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Darkmoon: Fake AntiSemitism Manufactured by Jews - Mossad proxy Israeli group admits faking ostensibly pro-Palestinian Facebook pages to post AntiSemitic statements including "Death To the Jews" .. how much more of it is going on around here is what I want to know 'coz it sounds like a lot!!

submitted by TankTinker to Jews 6 monthsNov 7, 2023 18:31:28 ago (+4/-2)     (web.archive.org)


Did you know that the most virulent anti-Semitism is fake anti-Semitism manufactured by Jews? It is Jews themselves who often scrawl swastikas on walls, deface Jewish cemeteries, and create fake Palestinian websites with bloodcurdling messages like DEATH TO ALL JEWS! All this is done to create a backlash of sympathy for Jews and make people rally round and give their full support to Israel and the “persecuted” Chosen People. Darkmoon.

5 comments block

Thanks for outing yourself, rabbi.