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The IRS just wont stop

submitted by CovidHoldout to TellTalk 8 monthsSep 22, 2023 08:12:29 ago (+34/-0)     (TellTalk)

They already drained me of all my money, and they keep sending letters asking for more and more and more. There's always a reason they need to (((correct))) some paperwork or some item. Lately they want me to make estimated payments on my 1099 ... that no longer exists and hasn't existed for most of the year. I literally have to PAY income tax on NO income so the IRS can refund me later and/or keep the money and tell me to go fuck myself.

It looks like im getting another letter today from them, not sure what's in it yet. Based off the way it looks it's gonna be an audit letter, or an underpayment letter of some sort. These fucks are down to nickel and dime whatever they can out of the goy before the entire shit show collapses. Leave it to the IRS to be one of the only industries (maybe outside hospitals) where you have no clue what your tax rate is going in, and the IRS can just change everything on a whim for no reason or any reason years later because fuck you

34 comments block

Preferably a Jewish one.