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true story from back in the day

submitted by con77 to WhiteBoySummer 2 monthsMar 25, 2024 22:09:01 ago (+10/-2)     (WhiteBoySummer)

I had a friend. Tall, good looking guy, always drove nice cars. His dad had money.

I cant remember where he met the bitch. Had to be a bar for sure. Good looking woman with a WILD streak a mile wide. My buddy was no shrinking violet himself.

She was a Tampa Bay Buccaneers cheerleader. He's telling me they were driving on Gandy Blvd. A major highway leading to one of the bridges that cross Tampa Bay.

They pulled to the side of the road and he started fucking her on the hood of his BMW! In rush hour traffic! He said cars were flying by leaning on their horns.

About 2 weeks later she comes over to his place on his birthday and is fucking him on his couch. Then he fucked up! While he's fucking her he says "I love you". She says "what did you say?". He says it again.

She says "thats what I thought you said". Gets up, straightens her clothes, and walks out the door!

He never spoke to her again. I could tell it bothered him. This was a guy that juggled women and laughed when he dumped them for the next one. Finally met his match.

13 comments block

I’m imagining cutting your slabby gut open as your slow grandma arms shake with adrenaline.