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Movies About Abusive Wives.     (TellTalk)
submitted by FreeinTX to TellTalk 11 hours ago (+5/-0)
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I did a search to troll my wife.

Search came to with movies about abuse in marriage and abusive husbands. No lists about abusive wives.

Dolores Claiborne was the only movie I found and on any of these lists, and that bish wasn't even his wife.
I have so much faith for my race, and yet everyone hates my enthousiasm     (TellTalk)
submitted by BeholdTheLight to TellTalk 13 hours ago (+5/-0)
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I mention Rhodesia, people tell me the Whites deserved it. Asshole race traitors will happily fuck over their own for some good goy points. They jsut cash in their pension and their 401Ks, and they dont care what happens. Everything is a joke, a synonym to enabling satanism. Satanism is ok when its not in their backyard, so who cares? It's not MY problem, someone else will take care of it. And who am I to dare question the world?
Disease: it was all fine and dandy than it wasn't     (TellTalk)
submitted by BeholdTheLight to TellTalk 3 days ago (+19/-0)
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I commend the human body to be able to take on abuse for as long as it does, but like all systems, it eventually breaks. My dad was diagnosed with lung cancer a year or so ago. For a long time he was absolutely fine. Incrementally there were problems here and there, but overall he looked pretty normal. For a second we thought he might be in remission from how well he was doing. He eventually got a surgery to get some of it removed. And to a point we thought it would be succesful.

And then all of a sudden the symptoms went from barely an issue, to what the fuck just happened. He's been decreasing his eating considerably since he's out of breath eating. But what make his chest weird is that it doesn't work right. When he breathes in his lung volume decreases, like the lungs are vacuum cleaning the sides of the ribs. And when he breaths out his chest expands out from the lower side. So his lungs are working in a weirdly opposite way of how they should. It's like gripping a balloon on one side and having all the volume displacement on only one side of the balloon.

The doctor said he would be fine for the most part, and his cancer was slow growing and not that severe. Maybe he's just trying to make him feel better, who knows. But the way his lungs are functioning makes me think he's not long for this world. Fuck you big pharma and fuck you full of shit doctors
Liberalism and the fall of Belgium     (TellTalk)
submitted by BeholdTheLight to TellTalk 2 days ago (+4/-0)
When I used to live there, it was always the same shit. Idiot libtard White woman invites a turk or some african from who the fuck knows where. At least the dudes were sensible enough to import a Ukraini or something descent. Not really much better, but at least guys werent importing niggers and islamis. But the women just imported bottom of the barrel trash. Worst they fucking married these retard macacas.

Now the country, through rampant jewish tampering and being led by idiotic libtard behavior is completely destroyed. In the 90s Belgium had so much electricity it was able to export that energy to other countries. Now, it has a massive budget problem and is ruined. Smurfs comic books aint helping you i can say that
architecturally, everything is a box in the US     (TellTalk)
submitted by BeholdTheLight to TellTalk 3 days ago (+4/-0)
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The architecture is terrible, its like they took the most depressing, horrid design they could find. Its all masssive strip malls with parking lots, there' no beatuy, everything is catered to function over form. Its fucking depressing
Trump being blamed for everything, its absurd     (TellTalk)
submitted by BeholdTheLight to TellTalk 1 week ago (+11/-0)
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The guy hasnt even been in office and he's being blamed for everything. Even if he did cut the jobs, they're still there, so liberals are too stupid to understand that the existing gov personnel caused that crash in the Potomac, not Trump. And yet their answer is it keep all the incompetent morons where they are. You can't fix stupid
When the juice isnt worth the squeeze, what happens to all these new kids?     (TellTalk)
submitted by BeholdTheLight to TellTalk 5 days ago (+1/-0)
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You hear about all these women whoring it up on the internet, sending slutty pics, sharing on instagram, whatever. Do they have no shame? What happens when kiddo grows up and sees his/her mom's gaping pussy on the internet? And yet, its so normalized, that it reminds me of Weimar.
Happening. Plane Collides With Helicopter in DC     (
submitted by FreeinTX to TellTalk 1 week ago (+1/-0)
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why is everyone panicking over federal aid being cancelled     (TellTalk)
submitted by BeholdTheLight to TellTalk 1 week ago (+2/-0)
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these same fucks had no issues cancelling bank accounts, deplatforming people, murdering their opponents, throwing them in jail for years to let them rot. But now, all of a sudden they want to be treated like equals, as if all that heinious shit didn't happen. Also where in the constitution does it say the fed gov needs to pay for incompetent DEI hacks and assholes?
My boy Willy came home today.     (TellTalk)
submitted by __47__ to TellTalk 2 weeks ago (+45/-1)
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Willy was a foster cat I had. I obviously failed because he stayed with me which can be common. I had him since he was weened from his mother. Blue eyes which would eventually turn emerald green. He was everywhere I was. He would put his paws on me delicately when he wanted attention and would rub his face into mine. He suddenly started acting funny and was swollen in the abdomen. See male cats can get UTIs that become impacted but don't become a problem until it's too late. I watched him as he cried to me. No fever, swinging his tail. Made a vet appointment for the next day. Got up to use it and saw him next to the full food bowl and water bowl. He was gone. Had been for a while. Now he's a box ashes and a baggie of fur. I still see him in my dreams and he's fine. Thanks goats.
(((they))) are more evil than the average person could even comprehend     (
submitted by con77 to TellTalk 2 weeks ago (+47/-0)
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Trump Enfs Birthright Citizenship.     (
submitted by FreeinTX to TellTalk 2 weeks ago (+40/-0)
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It will be challenged, but Holy shit that's a big move.
Biden Pardons Fauci, Milley, and J6 Committee      (
submitted by FreeinTX to TellTalk 2 weeks ago (+49/-0)
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make Roman salutes great again!     (
submitted by con77 to TellTalk 2 weeks ago (+21/-0)
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we need to take the rainbow back too!
Hiring should NOT be merit based, it should be based on the core culture of America     (TellTalk)
submitted by BeholdTheLight to TellTalk 1 week ago (+5/-2)
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Hire Right, Hire White. Merit based is gonna be used to shift all the shitty DEI to chinks and pajeets
submitted by con77 to TellTalk 2 weeks ago (+11/-0)
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QAnon Shaman Gets Pardoned.     (
submitted by FreeinTX to TellTalk 2 weeks ago (+12/-0)
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imagine how killary tortured Bill over this     (
submitted by con77 to TellTalk 2 weeks ago (+10/-0)
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If You're Thinking About Suicide.      (TellTalk)
submitted by FreeinTX to TellTalk 2 weeks ago (+6/-3)
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Take as many people with you as possible.

