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Cybertruck rusts out within a fortnight from regular use.

submitted by UncleDoug to cyberpunkreality 3 monthsFeb 15, 2024 05:35:33 ago (+29/-1)     (files.catbox.moe)


Cybertruck's are already rusting despite being stainless steel

StainLESS not StainPROOF, stainless steel is only corrosion resistant.

The Cybertruck owner said they washed to make sure the specs weren't just dirt, and since they stayed present on the metal, the owner booked a service appointment. According to the Cybertruck owner an individual at the facility said they have a "procedure/guidance for how to fix it, but they don't have the tools on hand, nor have they done this repair before." Notably, this Cybertruck owner had only clocked 381 miles on it during the 11 days they had it their custody.

Looking to Tesla's manual, it's stated the exterior of the vehicle is prone to corrosive damage that can be caused by "grease, oil, bird droppings, tree resin, dead insects, far spots, road salt, industrial fallout, etc

Almost all cars are made out of rolled carbon or stainless steel, then primed, painted with an acrylic polyurethane enamel, clear coated for the specific reason of reducing the environmental impact on the degradation of the material of choice.

Its painted that way so that it doesn't rust from stone chips, sand, sea breeze and bird shit ffs.

Is the world getting dumber? Did Tesla just pull a paper straw move?
*edit link above was a re-direct

49 comments block

i mean you're wrong on many counts, starship moved to 304L and they don't own any steel plants