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Are Walt Disney's children mentally retarded?

submitted by Conspirologist to AskUpgoat 6 monthsDec 3, 2023 07:56:41 ago (+20/-7)     (AskUpgoat)

When Walt Disney owned Disney, it was a based, successful company. Why didn't his children try to save their father's company from the Jews? Disney is now the most hated company in Hollywood, owned entirely by Jews.

23 comments block

Are Walt Disney's children mentally retarded?

You could ask the same about Henry Fords grandkids. Or Joe Kennedy's kids for that matter.

The apple may not "fall far from the tree", they have been known to take a bad bounce and roll a good ways.

Disney is now the most hated company in Hollywood, owned entirely by jews.

I don't know if you have noticed the historical pattern yet or not, but the instant jews identify any organization or institution as an enemy, they immediately begin infiltrating it.

Coming at first under the guise of friends,allies and/or "investors" (and yes, I'm looking right at you, James O'Keefe), then worming their way into positions of power and influence, bringing in more and more of their own kind, and then finally undermining and destroying it from within.

Poisoning the wells, and opening the gates.

Every. Single. Time.


