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Degenerate Kike Podcaster "Adam22" Let His Newly Wed Wife of 2 Months Cuck Him By a Nigger

submitted by Scyber to CuckIsland 10 monthsJul 12, 2023 14:52:26 ago (+7/-1)     (www.dailymail.co.uk)


Adam22 - Real name Adam GRANDMAISON (yes real name) is a piece of shit jewish podcaster who has been promoting degenerate music and lifestyles on his podcast, "No Jumper" for about 10 years and recently got married to a pornstar whore in May after dating for 7 years, let his newlywed wife get fucked by a nigger on camera and allowed himself to get cucked for the whole world to see.

Adam is a fucking shitstain on modern culture who promotes the worst "rap" music out there, as well as drug and whore culture. He is openly jewish - there are pics of him wearing a tiny hat floating around online - and millions of kids/zoomers listen & watch his podcast worldwide. This piece of shit asshole is openly promoting the cuckholding of white males while trying to normalize it and make it part of mainstream culture.

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