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Ah man, got some bad news about an old friend today

submitted by TheOriginal1Icemonkey to TellTalk 1 monthApr 10, 2024 20:22:52 ago (+12/-1)     (TellTalk)

Retired outlaw, old buddy of mine. When I say outlaw, I mean a guy who has always had his hands in criminal activity. Nothing violent, although he’s not one to fuck with, but just literal high dollar dope and gun related crime. Spent some time a few times in federal prison on related convictions . Dude is living under the radar, working, making his way while being clean and not doing any criminal stuff. His wife split and took his five kids to Idaho some years ago, but as he’s been doing better, his kids, now young adults, come to do see him on the reg and one of them moved in with him, she’s 22 now.

Daughter apparently stabbed one of her fathers friends, I don’t know anymore than that, like twelve times, left him for dead. She went on the run and was found two days later, dead from apparent suicide. I haven’t seen him or any of those kids in 14+ years, but man, what a bad trip. Dude is trying to do the best he can and his kid fucks up and rather than face the music, she whacks herself. He’s in a world of shit right now and while I don’t really communicate with anyone from my past, I can get to him through my sister.

Just feeling for muh old homeboy. Probably can’t help much from here.

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Harm done years ago can exhibit itself at any time.

Like time bombs waiting for a specific set of triggers