
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Upgoat after dark     (
submitted by GreatSatan to Goats 8 months ago (+11/-0)
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5 was revealed to me in a dream.     (Goats)
submitted by ButtToucha9000 to Goats 9 months ago (+5/-0)
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An audacious scheme     (
submitted by UncleDoug to Goats 11 months ago (+4/-0)
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revealing one man's quest to create a giant hybrid sheep species.

spawning a pure genetic male Marco Polo argali that he named "Montana Mountain King".

I present to you, Mega Goat.

Man pleads guilty to trying to create a giant hybrid sheep species
Weeeeeee     (
submitted by Kozel to Goats 1.2 years ago (+32/-1)
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Goat roasting itself     (
submitted by dulcima to Goats 1.3 years ago (+21/-1)
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Goats run up a near vertical rockface     (
submitted by dulcima to Goats 1.4 years ago (+43/-0)
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Check yourself before you wreck yourself, nigger.     (Goats)
submitted by gaperglory to Goats 1.5 years ago (+14/-0)
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As I have recently been getting sober, which sucks and is awesome at different times, I've noticed a very unique perspective change.

I noticed that a lot of pent up rage i had against kikes and niggers (which i still do have in copious amounts), started to have it's volume in my mind turned down. Not so much that it went away, but rather I realized the hell I was living in was largely based on my own laziness (not working out, not being healthy), and my own addictions to substances.

Jews ARE the #1 problem facing our white countries and race today. Sobriety and health doesn't change this. BUT... If you find yourself sinking into a black hole of loathing and misery, I'd suggest you look in the mirror before you look at the world.

Youre my tribe, my niggerfaggots. WFP. Just take care of your body and your mind, otherwise you are useless to yourself, and the problem you so vehemently wish to put and end to. Don't let your mind project the bad choices you have made on to the world, because if you do, you have no chance of solving them.

(This message is in no way meant to defend pedo kikes or savage niggers, it is only a reminder that a sick body and mind can't produce a healthy society.)
Sumerbreeze is a faggot.     (Goats)
submitted by gaperglory to Goats 1.4 years ago (+2/-6)
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That is all.
I'll say it again. Sumerbreeze is a fucking retard faggot.
He's a dick sucker.
Putts from the rough.
Light in the loafers.
He should have spoofed a song like wap for his name. He's also coopting an awesome song for his shitty existence. Eat shit cocksucker.
DONTBEAPHAGGOT... My latest beta orbiter!     (Goats)
submitted by gaperglory to Goats 1.5 years ago (+4/-0)
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What's up bitch boy? You like eggplant? Bet you do!

Numnumnum eat it up dashiki.
I bet all the pavement apes show up for ur sloppy milkshake!
submitted by gaperglory to Goats 1.5 years ago (+4/-0)
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I just want to thank all you niggers and faggots out there for the upvoats. I want to thank my agent, my mom, my an-tee, and above all else lord father God Jesus.
I never thought this day would come as a chile'. My daddy was in prison as an innocent man, havin just so happened to be in the same house where 2 white hoes was raped n shit.
But regardless, I made it.

I wanna thank my beta orbiters for always downvoating shit when they see my name. I understand n sheeit that when yo dick be so small, a gaper ass nigga like me gon' make you feel like a bitch. And that's aight. Y'all make a nigga work harder, heard?

We got a lot mo awards to give out tonight and I'm seeing "wrap it up" lights flashing so ima just say once again. Praise him and fuck you nigger faggots. Much love, goats!
Where some goats get their ideas     (
submitted by dulcima to Goats 1.6 years ago (+14/-2)
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