The higher profile the better.

And, leave a cool ass manifesto.

Anything less and we'll all laugh at your death, cause you're pathetic.
Colorblind Meritocracy      (TellTalk)
submitted by FreeinTX to TellTalk 2 weeks ago (+2/-0)
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Get used to hearing the right wing jew version of DEI. It's every bit as anti-white as DEI, but from the right, instead of the left. Start learning how to address this and start getting used to being called a rayciss by right wingers.
At the smoke shop     (TellTalk)
submitted by __47__ to TellTalk 2 weeks ago (+7/-0)
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I was at the local smoke shop today. I know I know. I buy a pack of Lucky Strike filterless every so often. Guilty pleasure.

I was talking to one of the regular workers who I recognize. He knows what I get and usually has it on the counter by the time I get to it.

We were talking about today and avoiding news. And of course TikTok came up. I told him the real reason why it was getting banned.

"It's only getting banned because people are talking about a group of other people and they don't like that." Me.

He paused and thought a minute.

"Who?" He asked.

"Well the jews. They really don't like it when people can freely talk about them in less than a perfect light." I said.

"jews don't like anything!" He responded chuckling.

Told him it was the last social media app that wasn't owned by them and took my leave.
submitted by con77 to TellTalk 2 weeks ago (+4/-1)
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Not even in office yet, Trump's first act as president was to stymie the jew.     (TellTalk)
submitted by FreeinTX to TellTalk 2 weeks ago (+14/-4)
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But you dumb fucks are gonna pretend he's "working for jews". It's like you're fuckin' retarded or something.

Trump brought a ceasefire fire to Gaza, even if it isn't lasting, and diminished the Greater Israel effort. The path forward, under Trump, is rebuilding Gaza with Palestinians living in the region.
Missing from the inauguration, Nutandyahoo and Israel.      (TellTalk)
submitted by FreeinTX to TellTalk 2 weeks ago (+5/-0)
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Trump didn't mention Israel once and repeated the desire to be the peacemaker and the anti-war president. Nutandyahoo want even invited.

But, lemme guess, Nutandyahoo not getting the Greater Israel dream and facing prosecution is all "part of muh plan", right homos?
When the fuck did the new generation get so hpyer entitled and become such assholes?     (TellTalk)
submitted by GodsNotDead to TellTalk 2 weeks ago (+13/-1)
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Some backstory, an employee decided to get piss drunk (multiple times), cold called a bunch of employees, insulted the shit out of them, swore at them, and tried to sleep with one of those employees. He got fired after the 500th time of doing this shit.

In response this guy is now suing the company for discrimination ... The company in this case didn't do anything wrong. If anything the company went above and beyond to protect him at all costs, multiple times. But there's this mentality in the newer generation that consequences dont matter, that if someone slights you you have full permission to destroy that person's life, its an entire generation that has been brought up to use jewish tactics against others.

So now a company that tried its hardest to protect an ex employee from his own retarded behavior, is being sued for discriminating against him. Because we live in fucking clown world.