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The Wasabi is flowering.

submitted by Sector2 to Gardening 3 monthsFeb 26, 2024 14:44:52 ago (+31/-0)     (files.catbox.moe)


Bought 3 sets of live Wasabi plants a couple years ago from a grower a bit south of San Francisco. First time they've flowered. Still in the one gallon pots, so probably time to separate the multiple rhizomes, harvest a few, and repot the rest.

So far the only pure Wasabi I've had is the freeze dried, so am anticipating my first fresh. You never get actual Wasabi at your sushi place. It's mainly horseradish and chemical dyes.

If you garden, the starts are very affordable, and they multiply off of the main rhizome. The initial 3 sets could become 24 separate pots now.

https://hmbwasabi.com/shop/ (plants and parts)

After winter and before summer heat is probably the best time for shipping.

8 comments block

Sector2 1 points 3 months ago

It should be 46°F–64°F, with 54°F–59°F as the ideal range. When the air temperature rises above 82°F, wasabi plants may become heat-damaged and infected by soft rot (Erwinia aroideae). Air temperatures below 46°F can slow or stop plant growth.

Average summer day here is 55F at night to 76F average day. That must be what they like so much. They've had 89F temps a couple times, and survived mid 30s. Morning and evening sun works here, but you'd want shade in warmer places. Good drainage is important too. Moist, but not wet. Here's a couple growing guides.



The people below are saying they need so much shade you can grow them in your basement. I guess if you're not in west coastal climate like mine.
