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It's too quiet. Kinda seems like somethings about to go down.

submitted by prototype to chatter 5 monthsJan 2, 2024 23:49:40 ago (+5/-3)     (chatter)

Call it a hunch.

11 comments block

make even the most plan trusting Q-tard question whether the time has come to act.

I think a fair number of people have already come to the belief that it is time to act, and having seen all the infiltrators, and break-up operations of their political groups/activism/protests, simply did what they did in 2016: saw no reason to telegraph what they are preparing for.

I make it my job to sympathize with them, to get into that headspace so I can know whats coming before it does.

If you had asked me to predict what major events would happen, I woulda said "probably extremists on our side shooting at judges after adverse rulings. Lots of that to come probably, ramping up with time."

And then the colorado supreme court shooting happened.

And the best predictor that it was one of us is that the federal domestic police force immediately classified it as unrelated, without even having enough time to make such a determination to begin with. Part of their playbook from the beginning, to prevent violence or extremist pushback has been to cow the right and middleclass with fear, and at the same time cover up any events that might rally the right and middle, unless those events could be spun to demoralize us.

I predicted a while back that the fedgov would transition from exploiting middle/right pushback, to covering it up as it became too hard to spin.

I expect more of this sort of thing to happen till it emerges into a crisis of legitimacy the federalist bureaucracy have to respond to, now that they can't exploit it and covering it up won't work for long.

They're in a pickle.

But regardless the conclusion is the same. The silent majority isn't planning on voting because first, they don't believe the elections are real, like at all, and unlike the bernie bros who decoupled from the election process when they got stiffed--unlike them, the silent majority faction of the right and middle aren't listening to the news and pundits anymore either, so they can't be defused.

And even worse for the regime, the silent majority is now split on support of trump (not significantly, but sufficiently) so a political stand-in for anger carries a serious risk of failing to contain that anger when trump does what every uniparty empty signfier has done so far, which is overpromise on the border, and under deliver (whether or not any of us believe it is his fault, or d.c. blocking him).
It'll be the ultimate capitulation.

And because the silent majority is composed of not just the right, but the middle, the middle won't go for deportation camps, so they'll immediately decouple even if trump is selected for office and even if the uniparty decides to do something real about the invasion so as to maintain their last scrap of legitimacy as a government. That'll lead to a civil war all by itself.

The u.s. government is very nearly cornered into a no-win position.

Personally I hope on some distant date "the jsix insurrection!" becomes real and the entirety of the federal government is decapitated by its own citizens so to speak. That'll be sufficient justice, to watch the entirety of the potomac burn for the decades of brow-beating, violent foaming at the mouth slander, over-policing, over-taxation, censorship, general denial of representation, and cultural terror they and their bureaucrats in the NGOs, news agencies, wallstreet, universities, congress, the senate, and intelligence agencies have committed against all of us.

I'm against violence and lawlessness, and I discourage both, but it is not a crime to watch a trainwreck, of their own making, unfold--watch from a good safe distance as what everyone can see is the inevitable, prove itself to be a self-fulfilling prophecy.

They made themselves a dictatorship. Their leaders will end up like every dictatorship eventually does.