One of the most interesting websites of the early interenet
( early articles here although not all our in every archive mirroring of this site so you have to go through the timeline to see some of the articles which included that the Vietnam War was fought to control the tiger oil field off the coast of Vietnam and the bombs were dropped in the ocean to do Sonic surveys of the ocean off the coast of Vietnam to determine the most productive area for oil and after the war our oil companies bid for those areas out competing the French
And that the dinosaurs died when a portion of the earth spun off to create the Moon in a great description of the fission theory of the origin of the Moon
And a complete discussion of how Rockefeller took over the oil industry by owning the patents on the rolling tank cars that the railroads had which carried the oil
And many many other fascinating original articles as well as a live indicator showing whether or not the original harp antenna in Alaska was on or off.
The internet used to be full of fantastic information sites like this. Many of them were lost when the geocities domain was taken down hundreds of thousands of people had posted their personal knowledge of interesting facts onto their own website for the first time in history.
Other amazing things were found in Yahoo groups which was suddenly and without warning just taken down and destroyed by Yahoo even though it was a mostly non-image-oriented site and really cost nothing to host the text.