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I'm starting to lift heavy again so I can look like Arnold in Terminator and walk naked into bars.

submitted by we_kill_creativity to GoatFitnessClub 5 monthsDec 18, 2023 19:28:50 ago (+14/-1)     (GoatFitnessClub)

I've always maintained decent strength but focused more on speed, agility and endurance if I'm honest. Now I'm bored with that and want to be what they call "Chad Thundercock". Squatted, benched, and rowed decently heavy amounts for the first time in a long time today after 10 hours at work. It's great, I can still feel "the pump" and can already tell I won't be able to walk tomorrow.

Maybe you should lift heavy like me and we can walk naked into bars togeth...well...not together. That would be weird. People might think the wrong thing about us. But the point is this: I just wanted to make a post on GoatFitnessClub because it's been awhile and the whole point of the subverse was for Goats to inspire other Goats to quit being fat fucks. You're welcome.

EDIT: Relevant Terminator link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hZ45RU2Xty0

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